"Borrow money?"

An expression of surprise and astonishment flashed on that standard poker face of Ancient One sorcerer. This was the first time the leader of the sorcerer league met In this case,

"Didn’t he create some Ten Rings to help him create terrorist incidents, usurp local hegemony, and search for wealth and interests? How could he still be short of money?"

" He didn’t say."

The king shook the head with a loyal face, and replied a little hesitantly: "But according to my guess, the reason why he wants to borrow may be related to those we recently discovered. The magic net equipment is related."


Ancient One raised his eyebrows slightly, and a trace of disdain flashed on the face similar to ET.

The spell-casting equipment recently obtained by the Sorcerer Alliance is extremely interesting and novel. It allows an ordinary person without aptitude to use the power of the Ether network to perform orthodox spells.

In this regard, there are many voices within the alliance. Some people believe that the appearance of the magic net is an unprecedented great invention in the history of the development of spells, which will push spell to the world.

Some people believe that the magic net is an evil conspiracy of hostile forces, which will lead those ordinary persons who are not firm enough to go astray, and it is a challenge to the supernatural status of the sorcerer.

And more people uphold the attitude of impartiality, and regard the magic net as a novel and interesting special creation. It is necessary to analyze and decipher its basic structure with the world view and methodology of the sorcerers. And the design principles, and then learn the true intentions of the creator of the magic net-although the analysis process is not smooth.

These voices remained deadlocked. In the end, Ancient One came forward to mediate the dispute and issue orders to gather the spell-casting equipment in the hands of the sorcerer alliance and put them to a dedicated research team for intensive research. Others cannot use them privately. .

"Even he is addicted to the pleasure of recharging and becoming stronger?"

Ancient One thought a little, and said indifferently: "Indulging in the power of vain, only It will make oneself cowardly."

Wang indifferent expression and nodded, said casually: "But the magic net creator is really powerful. Relying on the detailed and rigorous promotion system, he can always I feel the feedback mechanism,

step by step induces the magic net users to fall into it and cannot extricate themselves-together with the many years of sorcerers in the league, I also admire the magic net system. This recharge can be changed. Strong, simple, rude and interactive."

"Oh, after all, the magic net is just a tree without roots, water without a source, and only itself is the most reliable barrier."

be that as it may, but Ancient One sorcerer didn't mean to admonish Mandarin at all, and said indifferently: "You told him in the past that I am busy repairing the barriers of the real world and have no time to deal with chores.

As for borrowing Request for money, don’t the sorcerer league still have many Foundations in this world? Let them just set aside some money."


Wang Xiao, who received the instruction, ran down. After leaving the attic, I returned to Ancient One and reported to Ancient One, "sorcerer, Mandarin not only wants money, he also wants the Magical Artifact collection in the Sorcerer League Storage Hall."



Ancient One frowned and said: "The magic net system, hasn't it always been for money?"

"Now the requirements of the system have changed."

Wang was a little embarrassed. Said: "Mowang system recently launched an old-for-new, Magical Artifact going to the countryside.

If you donate the old Magical Artifact to Mowang, you can exchange for one on the basis of equivalent price. Magical Artifact.

Voodoo dolls are exchanged for nail-headed three arrows books, shaman skin drums are exchanged for Spirit World walking dust, we often use hanging rings to exchange invisibility cloaks, and so on."

Ancient One brows tightly knit, with thin lips stretched together. As the leader of the sorcerer league, she has been busy strengthening the Formation recently. She is not very concerned about the magic net system, and she doesn't even know this kind of operation.

"According to the relevant regulations of the sorcerer alliance, Mandarin, as a member of the alliance, can exchange money based on personal contribution value and obtain Magical Artifact collections from the collection."

Wang cautiously said: "Your opinion is..."


Ancient One sorcerer gloomy face, there is no utterance.

The "sorcerer alliance" is said to be an alliance, but it is actually a loose organization formed by several relatively large mystic forces.

In this alliance, there are not only the sorcerers from Europe, but also the Voodoo Poison Cult from Africa, the primordial religious shaman from South America, and the Ancient One from Kamar-Taj.

These powerful transcenders, with different sources of power, were originally designed to concentrate their strength and resist attacks from the strange foreign world that ordinary people can’t touch.

However, where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, even more how a bunch of transcenders who contradict religious beliefs, life customs, and moral concepts.

Disputes are inevitable, and sometimes they have to stage a full martial arts--at this time, whoever has the biggest fist is the one who has the right.

So, the most powerful powerhouse that can use martial power to "convince" everyone else and "mediate" all disputes will be honored as "Sorcerer Supreme", which is the leader of the alliance.

Ancient One happens to hold this position.

Although she can't understand the mandarin who stirs the wind and the rain with his extraordinary powers and acts indiscriminately, but the latter is also a member of the loose organization of the Sorcerer League,

Even Ancient One himself, before he caught Mandarin "abusing spell to poison the world", could not rely on his personal likes and dislikes to refuse the other party's reasonable request, or even forcefully deprive the other party of his membership and expel him from the Sorcerer League headquarters.

Just as Ancient One was thinking about it, the creak of boots stepping on the wooden planks suddenly sounded at the other end of the attic.

Mandarin stepped on the stairs, wind Danyun walked up gently, the grandiose ring worn on his ten fingers is still dazzling and luxurious, as the sun deflects, reflecting the brilliance.

The thin old man put his hands behind his back, calm, calm and calm, "Ancient One, long time no see."

The king's complexion changed, as the headquarters of the Sorcerer League , The defense array of this house has been improved and reinforced by so many successive generations of sorcerers, and each layer is equipped with strong imprisonment.

Mandarin did not obtain a pass to board the top loft, which means that he deciphered and passed through all the arrays without triggering any alarms.

The Royal General cast his gaze on Mandarin's arm, and he found the spell-casting equipment there.

With the support of Mowang system, Mandarin has become stronger again.

"long time no see."

Ancient One turned around and said without a trace of emotion: "Your request will be met. Now if you don't mind, Please leave here."

"Leave? Of course not."

Mandarin shook the head, strolling in the garden, looking at this attic that is not open to the public, "I am also a sorcerer The members of the alliance have the responsibility to protect the world from the outside world.

Especially now, when wind and rain are coming, the building will fall, and I have an obligation to stand at the forefront of the battle line and help support Sorcerer Supreme You, aren’t you?"

He pointed to the crystal clear and near-transparent floor-to-ceiling window at the end of the attic, said solemnly: "Maybe those Blood Races are still indulging in power struggles, maybe those wizards are still Obsessed with the so-called black Demon King prediction, but you are different.

You can see a more real future, a darker future.

In order to stop London, United Kingdom and even The whole world is shrouded in shadows. We must unite all the forces that can be united and use all the resources that can be used."

After that, Mandarin took a step forward, stretched out his palm, and said indifferently: "Look. , I am also a force that can be united. I am qualified and have reason to be instilled by the resources of the Sorcerer Alliance.

So, I want money and Magical Artifact."

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