November 5th, in the evening, London.

The blood-like setting sun swept over the tops of high-rise buildings, casting shadows on the net-like streets.

London police officers in dark uniforms are distributed extremely evenly on every street corner. Most of these London police officers are expressionless, just shaking their heads constantly, looking back and forth at the sparse pedestrians walking by the street, like simple Surveillance camera.

Most police officers are equipped with guns, batons and walkie-talkies are distributed on both sides of their belts, just like soldiers with swords and shields in the ancient regiment.

Sometimes also some police officers wear sunglasses and are holding the ropes of the police dogs. Winter is approaching, and the black-backed dogs tremble with the cold and humidity.

On the side of the street where a police officer is standing, there is a video store. In the store, the medium-sized TV sets on the cabinets are playing an editorial program neatly.

"Tonight, anyone who protests, incites, or deceives will be severely Penalty, warn others from following bad examples."

On the TV, a certain news program The host shouted loudly and affectionately: "Our country is in a difficult time, and we need each of us to unite..."

Unfortunately, his speeches did not have much People’s attention, to be more precise, the pedestrians on the street at this moment are extremely sparse, even if one or two people in a hurry pass by, they will tighten their necks and stand up their collars to avoid the police’s scrutiny. Make eye contact.

Commonly known as the road to the head.

The solemn and suppressed atmosphere lingers in this city. The old buildings engraved with the traces of the years are like some kind of ruined walls standing on the ground, full of "capital" that has not been washed away in the past century. The foul smell of doctrine."

Li Ang in a suit and leather shoes, holding a cane, strolling down the street in a leisurely courtyard.

His existence is like a drop of ink that does not dissolve in water. Whether it is temperament, clothing, eyes, smiles, they are completely incompatible with London at this moment.

Li Ang, who gave oneself invisible incantion, passed by the police calmly and walked in the direction of Whitehall.

Without walking out of a few streets, the road ahead was blocked by a steel fence gate, and the white "No Pass" sign on the red background beside the gate was very conspicuous.

The steel fence gate is dark green, with densely pointed cones on the top and a row of pulleys on the bottom. The middle is connected by the most primordial mechanical lever lock-in this case, the gate does not rely on any electronic components. It is more reliable.

Surveillance cameras are placed on both sides of the gate, and two United Kingdom soldiers wearing steel helmets are standing on the guard tower beside the gate. They are holding firearms and watching this path vigilantly.

Neither of them can find Li Ang.

Blood Race, which controls countless technology companies behind the scenes, has long provided the most advanced equipment for these emergency troops.

The detector that can detect the smallest Ether fluctuations, like two big speakers, stands on the side of the street, and will no longer accept it all the time—feeding back Ether information.

However, it is useless.

Li Ang took a slow step, mobilizing the Ether energy of the entire city with his fingers, carefully concealing his whereabouts, and under the watchful eyes of these two instruments, relying on brute force to forcibly open the mechanical lever of the door Lock.


The rollers turned, and the gate slid to both sides. What appeared in front of Li Ang was a 1.5-meter-high temporary fortification.

These low Great Walls, which are urgently poured with cement, are wound with circles of fine iron wires. The iron wires are full of sharp barb-like spikes. Once they are touched, they will penetrate deeply. Skin and flesh, any attempt to break free with brute force will cause the spikes to sink deeper and deeper.

Behind the concrete fortifications, it is the United Kingdom army.

These British troops have their backs against the White Hall on the third and third floors, with firm faces, each holding a steel gun, and the muzzle is pointing at other directions in the city.

They are armed groups that carry out political quests, resisting or committing aggression externally, and consolidating power internally.

If the peasants holding dung-fork hoes in the Middle Ages gather in groups, they may also pose a threat to the sparsely populated Lord Knight. If they are careless, they can overwhelm the castle and tyrannically abuse the lord of power. Put to death and burn.

So the arrival of modern times brought an end to the law of independence from the bottom.

In the breech era, there is no revolution.

Professional troops with sufficient logistical supplies, the battle strength gap with ordinary persons has reached a point where numbers cannot be smoothed out, and the lethality of the modern firepower of an established system is far beyond the upper limit that the crowd can withstand. ,

No matter how tenacious's body will be pierced by bullets, no matter how noisy people will be crushed by gunfire, as long as there are 1,000 professional troops blocking the street, with guard towers, barbed wire, and concrete barriers, come No amount of human bodies just provide targets.

In other words, there are no people capable of destroying the level of firepower for construction fortifications, and no matter how fierce and violent they are, they will not be able to overwhelm the army—provided that the army is determined to shoot at the crowd.

"I have always used the worst malice to speculate on white skin."

Li Ang said to himself, calmly moved towards the British army array.

The sudden opening of the steel gate immediately attracted the attention of the United Kingdom soldiers.

"What's the matter?"

"How did the door open? Who opened the door?"

"Does the detector respond?"

The soldiers standing on the sentry tower shouted loudly. The British army behind the concrete fortification came to check, and the intelligence personnel hiding in the tent at the end began to look through the surveillance video.

Li Ang has already stepped into the crowd when they are busy and frightened.

The so-called consciousness is nothing more than the bioelectric response under the physiological structure of the brain. Li Ang's body constantly releases trace electromagnetic waves, intercepting the bioelectric signals in the surrounding British army’s brain, and easily manipulates these people to move. Arm, stride, avoiding him.

Looking from a high altitude, the British troops blocking Li Ang will automatically disperse like a school of fish. Their faces are as usual, and they dodge aside very naturally, and will not stand back until Li Ang has passed by. In the original position, nothing was wrong at all.

The whole process was silent, harmonious and orderly.

For a moment, Li Ang passed through the British army and went straight to the tent that was the temporary headquarters.

The tent was crowded with people. There were computers and wires on dozens of tables. Young men and women in military uniforms were busy in front of the computers. Numerous tactical command electromagnetic waves passed back and forth over this tent, communicating. Other aspects of the army.

The walkie-talkie was activated, "This is Peripheral No. 3. The iron gate was suddenly opened just now. We are investigating whether an outsider broke in."

"What?" One seems to be here. The leading middle-aged man in military uniform frowned. According to the rank he wore, it could be seen that this was a general. "Is there an intruder?"

"We can't be sure, but the current investigation No more information can be detected by means."

"...well, keep in touch at any time." General frowned put down the walkie-talkie. He didn't want to complicate the situation. As a soldier, he needed to execute Commanded by the superior, but as a citizen, he also loves his compatriots and does not want blood and conflict to be staged in London.

"I hope no one will come tonight..."

The general muttered to himself, his expression gloomy.

Suddenly, the heavy curtain of the tent was lifted by a sudden gust of cold wind, the gloomy chill echoed in the narrow space, and the scarlet and bloody setting sun completely concealed on the edge of the city, like a kind of Unknown call-up.

The faint laughter of contempt sounded in the tent, and Li Ang, who no one could see, leaned against the tent pillars, watching the British army once again sinking into anxious waiting.

The evening of November 5th finally arrived.

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