Zhu Fei's huge body floats slowly in space, and the scattered blood droplets dripping from the wounds are not restrained by gravity, and present a perfectly round spherical state.

The radiation energy drawn from the nuclear fusion reactor gradually dissipated, and the cold vacuum quickly cooled Zhu Wei's body.

Soon, the frost climbed onto the pale hair of the giant ape, and even invaded the muscle texture, freezing the internal tendons into blocks.

If nothing happens, this Great Desolate ominous beast will become an incombustible giant space junk, which will drift aimlessly in the universe for a hundred years, millennia, and even Ten thousand years.

However, a slight breathing sounded again.

Zhu Wei opened his eyes, and the dilapidated acupuncture points revolved again, releasing the weak Spiritual Qi, allowing him to barely maintain his balance. Facing Dormammu, he said grimly: "You have forgotten something, Dormammu."

Zhu was grinned, his cheek muscles broke again because of being pulled, scarlet blood water escaped, "the number of electrons."


This vocabulary made the foreign god squint a little. He examined Zhu Nai's tragic situation, and once again confirmed that there was no chance for Danger Land to come back.

"Do you know? I once founded a company called "Memes" on Earth. This company has carried out extensive research with various astronomical institutions and exchanged information on various astronomical materials. "

Zhu Wei, full of tyrannical aura, calmly said in a tone that can be called "compassion and tranquility": "During this process, we accidentally discovered that there are many special stars in the universe. System.

Most of these star systems have died out, but in the spectral analysis pool, the rays of light that these Death star systems bloomed out far exceed the explosive effect that their star mass may achieve."

Speaking of this, Li Ang paused deliberately, staring at Dormammu and said: "In other words, they have some unknown source of energy."

"oh? "Dormammu laughed, and said slowly: "Maybe they have discovered a portable nuclear fusion reactor? Maybe they have discovered a sustainable antimatter energy release pump? Maybe they have discovered a vacuum zero point energy?

These probabilities all exist. "

"Perhaps." Li Ang curl one's lip said calmly: "However, the greater probability is that the civilizations of these Death star systems have all discovered that they are handled by you, Dormammu. In the tungsten-plutonium substitution reaction,

In the process of tungsten-plutonium substitution, every appearance of a plutonium-186 nucleus on Earth will lose 20 electrons, while in Dormammu your Divine Domain will lose 20 electrons. Electrons.

The two cosmic spaces continuously increase and decrease electrons to obtain stable radiation energy. This channel is called the high-speed electron channel;

Those Death civilizations once used this tungsten-plutonium replacement The huge clean energy brought by the effect to develop oneself-after all, compared with the materials and time required to build the Dyson ball, the construction of one or several electronic channels seems to be cost-effective.

At this point, I That's right."

Dormammu fell silent. He lowered his eyes indifferent expression, and at the same time pulled two or three particle bundles from the deep purple ring beam again, and weaved them into overlapping roses. The shape gradually surrounds Li Ang.

And Li Ang, as if there is no sense of crisis, each minding their own business said: "According to the second law of thermodynamics,

impossible to transfer heat from low-temperature objects to High-temperature objects do not produce other effects,

impossible to take heat from a single heat source to completely convert it into useful work without other effects,

The slight increase in entropy in the irreversible thermal process The amount is always greater than zero.

These three sentences can be understood as the same sentence, that is, the increase in entropy is irreversible.

The energy of the Earth universe is always being consumed, and Dormammu is your Divine Domain The energy is also constantly being consumed. Why is the tungsten-plutonium replacement effect that can make two spaces that continue to consume energy "out of nowhere" a large amount of energy?

If Dormammu, you can really produce zero side effects Energy, I’m afraid it’s already the number one overlord of the universe, talking and laughing wind engulfing the entire galaxy, why do you want to be so cowering and restrained?"

Li Ang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and shouted: "How much you get, it is bound to be How much you have to lose.

Dormammu, once your Divine Domain touches the real space, the physical laws of the two will be intertwined and merged as prescribed by the second law of thermodynamics."

Dormammu interrupted Li Ang’s narrative and said straightforwardly: "But this kind of fusion takes a very long time."


Li Ang smiled even more happily. He calmly said: "I have a high-energy physics doctor named Octavius. He led a scientific research team and determined the erosion speed of Dormammu’s Divine Domain law, which is higher than the third universe speed, but far away. It's lower than the speed of light, right?"

For this moment, Dormammu stopped talking at all.

"Look, the law of Dormammu, your Divine Domain will settle in ordinary cosmic space and gradually increase over time."

Li Ang's Zhu Wei body stretched out With a big lazy waist, he lifted the tungsten alloy club and raised it casually, and said casually: "Especially after you come in person, this kind of erosion efficiency will be higher than ever."

Dormammu squinted. With eyes closed, coldly said: "Which and how?"

"In fact, it's nothing, but it just happens to explain the mystery of the sudden explosion of the star system that's all."

Li Ang said loudly. said with a smile: "Because in your Divine Domain, the strength of the strong force at the micro level is a hundred times that of ordinary cosmic space.

In ordinary cosmic space, atomic fission is extremely easy, but fusion is difficult;


Dormammu in your Divine Domain space, atomic fusion is extremely easy, but fission is difficult;

When the laws of the two spaces meet, the strong micro-level forces of the two spaces will rise and the other will drop. .

In ordinary cosmic space where the strong force is enhanced, the solar fusion reaction is enhanced, and the Divine Domain space where the strong force is weakened, the solar fusion reaction will be weakened.

This is also It is the reason why the stars of the star system that you have plundered suddenly explode—those civilizations continue to continuously build high-speed electronic channels.

The result is that the laws of the two universes continue to interweave and merge.

Then, you will personally descend into the ordinary space, devour a planetary civilization, and then leave the star system Shi Shiran.

After you leave, the two universes of Space Law The fusion reached its peak. Under the influence of the increasing force of the ordinary space sun, the hydrogen atoms in Heng Star Core's heart fused into lithium, and because the delicate balance between radioactivity and gravity was broken, oneself was forced to explode.

In other words, your law will make the stars in the ordinary universe explode ahead of time!

And this is the reason why I can defeat you."

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