10 Downing Street, the house that served as the center of the administrative system of the British Empire, has witnessed a glorious moment, has witnessed the embarrassment of war and smoke, and has also witnessed the war After the end, the sun never sets the empire step by step to decline and decadence.

Reception room on the second floor, balcony.

In the afternoon, the breeze slowly moved the potted branches and leaves on the balcony railings, the sunlight was refracted through the glass, and the thin curtains, like gauze, left mottled shadows on the floor.

Li Ang and Rachel sat face to face on both sides of the small round table. On the redwood table, there are a wide variety of exquisite porcelain.

The tea is Qimen black tea, Miao Xiu is beautiful, and the color is black and lustrous. Exquisite and delicious sandwiches, cakes, fruit towers and other snacks are all served in three-layer porcelain plates, the edges of the porcelain plates are meticulously attached to the gold rim, revealing a slow or pretentious atmosphere.

One is a young entrepreneur who personally created an unprecedented huge business empire, and another is a tough female politician like Margaret Thatcher. The two slowly enjoyed afternoon tea, chatting and laughing, talking about the weather, Topics such as politics and business.

In name, Li Ang came this time to meet with the Prime Minister of United Kingdom as the creator of the meme company and discuss the employment plan.

"Yes, Prime Minister."

Li Ang took a sip of tea casually, and looked at the woman sitting opposite, said with a smile: "You should know that I am A biotech background, right?"

"I know."

Rachel Ross's mouth raised a gentle arc, and said calmly, "The variant you developed The gene stimulation device alleviates the social conflicts between ordinary persons and Mutants in the United States and the entire world.

And your hydroponic meat technology will directly save tens of millions of people from hunger, indirectly. The above solves the future food problem of mankind-in fact, I have heard some news from some places, this year’s Nobel Peace Prize is likely to be awarded to you."

"hehe, thanks Bumin, I can I don’t want to be awarded that kind of weird award."

Li Ang indifferent expression, curl one's lip, skimmed over this topic and said directly: "According to the content on the visitor form, I should talk to you at this time The problem of meme companies creating jobs in the United Kingdom.

But these days, I have made some new discoveries in London, some more important ones."

"oh? "

Rachel raised his eyebrows, placed the cup in the porcelain plate lightly, remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs changed to a more elegant posture, "I would love to listen."

Li Ang presses his palm on the table, and his five fingers touches the table back and forth, "as everyone knows. In 1985, American scientists first proposed the Human Genome Project, Human-Genome-Project, abbreviated as HGP in English.


HGP aims to clarify the 3 billion base pair sequence of the human genome, analyze and decipher all human genetic information, trace the origin to understand the origin of life, and understand the law of lifeform growth and development.

Today , HGP not only helps humans understand themselves and the world, but also helps humans to transform themselves and the world. Gene medicine, genetically modified animals and plants play an increasingly important role in human society-even my hydroponic meat and mutant genes The stimulating device is also the result that can be obtained by standing on the shoulders of the tall giant HGP."

Rachel nodded, with the establishment of the academy city, papers on mutant genes have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. After coming out, people have never been so passionate about genetic engineering like they are today.

Li Ang continued: "For me, it is not enough to get a sketch of the human genome. I have to go a little deeper."

Speaking of which, he paused. After a while, he said indifferently: "Did you read the post-event report of the New York disaster?"

"I have seen some, it was a disaster." Rachel Ross raised up At the tip of my eyebrows, I don't know what the New York incident has to do with the genetic map.

"At that time, the transcender that destroyed New York was called Apocalypse. His plan was to draw a huge amount of nutrients through strains, and use the Kabbalah Tree of Life in the Jewish teachings to complement itself and complete the gods. "

Li Ang put his chin on the back of his hand and said with a smile: "After Avengers successfully blocked Apocalypse, the Meme Company, as a partner of the American Government, successfully obtained some samples of strains that were still active. .

After a long analysis, we successfully went back to the original and discovered the secret of Kabbalah Tree of Life."

He took off the watch and tapped his wrist lightly. On the screen, a projection of the Kabbalah Life Tree appeared in the air.

"The Apocalypse only thought that Life Tree could help him enshrine gods, but he knew it but didn’t know why.

The true function of the Kabbalah Tree was actually to combine different sources. According to a pre-designed blueprint, hybrid DNA molecules are constructed in vitro and then introduced into living cells to change the original genetic characteristics of organisms.

In other words, Kabbalah Life Tree can be completely molecular Transform an independent individual, let the genes in his body be cut and spliced, arranged and combined in an unprecedented perfect posture.

Each cell is close to perfect and will have incomparable adaptability and plasticity. , Complexity, stability, mutation, such creatures can match the name of'God'."

Li Ang took a sip of the warm Qimen black tea, faintly said: "In other words, Tree The deity effect of of Life is only the appearance, and its essence is a kind of completion-you can also call it the human completion plan.

The designer of Life Tree is so powerful that you can't imagine it. The great existence of, its ingenious idea of ​​surpassing the damage and making up for the deficiencies, is even more similar to the ancient Taoist philosophies in China."

Rachel Ross is a little daunted, and this story is certainly true. Wonderful, but there is not much connection with United Kingdom and herself.

Li Ang seems to understand the confusion of the female prime minister, said with a smile: "The Kabbalah Tree of Life is an invention concocted by a great being-but the invention of that existence is by no means limited to Therefore, he is like an unperturbed chess player, placing his moves all over the world."

When Rachel realized something, his pupils shrank impenetrably.

Li Ang continued: "Through the London resident gene bank collected by the meme company, I discovered that in this United Kingdom capital, there are some alien species that are not human at all.

The brutal and bloodthirsty werewolf, the weird and powerful wizard, and the blood hobby, and the long lifespan Blood Race.

These heterogeneous gene maps are the same as I saw in the blueprint of the Kabbalah Life Tree design The content is exactly the same. They should be the same as the Apocalypse, and belong to the experimental product of the powerful existence..."

The door of the reception room was opened before the voice was heard, and dozen was the permanent secretary of the cabinet. The Elite Blood Race came in.

"Mr. Li Ang,"

The Secretary-General of the Cabinet of the British Empire, Sir Humphrey Applebill, showed two long and narrow fangs and said with a smile: "Could you Don’t think, oneself knows too much?"

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