The direction is an artificially prescribed definition.

What people think of as up, down, left and right, north and south, east and west, are relative concepts that are divided according to the endless rolling solid ball of Earth as the coordinate system.

There is no constant coordinate system like gravity in a vacuum, so naturally there is no direction at all.

Being far away from the noisy and flashy world and being in the lonely and remote space, not only cannot bring the emptiness of the soul, but also because of the down-to-earth sense of security, it will be completely removed, which will make people (even if he is a long time) The rigorously trained astronaut) has an uncontrollable panic.

Li Ang is just suspended in a vacuum, at the junction of the Earth barrier and the Dormammu Divine Domain.

He looked back, just above the Earth where Dormammu was used as a food ingredient. The pale clouds were like countless small vortexes, intertwined and coupled with each other, covering the sky over the blue ocean.

Occasionally One or two pieces of green land reveal a small piece, as obscure as the white space in a landscape painting.

"It's so beautiful..."

Li Ang sighed with sincere emotion.

There have been millions and millions of creatures living on this planet, from the arrangement and combination of amino acids, proteins, and single cells, to the wandering Amphioxus; from the blind and foolish large Insect to the primordial primordial. Strains; from giant dinosaurs without friends to terrifying apes walking upright;

The oil that is quietly burning in the fuel tanks of the cars driving on the street today may have come from thousands of years ago. The corpse of a certain plant;

Those man-made bridges that communicate with the sky, the steel used as rivets in their structure, may come from a meteorite that fell from the sky hundreds of millions of years ago.

Couples playing with cellphone in street food stalls, white-collar youths returning home tired from the bus, old farmers in Guanzhong with wrinkled and rough skin, high-spirited and vigorous financial elites.. ..

Trillions of lives, trillions of stories.

Matters are constantly rotating and circulating, but they have never escaped from this insignificant planet.

Li Ang's gaze became gentle and calm, his expression turned his head indifferently, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and he looked up peacefully.

A magnificent and splendid starry sky slowly sinks over the star system composed of eight planets, water, gold, earth, fire, wood, earth, sky, and sea, and the sun.

This starry sky is roughly conical, with countless stars dotted with it

Stars, planets, comets, meteorites, brown dwarfs, all kinds of stars are suspended in this way,close and numerous, looking and daunting.

The end of the cone-shaped starry sky gathers the most planets. The surfaces of these planets are either covered with brightly colored bacteria blanket-like objects, constantly squirming and trembling;

or are covered with slender flagella , Intertwined and caressed each other;

Or also some non-Euclidean decent shapes shaped by mud, which continue to grow from the ground, but are immediately weathered and extinct, melted into thin mud.

These grotesquely shaped objects were once life.

Scenes of Dormammu that have survived for an unknown number of epochs have swallowed and plundered countless planets, and the poor life on those planets along with their planets have been assimilated into a part of Dormammu.

This is not a "glorious evolution", on the contrary, they will be forced to change their life forms, non-plants, non-animals, no birth, undying, immortality, immortality, and loss of self-awareness Existing with self can only perish forever.

Torch Dragon opens its eyes for day and closes its eyes for night. With the help of Torch Dragon’s eyesight, Li Ang makes it clear.

The tip of the cone pointing to Earth gathers the most stars. These huge Fireballs are pouring majestic energy all the time, and occasionally throw high-temperature plasma on the chromosphere. Also known as prominence.

Like a beautiful rose, a galloping wild horse, a thorny needle cone, and a majestic arch bridge, each prominence composed of hydrogen and helium plasma can rise to a height of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

Part of the plasma is pulled into the chromosphere layer again by gravity, joining the endless combustion,

and the other part of the plasma is thrown directly into space, turning into The thin stellar cloud layer quietly waits for a certain day after hundreds of millions of years to be captured by gravity again.

However, Dormammu's divine force interfered with this process.

The thin clouds formed by the plasma are forcibly gathered and kneaded to form a very gorgeous deep purple beam, forming a strip of arc-shaped light quality bands, extending to the top of the conical starry sky.

A cobweb-like space crack wafts above the Earth orbital surface. The deep purple beam from Dormammu Divine Domain is like a pair of surgical forceps, accurately clamping the corners of the space crack, and is slowing the hole. Slowly expand.

Although no sound can be transmitted in a vacuum, Li Ang can make up for the deafening Cracking roar that the brain makes when the space is broken.

He spits out one mouthful of impure air, and his body with more than a thousand orifice points has surpassed the human realm, and he can use Spiritual Qi to pump his physiological organs without the need for oxygen to survive. The reason for breathing is just habit.

"Using stars as engines, planets as materials, and nebulae as spear tips, this kind of cosmic stellar-level enemy is simply beyond human power to defeat,"

Li Ang looked at In this scene of surging forward with great momentum, he said calmly: "Even if Ancient One is smart enough to calculate, no matter how you use the bodies of the European people to block guns, it is only a chronic death. The gods can always find a way to invade."

Although he said that, he didn't have the slightest worry on his face. He just looked at it a few times and gave an evaluation: "The Earth barrier is completely broken, also half an hour."

Half What can you do in an hour?

Play a network game? Engaging in a spiritual and physical fight with your partner? Or do you have a short dream?

Li Ang intends to save this planet from the gods in half an hour.

He is neither sad nor happy, and moved towards the moon to take a step. A huge amount of Spiritual Qi sticks to his feet and turns into a long light beam visible by naked eye, pushing him forward, and a few breaths have spanned a distance of tens of kilometers.

However, this is not enough.

As a foreign god, Dormammu has a whole piece of Dark Dimension as the Divine Domain. From the cosmic scale, hundreds of kilometers are only a few centimeters away.

"It's too slow..."

Li Ang muttered to himself, with more than a thousand orifice points running around slowly, far exceeding the spiritual Qi reserves of the ordinary Golden Core cultivator It broke out in an all-round way, turned into a dazzling dazzling beam, pushing him forward.

The first cosmic speed of 7.91kms,

The second cosmic speed of 11.2kms,

The third cosmic speed of 16.7kms.

The load caused by the ultra-high acceleration is really not worth mentioning for the body cast by "Human Immortal Refining Method". After accelerating to a straight line speed of 50kms, Li Ang violently tore a piece Transmission Gate rushed in.

When he opened his eyes again, he had landed on the surface of the moon.

This celestial body, which has been entrusted with humanistic feelings by mankind, has been transformed by hundreds of millions of mechanical octopuses in its depths.

The rich helium-3 in the lunar soil is an ideal fuel for nuclear fusion reactors. The high-energy beam that has just arrived over London is the energy provided by the nuclear fusion reactor.

Not only an armed guard tower, but also a cluster of factories buried at the bottom of the moon. Hundreds of millions of wise servants shuttled through the tunnel, working in a harmonious and orderly manner.

The arrival of Li Ang was immediately noticed by SmartBrain in the center of the moon. Numerous mechanical octopuses received the summon of the creator and flew to their respective positions with a roar.

"Creator-level permission confirmation."

Li Ang stood on the lonely surface of the moon and said calmly: "Go ahead, wandering to the moon project."


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