10 Downing Street, Prime Minister’s Office.

As the spokesperson of the Blood Race thirteen clan in the United Kingdom and the permanent secretary of the British Empire, Sir Humphrey Appleby sat in front of the Prime Minister’s desk, his solemn face unable to hide his anger.

The current Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Ms. Rachel Ross, sits in a chair, eyes closed in contemplation, rubbing her brows haggardly.

The dossier of the London suburban estate massacre case is on her desk, and the word "confidential" is printed on the brown hard paper cover-this is what made the female prime minister sad.

Rachel oneself knows that London elites such as cabinet ministers, media tycoons, Parish Bishop, etc. often participate in some "banquets" open to the public by Blood Race.

Erosion and extravagance can no longer satisfy the gloomy desire of "influential figure". Only by some more deviant activities can stimulate the numb nerves of the powerful.

Put slaves bought on the black market into underground prisons and order them to fight each other until the last person;

Set up evil clay idols privately and use kidnapped two-legged sheep to carry out blood sacrifice, a living sacrifice, to worship Evil God;

Raise the ***, put a collar on the ***, exchange it at the banquet, even if it is alive and dead, don’t hesitate;

When he first took office as prime minister, Rachel Ross was extremely shocked by the content of these "banquets".

Not comparable to a certain American female secretary of state on the other side of the ocean, she still has the most basic morals Guan, after seeing the horrible to see horrible to see horrible to see, she immediately planned to intervene in the banquet held by Blood Race.

However, before the decision documents left the office, there was Blood. Representative Race knocked on the door and discouraged Prime Minister Rachel Ross.

"Blood Race is the real manager of the United Kingdom and even Europe. If the ethics of the Prime Minister does not allow these content to appear, then I can go back and tell my compatriots to let them use foreigners as consumables.


As long as the sacrifice is not a citizen of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Ross has no reason to stop the entertainment and entertainment in these banquets."

In the final analysis, the position of Prime Minister of United Kingdom It was just a shield from the bureaucracy of the British Empire. It was separated from the support of many United Kingdom bureaucrats headed by Sir Humphrey Applebill. She couldn't even add a chef's position to 10 Downing Street.

Withdraw his thoughts from the memory, Prime Minister Ross opened the file and looked at the pictures of the bloody crime scene.

Constantin’s personal evil tastes are fully evident in the photos.

The Parish Bishop who loves to play with *** wears a sacred white robe, lying on his back in the middle of the hall, and the two plucked eyeballs are placed on the palms of his hands, instead of filling the eye sockets are two golden gold The gold coin.

The media tycoon who likes to manipulate public opinion and cover up the truth has his body hung on a chandelier, and his mouth is still stuffed with a few hairy "Yang ♂ Ding ♂ Tian" of different colors and sizes— This is obviously mocking the media group talk nonsense.

As for the poses of the rest of the powerful bodies, they are all ingenious, different and interesting, with both black humor and bloody brutality.

Ms. Rachel Ross sighed and closed the dossier.

The crimes of these people are too numerous to read. Naturally, they die without regret. The only thing to worry about is how to explain the cause of death to the outside world.

In fact, if all the top dignitaries in the United Kingdom are shot in a row, there will definitely be mistakes; if you kill one after another, you will definitely miss the net.

The most important thing is the death of Blood Race.

Those glamorous longevity species, whose limbs and skeletons were torn apart by the extremely rough magic, the thin pieces of meat were evenly spread on the ground, like snowflakes frosted beef on a porcelain plate. It is mouth-watering.

The many heads of Blood Race are neatly stacked together to form a hill, and a green broccoli flower is inserted at the top of the hill.

Prime Minister Ross is not a person with heavy tastes, but when she sees these pictures, deep in one's heart still rises a little bit of comfort.

People who rate beast cannibals will kill them all!

There was an impenetrable smile at the corner of her mouth, but it was immediately covered by a sigh—after all, there was a Blood Race spokesperson sitting on the other side of the desk.

The collective death of a blood patriarch, two Blood Race dukes, and dozens of Blood Race nobles has caused an uproar within the thirteen clans. These longevity species have not happened since the end of the Middle Ages. Over such a huge loss of personnel.

"Humphrey, this matter needs to be thoroughly investigated."

Ms. Rachel Ross frowned and said solemnly to the Secretary General: "Regardless of the person who caused the massacre Whoever it is, no matter how much the cost is, the British Empire will not allow such brutal crimes to occur."

Such words are pure polite words and have no meaning.

"Thank you for your kindness, Prime Minister."

Sir Appleby nodded and said, "The clan will not ignore the death of the members of the Blood Race. We will send an internal investigation Strength, investigate this thoroughly.

All you have to do is to help us with the aftermath and stability maintenance work."

"I know."

Prime Minister Rose was stern, nodded, and set the tone for the massacre case.

"Then, let's talk about the gold medal host."

Humphrey took out another document and spread it out in front of the prime minister. "According to the investigation, That gold medal host was hit by the wizard’s Imperius curse, so he would make a big splash on the BBC TV show."


Prime Minister Ross raised his eyebrows in a little astonishment. "Aren’t they not interfering in the normal world anymore?"

"That’s right, those poor bugs whose brains were eroded by divine blood are now busy dealing with the return of the black Demon King."

Humphrey's gloomy face, looked thoughtful and said: "But there is a lot of strangeness behind this. Why does the secret mastermind use the name Demon prostrating on the ground to act? Why does the wizard choose to be at such a point in time? Provoking trouble?"

The permanent secretary of the cabinet gritted his teeth, he could feel a net hiding the sky and covering the earth, moved towards London covered it, unable to escape, unable to escape To retreat, one can only watch the scope of activity continue to be eroded and occupied.

He came back to his senses and said softly: "Prime Minister, before they say that November 5 is also half a month, what we have to do at the moment is to block the news. , To stabilize the situation and guard the hearts of the people."

"I have arranged for manpower to handle it."

Prime Minister Ross sighed and said in a serious tone: "The curfew will be strictly enforced. Going forward, the intelligence agency will cooperate with the Scotland field to monitor all London residents and collect public opinion data.

Middle East refugees will be strictly controlled as never before, and no unusual behavior will be allowed to avoid letting London residents. Too excited.

In addition, the British Empire’s army has also been stationed outside the city. If necessary, they can enter the city at any time to help the Scotland field maintain stability.

The secret mastermind tried to The existence of Blood Race has been leaked to the outside world. In recent days, we have to do a good job of confidentiality. Therefore, I hope Blood Race can behave more smoothly to prevent information from leaking."

The wind and rain of the British Empire is shaky, female What the Prime Minister can do is to repair the broken ship so that it can survive the storm safely.

"Yes, the Prime Minister."

Sir Applebill was nodded, stood up, and was stopped by the Prime Minister when he walked to the door,

"Yes Now, Humphrey, what is the document you are holding?"

Prime Minister Ross pinched the frame of his glasses and said casually: "Can you show it to me?"

"It's just an unimportant city plan, don't bother you."

Humphrey smiled, closed the door, and at the same time changed the content to "Hydra Artificial Blood Race-the second sea lion The documents of the “plan” have been clamped a little more.

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