October 20, Downing Street, Prime Minister’s Office.

The female prime minister Rachel Ross took off her glasses and rubbed her eyebrows in pain.

Her face is so haggard and her hair color is so dry, it is impossible to imagine that she is one of the most powerful women in the world.

After the end of the Capitol hijacking incident, the bureaucratic system of the British Empire under the control of Blood Race was immediately put into operation, trying to reduce the influence and to hold back the decline of the credibility of the British Empire government.

According to the mainstream media’s mouthpiece, the terrorist attack at the Parliament Building was completely punished by evil forces with ulterior motives and aimed at demonic transformation of the British government through unrealistic rumors. Citizens and officials.

This has to be reminiscent of the fact that during the huge elections in Russia, a certain female Secretary of State of the United States of America Pippin Russia’s parliamentary elections were not “democratic” enough, which led to certain “social activists” in Russia with ulterior motives to jump out. , Inciting the people to hold demonstrations to oppose the ***.

There is nothing new under the sun. The European United States has been proficient in various public opinion wars and information warfare as early as the Cold War. Public intellectuals such as Thor Jenichyn have published books to conduct public opinion guidance and ideological output to the Soviet people.

With the advent of the Internet age, Foundation has been specifically established in other countries and regions. Employ and guide idle personnel in the country, as "ordinary netizens" and "opinion leaders", disseminate unfavorable social comments on the country's network, fan the flames, confuse people, and ultimately influence and control public opinion and control the high ground in the cultural field. , Complete the peaceful change of ideology.

This time, the media following the instructions of Blood Race claimed that the British Empire was targeted by some evil forces, and that it was a farce dominated by foreign forces from beginning to end.

A series of authoritative media, including the BBC, spared no effort to shout, "How absurd is the'truth' revealed by the V-Vendetta team? What Blood Race? It's completely nonsense. Only when injected with a medicament of some kind of genetic mutation can it become half-human and half-bat.

All of this is a conspiracy of foreign powers! The people of the British Empire must keep their eyes open. Don’t be deceived and deceived!"

However, even those unscrupulous shrapnel media in the British Empire cannot find any "overseas forces" capable of doing this on the international stage. This steaming black pot.

The United States? Anglo-American is a family, so bad.

China? The rabbit is far beyond a thousand li, and has always disliked European affairs that involve these bullshit, and no one believes it.

Middle East terrorists? At most, they will engage in car bombs and invade the Capitol? Do they have this capability?

Russia? Hmm...thinking about it, this is also possible...

So after a brief discussion, the British Empire immediately threw the pot to the bewildered Russia Mao Xiong, 23 Russian diplomats in the UK were expelled on the same day, and even the Russian embassy in London was sealed.

A spokesperson for Downing Street Whitehall claimed at the press conference, “According to a lot of information and evidence, many Russian members in the Russian embassy in the UK are suspected of participating in the V-Vendetta terrorist attack, including and not It is limited to the former Russia spies making nerve agents at home, and the former Russian cooks mixing into the United Kingdom prime minister to work in the country’s manor.

More content is restricted due to confidentiality regulations, so there is no comment."

Furthermore, a series of pro-European United States families who have been instigated by the European Blood Race have also expelled Russian diplomats from the country. For a time, Russian diplomats have become the most unemployed professions, a magical development of events. The bizarre plot direction has made Chinese netizens outside of vortex so addicted that they can’t wait to climb the wall and open their eyes to see the world.

Of course, this simple and rude way of throwing the pot naturally aroused dissatisfaction on the Russian side. People sit at home and the pot comes from the sky. No one can stand it. So Li Toutao was expelled. Twenty-three diplomats from the United Kingdom Embassy in Russia.

The British Empire, which has been so busy, does not bother to care about these details, they are still trying to domesticate the people.

Unfortunately, the people have sharp eyes, even if their mouths are sealed, their eyes are blindfolded, and their hands and feet are bound, they still have a steelyard in their hearts.

This steelyard is called Justice.

The prologue performed by the V-Vendetta team at the Capitol is extremely successful. Whether it is a state-owned social science institution, a private research institution, or a foreign research institution, the results of the polls have made Tangning Street girls The Prime Minister was uneasy.

According to estimates, nearly 60% of the people in United Kingdom believe the truth of the V-Vendetta team, 20% of the people are vacillating, 10% are indifferent, and only the last level of people are willing to believe 10 Downing Street Government circulars are full of loopholes.

There are two ways of brainwashing: one is to make the audience think that oneself is part of the great torrent, and the other is to make the audience think that oneself is one of the few sober people.

The media mouthpiece of the British Empire obviously cannot completely brainwash all the people in less than trifling half a month. Even if you have racked your brains, saliva, and tried your best, it will not be obvious. Increase the popular support rate.

Prime Minister Ross rubbed his aching eyebrows and muttered to himself: "Is it possible that this British Empire is really going to die in my hands?"

Good When the door of the office was knocked, the Standing Secretary of the Cabinet, Sir Humphrey Applebill, walked into the house and handed a document to the Prime Minister, "Your Excellency, this is our draft plan for emergency and stability maintenance in wartime. Please take a look."

Rachel Ross put on his glasses in silence, and opened the document with a strong spirit.

"Scotland field can shoot at the protesters attacking the Parliament Building when necessary, and the British Empire can station in city strongholds when necessary to help the police maintain order..."

Prime Minister Ross scanned a line of English on the plan, browse tightly knit, put down the plan and said to Sir Appleby: "Humphrey, I will not agree to such a plan.

any At that time, the police and soldiers of the British Empire should not unscrupulously shoot at the protesters-to do so is to deprive them of their right to express their opinions.

What will our people think? What will other countries think ??"

"Freedom is a lie, Prime Minister." Sir Appleby said indifferently: "If people exercise according to the law, they will naturally have the right to express their opinions, and our British Empire will not restrict any United Kingdom. The rights of citizens.

But if anyone dares to violate the law, the British Empire authorities and law enforcement agencies must use all means within the scope of the law to protect the law itself."

El Ross fell silent. She also knew that people who were protesting against the government and demanding the truth throughout the British Empire were actively preparing for demonstrations on the night of November 5.

There are already tens of thousands of United Kingdom citizens on the Internet that have made it clear that they will participate, not only London, but dozens of other cities will also hold protest rallies and demonstrations on the night of November 5th.

In fact, since the terrorist attacks on London by refugees from the Middle East, similar demonstrations have never ceased in the United Kingdom. It’s just that the seizure of the Capitol has caused some people to hallucinate that they can Through demonstrations, the British Empire government was forced to make concessions and reveal the truth.

Seeing the hesitation and entanglement of Prime Minister Ross, Sir Applebeer shook the head and said softly: "Prime Minister, stop being naive,

Blood Race to the British Empire State Apparatus The strength control of the V-Vendetta is embodied in the three aspects of party, bureaucracy, and capital. On the contrary, the strength control of the people is not so strong.

Moreover, the forces behind the V-Vendetta will never be satisfied with propaganda thoughts. I don’t know what measures will be taken on November 5.

In order to safeguard the national interests of the United Kingdom, it is extremely necessary to guard against it. Hang them all."

What United Kingdom’s national interests, I think it’s the interests of Blood Race!

Prime Minister Rachel Ross almost yelled this sentence, only when she saw the faint smile on Sir Applebill’s face, after all, she didn’t cast aside all considerations for face, just tight With a sullen face, said solemnly: "Put the plan here, I will consider it again."

"Hehe, take your time, don’t worry."

Ah Sir Pubil smiled mildly, and when he walked out the door, he turned sideways and whispered, "It's just that the time left for the British Empire is running out."

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