Of course, the Mounted Police will not be ambiguous. He took out his baton and handcuffs from his waist and said calmly, "Sir, London has a curfew system. If there is no proof of communication, it would be interference to appear on the street. Social security violations.

Now please hold your head in your hands and stand in the corner."

Li Ang sighed, glanced at the rank of the Mounted Policeman, and said casually:" Okay, Officer Miller, I am willing to accept United Kingdom legal sanctions.

But can you tell me, what is the London night TV show now?"

"Uh... .What?"

The Miller officer who had never been asked this question hesitated for a second, and frowned said: "It's nothing more than late-night talk shows or boring soap operas or TV commercials."

"Really? That's really boring."

Li Ang curl one's lip indifferently. As the British Government gradually tightens entertainment programs, the people of London can enjoy it. There are also fewer and fewer channels for joy. All talk shows have become flattery to the British Empire. Any doubts and slanders about the high-level and Prime Minister Rachel Ross cannot exist.

"Well, Officer Miller, let me tell you that next, London will stage an unprecedented grand ceremony."

He lifted a finger. Point to the very far, "England and Wales Criminal Court" on Barry Street.

That quaint, solemn, and majestic Victorian-style building has been standing there since the 15th century. It can be said to be the Place of Origin for the entire United Kingdom and even the entire European judicial system.

At the top of the Criminal Court, there is Golden’s "Adopted Daughter Divine Idol". She holds a balance in her left hand and a sword in her right hand. Her expression is solemn and determined, and her divine gaze is carved with the hand of a craftsman. , Overlooking the entire London.


Li Ang chanted a Latin sentence and said with a smile in the puzzling eyes of the Mounted Police, "This is carved in the Adopted Daughter Divine The ancient Greek legal proverb behind Idol means'to achieve justice, even heaven falls and earth rends.'"

The mounted police disdainful smile, who has not been re-educated, dismounts and raises handcuffs to the opponent In front of him, he was ready to arrest this gibberish young man and bring him to justice.

"30 seconds."

Li Ang said calmly and gently: "Thirty seconds later, the air defense alarm horns all over London will play Tchaikovs based on 1880. The orchestral work "1812 Overture" created in 1991,

This piece has a unique and profound people’s character. It resounds in every corner of the city like a steady wave, with a solemn and powerful The posture, fiercely grasping every audience, is above the times."


The Mounted Police hesitated for a while, he Carefully re-examined the other party, not in a hurry to perform official duties.

"Forty-five seconds later, as the military band joins in the performance, the sound of the music enters the solemn and majestic apex. The England and Welsh criminal courts, which symbolize the European judicial system, will explode and burst into flames. , You can see clearly even from the farthest part of the city."

Li Ang said loudly with a smile: "The roar of the criminal court’s explosion should match every drumbeat of "1812" and be curfew. The London residents who are driven into the house by the system will stick their heads out of the windows and watch the huge fireworks display with timid, confused, surprised, and stunned eyes."

The Mounted Police was a little uneasy. , His reason tells him, hurry up to fulfill his own duties, handcuff the other party, don't listen to these nonsense. However, his premonition told him that maybe he could wait for a while, and he should wait for a while, waiting for the time limit said by the other party to arrive.

The Mounted Police couldn't help but glanced at the watch, slowly raised the handcuffs, in this modest way, persuaded oneself to spend this short period of time.

Tick, tick, the second hand moves, and time goes by quickly.

30 seconds, it's here.

The Mounted Police couldn't help but look up.

Those broadcast speakers that were originally used to sound air defense alarms during World War II have been replaced and cut in a long history. It is no longer a war age, and the people do not need to worry about the iron hoof of *** Coming again.

People need entertainment, entertainment, and also entertainment.

Therefore, there is no need for outdated broadcast speakers. These things are all historical dust that should be swept into the garbage dump. Only recently, Prime Minister Ross wanted to broadcast speeches to the residents of London at any time. Ordered the relocation of speakers on various streets.

Involuntarily, the Mounted Police swallowed saliva and said.

The loudspeakers standing quietly, with their heads high, facing the night sky with sparse stars in Wudu.

Harry Potter in a cloak appeared on the upper floors of a residential building across Barry Street, and glanced at his watch indifferently.

The time is up.

The slight sound of music like an illusion began to sound.

First, the solemn playing of the brass group, elegant, brilliant, solemn and magnificent, full and loud.

Then there is percussion, step by step, composition evolution, as the same wave after another pushes the imposing manner upward.

The string group played here, and the violin, cello, and double bass took firm steps one after another, like a team of determined soldiers, marching to the battlefield uniformly.

All the residents of London opened their windows and looked out.

Scotland field policemen patrolling the streets, looking up.

The elite bureaucrats who live high on the top of the luxurious building came back to his senses from the feasting and drunken fans, and rushed to the window in amazement, holding a wine glass in one hand, and supporting the window edge with the other, in disbelief. His eyes looked down at the living city of London.

"Damn! What's going on?!" The roar sounded at 10 Downing Street.

The Mounted Police on the side of the road trembled, and the handcuffs fell involuntarily to the ground.

He knows what is going to happen.

Finally, "1812 Overture" has reached its peak-bells and drums roar! The sound of the cannon!

The Adopted Daughter Divine Idol on the top of the Criminal Court suddenly split, and the flames skyrocketed. The balance and sword in the statue's hand flew out, as if to divide London into two.

The stone building structure collapsed suddenly, the glass was violently propped up by the expanding hot air, and the glittering shards reflected the dazzling firelight and splashed to the ground in all directions.

Fireworks, slowly rising from the collapsed criminal court structure,

Outline two arc-shaped trajectories, intertwined into a V-shaped structure, cutting through the dark sky.

V, the favorite gesture used by Prime Minister Churchill, once again surpassed London with the dazzling firework gesture.

The confused residents looked around and questioned each other, while the policemen in the street below screamed and threatened with their batons, making them obediently and honestly retract their heads.

"This is just a prelude."

Li Ang said slowly: "The explosion in the criminal court, like a stone thrown into a pond, will cause ripples. .

The ripples passed and expanded layer after layer, and finally turned into a stormy sea, overshadowing all the voices of opposition."

The Mounted Police turned around tremblingly. , Looked at Li Ang, and said grimly: "Who are you anyway?"

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