Monet’s reporting system is simple but not rudimentary. The three-dimensional images projected by the wristbands create the appearance of a slot machine in the air.

As the banknotes were inserted into the inverted slot of the wristband, the trigger of the slot machine was automatically pulled down, and the "spinning" brainwashing electronic sound penetrated the house, illuminating the shadows with psychedelic brilliance.

Who is Mandarin? Rich second generation, commercial genius, formidable person, mysterious hobby person, leader of Ten Rings.

The noisy and domineering life needless to say, no matter where Mandarin goes, his unique style can be immediately noticed, just like a firefly in the night.

Not to mention his deep, solemn imposing manner, and his surging ambition to rule the world. For him, money is just a number to achieve a goal, important, but unnecessary.

"I said,"

Mandarin spits out one mouthful of impure air, rubbed the full beard, and said indifferently: "Is there a problem with the burst rate of this expansion pack? Why every time I open a package, I can only open a lot of ordinary or rare, the highest is the epic, Legendary Grade item?"

Expansion package in the mall system

The Ten Rings members standing in front of him swallowed saliva and said one after another. In just 10 minutes, Mandarin had already lost 600,000 pounds of wealth.

Mechanical and electronic sound gently replied: "The explosion rate of the expansion pack is constant. The explosion rate of ordinary items is 70%, the rare explosion rate is 20%, the epic explosion rate is 9%, and the legendary explosion rate is 70%. It’s 1%, and it’s never half false."

An expansion package is only 10,000 pounds, which is very cheap. Mandarin is completely affordable. "First, give me three hundred packages to open one. "

No one responded, Mandarin gave a "Huh?", with sharp eyes swept across, Ten Rings members looked at each other in blank dismay, hesitantly replied: "My lord, there is not enough cash."

This time Ten Rings rushed to London and didn't carry much cash. It was even more stretched by Mandarin.

"Mowang system also provides credit card services."

Mechatronics timely interrupted and said: "Whether it is American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Develop Card, Million Card, Diners Club, or UnionPay card, you only need to put the credit card into the wristband inverted slot, confirm the amount and you can exchange it directly.

Moreover, Mowang system can accept currencies from various countries, eliminating the need for currency exchange. In the tax payment process, there is no middleman to make the difference."

Such considerate service did not make Mandarin's face much better. As a senior villain, he is different from ordinary people who use the system tyrannically abuse power and know it but don't know why. He recharges for the purpose of studying the magic net system, which is much higher theoretically.

One by one credit cards were put into the groove of the wristband, the numbers flowed, and the amount passed. Mandarin gradually became addicted to the excitement of opening the package.

Whose kids cry every day, which Old Brother loses every day? Maybe if you left it on, your luck would come back? When the time comes, haven’t you won the clubhouse young model?

Mandarin resolutely recharged with a swipe card, and the dazzling brilliance of the slot machine brightened his thin face.


Two young wizards, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, were sitting on the street of Diagon Alley, eating ice cream balls with a spoon. .

For them, this summer vacation has never been worse. Their best friend Harry Potter has disappeared strangely. The adults of the Phoenix club are silent about the reasons for Harry’s disappearance, even Dumbledore. He refused to talk more about it-just by knocking on the side, hinting that they could wait in Diagon Alley.

After all, Diagon Alley is the most crowded place in United Kingdom mystic. If Harry Potter did not die, did not travel far away, and was not imprisoned by a bad person, he would definitely appear in the vicinity.

The days of waiting and the scorching heat made them feel a little awkward, and they slumped on the open-air seats of the ice cream shop without making a sound.

Suddenly, Ron stared wide-eyed and stood up, "Wait, will that be Harry?"



Hermione hurriedly turned her head, only to see a thin silhouette wearing a hood disappearing at the corner of the street in the crowd.

The two looked at each other, and the long-term friendship, and their premonitions told them-that was Harry.

They patted a few silver Kexi on the table, squeezed through the crowd, hurriedly chased them, and finally grabbed the hood of the hood at the next corner.

