"Leave the solar system?"

Dormammu spoke up.

The planetary material that composes him began to wave, and the pitch black clouds retreated to both sides with the bridge of the nose as the axis, forming a facial expression called "sarcasm".

"Small worm, are you threatening me?"

He laughed, and the large spots on the surface of the planet formed into muscle texture lit up with brilliance—then It is a gas circulation similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

"I have witnessed the birth of stars in the stellar clouds. The dense nebula gas and dust gather together. The huge pressure makes the hydrogen turn into helium. In the roar of a baby, it begins to release endless Light and heat."

Dormammu stared, and the stars in the Cone Nebula suddenly lit up.

"I have witnessed the birth of carbon-based life in the hot mud on the planet’s surface, silicon-based life sprouting in the hot lava of the planet Star Core, and even magnetic life composed of electromagnetic waves, composed of hydrogen and helium. Gas life."

Dormammu lowered his eyes and looked directly at the small and humble Li Ang, his deep purple eyes were full of indifference.

"I have personally witnessed the emergence of civilization. Independent individuals are like parts and components, forming a huge cluster of civilizations. War, killing, benevolence, abomination, these themes take turns to be staged, only the mortal race The ignorance of you will last forever."

"And you?" Dormammu grinned, "It's just another idiot."


Li Ang shook the head and said calmly: "Earth is indeed somewhat insignificant compared to astral life like you."

"No, no, no."

Dormammu hits After breaking Li Ang's words, he swayed the big head of the gas planet, and said calmly: "My body is indeed a star, but even for me, Earth is special."

"oh?" Li Ang raised his eyebrows.

Dormammu said casually: "Why do you think I should target Earth? Did you spot the resources here?

Don’t be kidding, just picking a planet in space is the best The best source of water resources is to pick a comet from the table.

The uneven distribution of resources that triggers the ultimate contradiction of mankind will be extremely ridiculous once it is relaxed to the scale of the universe."

Li Ang curl one's lip, I guessed Dormammu's idea, "You came to Earth to plunder the life resources on it."

"Yes, not right."

Dormammu said nonchalantly: "The existence of life, even if it is placed in the universe, is quite cherished, especially the blue planet like Earth, which has nurtured hundreds of millions of species, is more than enough to be regarded as a specimen-level collection. Pin."

Li Ang immediately understood what, he looked towards the end of the Cone Nebula, the planets assimilated by Dormammu, "You want to make Earth into a specimen?"

"Specimen, according to your Blue Star Flesh Man's definition, refers to entities such as animals, plants, minerals, etc., using entire individuals or even multiple individuals, through a series of methods such as air drying, vacuum, and antiseptic treatment, so that they can maintain their original appearance. It will be preserved for a long time based on the foundation."

Dormammu said peacefully: "To be precise, I intend to assimilate you."

This astral-level deity displays his mighty power and will one after another The planet dragged to Li Ang's eyes.

The surfaces of these planets are all gathered with twisted and weird mud-like humanoid lifeforms, half of their bodies plunged into the muddy soft ground, one by one stretched out mutated and weird arms, shouting to the sky.

Their sharp wailing spread in the hot air, and the gloomy red clouds sprinkled with acid rain, corroding and melting the appearance of the clay figure, eroding scars of terror-like burnt on a fire Like chocolate bars.

The melted clay figure fell down, but because of the divine force of Dormammu, the clay figure killed by the acid rain grew out of the soil again, and the infinite cycle continued this uninterruptedly. The process of horror.

"Look, this is one of my treasures."

Dormammu explained very gently: "These lives come from a star system in the Centaur galaxy.

In that system, the stars are gradually expanding, about to turn into huge torches, swallowing all the planets in the star system.

In order to save oneself, this civilization extremely similar to Earth will inhabit them The planet was hollowed out, and countless power towers were built to push the planet away from the star system, moved towards another star system, and began to wander in the icy universe.

Their technological level is slightly higher than the current Earth, But it is not high enough to ignore all obstacles. Without the energy provided by stars, the surface of their planets has become frozen, and a hundred generations of people have lived in the dark underground, living like large rats.

The long-term difficult circumstances have raised doubts about the individual lives that once had a glorious era.

Can they reach their new home alive? Can they find a suitable star system to settle? Is everything about the wandering planet Is it a lie fabricated by the ruling class to maintain its status?

These questions are like poison dripping into the spring water. Soon, a rebellion broke out in the underground city, and the rebels hanged all the ruling classes to control The planetary power tower, reverse the direction of the planets, and follow the path of the past, trying to return to their former home."

Li Ang can intuitively imagine a civilization in a short line through Dormammu. In the story of thousands of years, he followed the words of the gods and asked, "What then?"

"The rebels were wrong." Dormammu said with a smile: "Their stars are indeed expanding, wandering planet The plan is indeed true.

However, the rebels knew it was too late. They tried to leave, but the lack of fuel material made them gradually captured by the star's gravity.

Next In 10,000 years, the temperature of the earth’s surface will gradually rise, and the scorching light beam emitted by the star is like a precise scalpel, cutting through the surface of the planet layer by layer, killing all living creatures slowly and firmly."

The deity paused, and a "compassionate" smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "And I, appeared.

I saved the planet that was about to die slowly, and the civilization that lived underground Completely rescue and assimilate the creatures in it.

I am ten thousand, I am one.

They are me, I am them.

Life is so fragile , Civilization is so soft, the once glorious Infinity species will wither and die, and even die before they bloom.

I don’t want to see beautiful things pass away, so I volunteer to save all lives in the universe , Let them join the evolution of light until the end of time , Can still maintain a constant state. "

"For example, the current Earth? "Li Ang asked, raising his arms, and the plasma beam tower on the back of the moon began to rotate slowly,

"For example, the current Earth. "Dormammu replied, the deep purple ring of light slowly approached the Earth barrier.

The negotiation broke down.

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