A few minutes ago, the underground experimental base of Xueyuan City.

In a Conference Hall marked with "Level 4 permission can enter", some elites called "employees" sit around a round wooden table, staring at the big Screen.

What is displayed on the big screen is the Earth barrier that is constantly routing over Europe.

The conical nebula that suddenly descends over Earth, the off-orbit moon, and the stormy sea caused by changes in tidal forces.

The above three incidents dominated almost all the news and information pages, except for those outlying people living in remote areas, people were discussing them in fear.

With the gradual expansion of the Dormammu Divine Domain, the deep purple ring of light slowly envelopes the surface of the Earth, no matter the eastern hemisphere or the western hemisphere, whether the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere, whether it is day or night, walking down the street People can see purple rays of light covering the sky.

The natural anomaly of the celestial body level has exceeded the authority of the government and organizations to block information. While thinking about countermeasures in a panic, they issued a broadcast decree and sent the police to maintain Order calls on people to return to their homes, exercise restraint and calmness, and refrain from mass incidents.

However, the arrival of the crisis caused cluster panic, which breeds irrational hysteria. The European and American countries, which have extensive religious worship and traditions of "dish cooking from oil", are immediately caught in chaos and disorder.

Speculators, anarchists, religious fanatics, Beatles, angry young people and other groups appeared in turn, beating others, smashing shops, stealing property, and robbing passers-by in the streets and lanes of the European United States home. Burning down buildings, creating violent incidents and triggering bloody conflict.

"The end of the world, this is the end of the world! God's judgment is finally coming!"

Dormammu's divine force has not had time to affect the sky over the United States. In the lighthouse country, because of the collective panic caused by the doomsday syndrome, large-scale bloodshed occurred in all states in the United States, and thousands to tens of thousands of people died.

The American people, who are accustomed to the custom of "defending themselves with guns" and "never defending themselves," decisively exercised the "People have and wear weapons" entrusted by the Second Amendment to the Constitution. The right to defend themselves by taking up guns.

For a time, gunfire broke out in various cities in the United States, and it was as noisy as a battlefield.

This is a gunshot symbolizing freedom.

If some cities in the United States are caught in the flames of war, then the countries in the Europa region are more interesting.

Due to the erosion of the Dormammu Divine Domain, the Middle Eastern refugees living in Europe have gradually discovered the extraordinary ability of divine blood. Each one has become a Low Level transcender with a lot more physical qualities than ordinary people.

The refugees from the Middle East who suddenly discovered this immediately linked the status quo with the "Divine Punishment" prophecy in religious texts. This is the power bestowed by God, and it is God who asked them to attack the unbelievers. With heretic.

So, like a barrel of explosives lit by a match, Middle Eastern refugees with extraordinary powers of Low Level swarmed the streets to persecute the residents of European countries who are hosting refugees.

The refugees from the Middle East, who have the double bonus of faith and extraordinary power, far surpass the Beatles in the United States in enforcement.

France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark...

These European citizens who were poisoned by the white leftist thought have long lost the cruelty of the colonial era. Barbaric, retreating under the attack of refugees in the Middle East, can only watch these distinguished "guests" and persecute compatriots unscrupulously.

The people of Europa finally looked forward to the arrival of the police and the army, but the European politicians who were worried that they would be labeled as "***" have been reluctant to give orders to maintain order.

Be aware that these European politicians value votes more than life. If the thunderous method is now applied to refugees in the Middle East, when the incident subsides, there will definitely be a brain-disabled Holy Mother who jumps out and blames it. Politicians have persecuted the people of the Middle East. They are successors of ***, racial discriminators, and scum of modern civilized society. They are not worthy of being politicians.

For the sake of fame and for the sake of the owner’s official career, European politicians can only allow the army to encircle the refugees in the Middle East, and strictly order the European army not to shoot, and can only use anti-riot shields, rubber batons, high-pressure water guns, and tear gas. And other non-lethal weapons to maintain order.

In the past, these methods may still be useful, but the Middle Eastern refugees who have awakened divine blood can already be regarded as the super-power owners of Low Level. Naturally, they will not care about these weak and weak injuries, and can even withstand high pressure. The scouring of the water gun used flesh and blood to overthrow the armed personnel holding the anti-riot shield.

So, a rather black humorous scene was staged: the refugees in the Middle East are killing the European people while the European police army, which maintains order, can only hide behind the explosion-proof shield and watch with distraction. It all happened.

As the saying goes, seeking kindness and gaining kindness, the white left Holy Mothers in Europe finally tasted the taste of "kindness".

On the contrary, it is Romania, which has a glorious history of "piercing the public", survived the atrocities committed by refugees in the Middle East. To be more precise, when a small number of Middle Eastern refugees initially showed their malice, Romania The citizens rushed forward and launched ruthless attacks on these Middle Easterners.

In short, the vendetta that prevailed in Europa itself caused more divine blood to escape into the air, further speeding up the process of Dormammu's cracking of the Earth barrier.

All these pictures were taken by a private satellite of the Meme Company on Earth's orbit and transmitted to an office in the underground experimental base of the Academy.

"Damn it, these Europa idiots!"

Wolverine Logan patted the table and gnashing teeth said: "Can't they show a little determination? Continue to let the Middle East The vengeance of refugees is like opening the door to welcome the invasion of the alien Evil God!"

The laser eye on the side was also filled with indignation, but soon calmed down and said: "Calm down, Logan! We can do nothing. "

"Can't do anything?" Logan frowned and said: "There is a police model Octopus Zhibu loaded with a stability maintenance module in the Academy City. If an omnibus cluster is sent, it should be able to calm Europe soon. Turmoil..."

"Well, Logan, everything is planned."

Magneto interrupted Wolverine's words and turned his attention to Doctor Octopus. "Octavius ​​doctor, please approve the acceptance of the picture of the moon."

Doctor Octopus agreed to Magneto's request after thinking about it.

The picture of Zhu Wei rushing into the purple Divine Domain appeared on the big screen.

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