The two went out of No. 93 Diagon Alley and walked in the dark alleys.

Constantine shook off the ashes and asked casually, "Are you nervous? Boy?"

"Nervous? No, I'm calm."

Harry touched the wand in his trouser pocket concealedly, and calmly replied: "also, please don't call me a'boy', Mr. Constantine."

Constantin twitched his lips indifferent expression , Looking at the young colleague who was newly rationing him, he said casually: "Well, Savior Potter, I have another question, have you killed anyone?"

"This is the same as our Quest Is it a relationship?"

"Of course." Constantine said with a smile: "Look, I like to act alone, because any partner who ventures with me will most likely be violent death, or Either the corpse was broken by the evil sorcerer, or the trap Myriad Arrows Piercing Heart, or the soul was dragged away by the hell demon tortured.

But now I work for Mr. Li Ang, and I can’t treat my partner as a partner again. Sexual consumables, it’s unclear.

So I must understand you, at least let me know that you are not the kind of Holy Mother who will put me in danger because of soft heart at critical times — —This kind of probability will extend to the future where I must kill you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Constantine, this kind of probability does not exist."

Ha Leigh Potter said peacefully: "If necessary, I never mind getting oneself's hands bloody."

"It's not enough."

Constantin grinned, "Look. , Mr. Li Ang gave us an order to set off a revolution that swept London. Do you know what this means?

It's like the tea dumped in Boston Bay in 1773 and the gun that fired in Sarajevo in 1914 Sound, our role is to fuse the explosive barrel of London.

The collision of ideals and lies, the struggle between justice and morality and the inherent legal system, death and blood, chaos and disorder dance together, we The action will incite the people of London, many people will die, and the lives of these innocent people will be counted on your head.

Can you bear it? Can you stick to your original intention?"

"I can."

"Lie." Constantine shook the head, "Tell me, how old are you now? 17? 18?

What we are going to do, It’s not a treat to dinner, it’s not painting or embroidering, it’s a naked and bloody violent revolution.

I’m ready to start the killing. Now, you better prepare yourself, kid. "

The light of the cigarette goes out here, and the topic is over. The two walked out of the alleys and parted ways.

They have their own battlefield.



On cold rainy night, Constantine walked on the path in the suburbs of the city.

The lonely rain was hitting the dome hat, the hem of the robe was blew by the wind, and the chill got in through the cuffs. , Let Constantine tighten his sleeves.

At the end of the road, the silhouette of the English manor was faintly discernible, and dozens of luxury sports cars faintly stopped on the curved gravel road.

A banquet is being held, limited to the banquets of the top elite in England.

Constantin does not drive a luxury sports car, but also wears strange clothes, so as soon as his boots are on the lawn, there is a suit and leather shoes. The security guards from tall and strong approached.

"Sir, please show your invitation card. "

As the security officer said, his palm faintly pressed on the baton around his waist.

"Invitation? Uh, let me think about it, I should put it here..."

Constantin slowly reached his hand into his pocket, took out a porcelain mask from it, and buckled it on oneself On the face, "This is my invitation. "

The two burly security guards glanced at each other, and walked over from left to right. "Sir, this is a private property. Breaking in without permission..."

"I advise you. "

Constantin interrupted the security's line and said calmly: "Leave here now, drive in your broken car, and go home to sleep for a night, nothing will happen. "

A hesitation flashed between the security's eyebrows. Obviously, they did not seriously consider the mask man's suggestion, but were calculating how to win this nonsense lunatic with the least cost.

"Don't you leave? I admire your professionalism. "

Constantin curl one's lip, his palm firmly buckled the shoulders of the two security guards.

This warlock's body has already undergone numerous transformations in the underground base. Two magical hearts can release surging magical powers, three lungs can absorb Ether in the air through breathing, the ribs formed into a bone plate can withstand the impact of a hydraulic machine, and they are injected with the Venom parasite artificial muscle fiber cluster. There is no stronghold one cannot overcome.

Constantine with no difficulty lifted the two security guards into the air, making him crash on a sports car and fainted.