They guessed right, this is Harry Potter, but his complexion is paler and thinner, his eyes are sharper and more determined, like a sword out of a sheath.

"Oh my God, Harry, where have you been recently? We couldn't find you no matter how we looked."

Hermione screamed angrily, and Ron first He punched Harry on the shoulder without seriousness, and then hugged the old friend fiercely.

However, to their surprise, Harry within both eyes only flashed with joy and nostalgia, and then slowly and firmly broke free from Ron’s embrace, "long time no see, Ron, Hermione."

Harry laughed and said gently: "nice to meet you, but I have to go."

Ron browses tightly knit, confused. With a strained face, "Where are you going?"

Instead, Hermione had guessed something vaguely, and said softly: "We are staying at 12 Grimmauld Place not far from here, where we are Dumbledore is used as the headquarters of the Phoenix Club.

Dumbledore, Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, your godfather, Heavenly Wolf, should have taught us Defense Against the Dark Arts class last semester Professor Aristo Moody, they are there too.

Come with us, Harry."

"...I also, some things are going Deal with it."

Harry Potter lowered his eyes and calmly said: "Something more important."

"What can be more important than staying with family? "Ron said directly and sternly: "Do you think oneself is unique? Huh?

On the Goblet of Fire, you saw with your own eyes that the person who can’t even mention the name has been resurrected, but still I ran out alone in this eventful autumn.

Do you know how worried we are about you? What if you are captured by the Death Eaters? What if you meet the mysterious person directly?"

"mysterious person?" Harry grinned indifferently, shrugged, and said casually: "You mean Demon prostrating on the ground?"

"Demon prostrating on the ground" this As soon as the words were spoken, the air in the alleys solidified for a few minutes.

In order to make oneself sound more domineering, Tom Marvolo Riddle deliberately shuffled the phonetic order of his name and created the word Demon prostrating on the ground, which was used as his real name.

Even in order to create fear, he also imposes a constant spell on the real name "Demon prostrating on the ground". Once anyone mentions it, he will be locked in by his hunch, and even directly teleported. Come here, kill those wizards who dare to mention the name.

Until everyone dare not say "Demon prostrating on the ground" anymore, they can only use words such as "mysterious person", "the person who can't even mention the name", "Demon prostrating on the ground", etc. Carry out referrals.

This is also the reason why the wizard world still has fear and awe of him more than ten years after his death.

Hermione and Ron breathed, involuntarily pulled out their wands, cautiously looked around all around, for fear that the resurrected black Demon King would come here.

"Don't worry, Diagon Alley was subjected to extremely powerful witchcraft by the Ministry of Magic. Demon prostrating on the ground impossible perceives this, and it is even more impossible to teleport it directly through Apparition."

Harry looked at his friends with sincerity and trepidation, as if they were facing an enemy, smiled, and said nonchalantly: "And even if he does appear in this alley, I'm afraid he will be able to go out alive. It’s not him.”

Ron was still at a loss. He didn’t understand why Harry acted cool so skillfully, but Hermione Granger’s face changed again and again, tight. He pursed his lips and stared at Harry's face without speaking.

Harry's eyes are a little lonely, can he tell his friends the truth about Blood Race?

Can he tell his friends about the Monet?

Can he tell his friends that oneself has become the first user of the magic net, can he distribute the casting certificate, and guide many magic net users to slowly discover the true face of Blood Race?


So he was just laughed, and said sadly: "That's it, friends, I'm leaving first."


Luo Eun just reacted, subconsciously trying to hold Harry's shirt tightly, but grabbed a hole, and watched his friend's body gradually distorted and dissipated.

After a long while, this brat from the Weasley family grew his mouth and said dryly: "...wait, you can use Phantom Shift in Diagon Alley. Curse?"

"No." Hermione bit her lip, looked at the end of the gloomy alley blankly, and whispered: "Let’s go, let’s go back to Phoenix. Harry, he won’t I'm back."

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