The car window glass shattered to pieces, and the sudden sound of sharp vehicle siren interrupted the harmonious atmosphere in the banquet hall. Together with the bands that were guest performers from the upper class, they also stopped playing music. Everyone looked out, trying to see exactly what was happening outside. What's wrong.

Constantin pushed open the heavy door and walked in. The pitch-black leather boots stepped on the marble floor, making a crisp and sweet tapping sound.

"Good evening , Everybody. "

He pretended to bow, and the mask smile looked extremely sarcasm.

The man of the manor came out, this handsome middle-aged man frowned, with The most elegant Oxford accent asked: "Who are you? "

"I am electricity, I am light, insignificant dust, and Sovereign the king of life and death for hundreds of millions of people-it is not important, but who are you? "

Constantin scanned the crowd. Even if he hadn't returned to London for a long time, he could still find some familiar faces in the crowd.

Medical insurance industry giant, media group A tycoon, a Parish Bishop from London, the next cabinet minister who will run for the prime minister...

Everyone present is a leader in their respective fields, and they are all "influential figures" that can stomping their feet to shake the situation in London. .

The flat-headed people may not see them in their entire lives. When they saw them on the street that day, they had to take out their cellphone and take pictures with excitement.

More importantly, Only a small part of these influential figures are Blood Race, and more people are just plain ordinary people, flattering and flattering Blood Race with a pleasing and humble attitude-like a dog wagging its tail and praying for attention.

Constantine stroked the lips of the mask. The cold ceramic touch made the warlock feel that oneself was stroking a lady's skin.

He turned his face to face the manor The host said softly: "Can you tell me, what is the theme of this banquet? "

"This is just a charity dinner. Some decent people came to attend. "

The owner of the manor said blankly: "Listen, sir, I don't know why you came here, but I advise you to leave immediately, because what happens next will be less civilized . "

Constantine didn’t seem to hear the second half of the threat, touched the chin, each minding their own business, and said: "The dinner between Blood Race and non-Blood Race, if it’s just food , Fine wine, music, and dance, it seems a bit vulgar and boring, doesn't it?

Let me guess, there must also be some more exciting content here, some content that can make you who have enough powerful noble masters feel excited about your whole body..."

He raised his arm and pointed his finger towards a wooden door at the end of the banquet hall.

The Ether commanded like an arm, with no difficulty, blasted the wooden door, and a giant parked behind the door The dining car dragged over.

The owner of the manor’s eyes shrank, the tailored suit heard the sound of silk and silk cracking, and as the body swelled, thick blood could soar under his feet.

Among the crowd, Blood Race also stood up. These divine blood clans with extraordinary powers stood silently at the exits of the mansion, looking towards the masked people in the center of the hall with cold eyes.

The three-story dining car was shrouded in red cloth, and the shadows could not see its true content. Constantine walked up slowly and lifted the red cloth.

On the top of the dining car, there is a golden A girl with long hair. She is wearing a white wedding dress with twine tied around her hands and feet. She is half-conscious and hung on a wooden cross. Her white and flawless skin is even more sacred under the light.

Second of the dining car Layer is a large box of syringes with slender hoses. These syringes lie peacefully in the wooden box, waiting for people to pick it up.

"...the content of the banquet , Is ceremony. "

Constantin said softly: "In order to consolidate the bond between Blood Race and mortal elites, we must maintain long-term communication, and the best way to communicate and domesticate is through inhumane and anti-social ceremony. .

Just like the United States likes to convene a string of wealthy businessmen to worship Evil God, you will find a pure and beautiful girl, tie her to the cross, poke her blood vessels with a syringe, and smoke one by one. Her blood.

Girls who have been raised for several days, their blood is already filled with high concentrations of psychedelics. These potbellied mortal elites will complete the'spiritual sublimation' in this religious ceremony. In this way , Hypnotizing oneself, thinking that oneself is one step closer to Blood Race. "

Constantine slowly turned around, looked towards those blood races and humans of gloomy face, and said plainly: "All religions will use all kinds of ceremony to strengthen the secret of Divine Transformation and strengthen the hypnosis. , The only difference is just whether the ceremony is cruel or not. "

The owner of the manor shook the head with a light smile, and walked slowly along with the other Blood Race compatriots, enclosing the masked man in the middle, "What do you want to explain?" "

"...I don't want to explain anything. "

Constantine stared at the distance, with indifferent eyes, looked at the expressionless mortal elites, and said calmly: "I just want to ask, how long has this ceremony been held?" How many people are involved? How many lives were killed? Does anyone care? "

"It's just a bunch of pigs. "

A thin and pale Blood Race youth sneered with a smile: "How many dirty things are needed, sometimes I also like to hold those women who are half sucked blood and half dead. On the ground, make another shot while it's hot. "

He moved his lower body, and such a rude gesture caused a burst of laughter.

No one, including the human elite, panicked. This is the manor of Blood Race, Blood. Race’s base camp, no one—whether he is Dumbledore or Ancient One, whether he is Grindelwald or Demon prostrating on the ground, can’t make waves here.

"Yes, pigs That's it! "The other Blood Race said in harmony, drank the red wine, let the wine glass fall freely, and smashed it on the ground, "If you go to our back garden with a hoe, you can find the reason why those flowerbeds bloom so luxuriantly." . "

"Speaking of flower garden..."

Blood Race, the youth seemed to think of something, looked towards the media group tycoon in the crowd, and said casually: "That's right Mike , Isn’t there a nosy reporter in your BBC? I heard that the daughter of a rural woman was lost, so I asked him to investigate? "

The media group tycoon said hurriedly: "He has been dealt with properly, and no one will ask again. "

Blood Race youth laughed with satisfaction, "That's good, continue to help us manage the United Kingdom, sooner or later, the qualification for the conversion ceremony will fall on you. "

"Really? Thank you so much. "The media tycoon screamed excitedly. In the envious eyes of others, he knelt down and kissed the ring on the finger of the Blood Race youth.

This is the status quo in United Kingdom.

Constantine watched all this indifferently. The elite masters of aloof and remote served the Blood Race, praying for the qualifications to transform ceremony, in order to maintain the rotten and stinking body.

The so-called longevity, these people can do the most despicable and dehumanizing things-no, even if there is no Blood Race as an inducement, the completely corrupted elite can still rate the beasts and cannibals, use power and wealth to satisfy deep in One's heart is the most rebellious, dirty and nasty fantasy.

Constantine, who considers himself a scum, almost vomits when he looks at everyone present. Even the most cruel and cruel demon in hell can’t do it. Like these people, they shamelessly and immorally persecute fellow human beings.

The hell is empty and the devil is in the world.

Constantine raised his arm and pointed his finger towards towards him. That excited and grateful media tycoon.

"Ezekiel Book 25:17. "

He whispered, "The road to justice is surrounded by tyrannical evil men, guiding the weak in the name of compassion and kindness." "

The prayer words came out, and the bleak green light directly hit the rich man with a fat brain, causing him to fall to the ground, screaming.

The man’s skin was withering, and the flesh and blood was dying. Rotting, his eyes suddenly violent, and muddy water splashed down the ground.

"Blessed is the man who guides the way through the dark, because he takes care of his companions and finds the lost lamb. "

His soul is burning, and countless sins are turned into karma, which tortured this corrupted Soul Spirit.

The flesh and blood in his throat turned into flies.

The worms spouted from the nostrils, mouth, and ear canal, and covered his brain draining head.

"Those who dare to poison my companions, I will retaliate against them. "

The tragedy happened too fast and too fast. As soon as those Blood Race elites reacted, Constantine turned his arm and pointed his fingertips at the skinny Blood Race.

"When the time comes, they will know that I am the Lord. "

The tragic green rays of light lit up again and hit the Blood Race.

The flesh and blood withered, the horrible howling sounded, and a long breath came from the depths of the manor.

The blood patriarch here is old and woke up.

"Wake up? That would be even better. "

Constantin grinned, looked at the Blood Race and the humans who lost one's head out of fear, and whispered, "Kill now." "

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