The advantage of dealing with smart people is here. Li Ang, who has absolute martial power advantage, does not need to torture the raven to extract a confession, and read "Teach You to Be a Man" in the lobby. The raven who undergoes the operation will not think of concealing something, so as not to be exposed to lies and to meet the unfortunate fate.

Obediently and honestly to cooperate fairly and honestly is the best option for both parties.

"My birth was a total mistake."

The raven said blankly: "The underground sect who worships Satan stupidly and ignorantly performed summon The devil's ceremony.

The ceremony was successful and failed."

Li Ang put his hands on the table and listened with interest to the raven's narration.

"What appeared in the hexagonal antichrist array was not a terrible hell demon, but a handsome and unusual man."

Speaking of which, the raven was paused, Husky said: "This man had a relationship with my mother, Angela Ross, and finally gave birth to me."

"He is the Three House Demon?" Li Ang asked.

"He is the Three House Demon." The Raven was silent for a moment and replied: "To be precise, it was his projection on the surface of the planet through the Earth barrier."

"Is that so..."

Li Ang squinted his glasses. He just used the perish together method on the moon to intimidate the Sannomiya demons and force them to flee the star system.

But if this process is repeated, if the Sannomiya is more cautious and is not photographed into the physical carrier of the pseudo two-way foil, then everything will deteriorate irreversibly.

This is an unrepeatable victory. Even Li Ang does not have absolute confidence-to expel gods like the Sannomiya Demon again.

"Then, with the Demi-God half-human bloodline, you should receive more than just ordinary human sorcerer training, right?"

Li Ang's eyes gradually sharpened When he got up, he looked towards the raven and asked reluctantly: "Kamar-Taj sect, to which Ancient One sorcerer belongs, is taking the path of Secret Sect on the Snow Mountain plateau.

And you are completely different. "


The raven nodded said: "When my mother was gestating me, she decisively recognized the evil nature of the Three House Demon. She tried to commit suicide but But I was stopped and led to the temple of Azarath in another dimension.

And I was born in that temple."

"No wonder..."

Li Ang indifferent expression narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Go on, I'm listening."

Raven pursed his lips, not caring about the other party’s indifferent attitude. Calmly said: "I received an education about magic in the temple, but because the tyrannical power of the Sannomiya demon surged in the bloodline, my magic power was often out of control, causing irreversible damage to the temple.

Furthermore, the footsteps of the Sannomiya Demon are getting closer and closer, and I have turned my eyes to the life planet under our feet.

In order to prevent more creatures from being mutilated by the Sannomiya Demon, I was removed from the temple by the teachers. Teleported to Earth. On the one hand, they warned the Earth compatriots and informed them that the Three House Demon was about to invade Earth.

The threat of the galaxy."

"Then, you found Ancient One."

Li Ang looked thoughtful and nodded and said, "As the Ancient One of Sorcerer Supreme, it is true It is one of the very best mystic powerhouse in the world today. After explaining to you the relationship between divine blood and the Earth barrier, you quickly accepted her theory and worked for her."

" ....."

A trace of undetectable sadness flashed in the Raven’s eyes. She pursed her lips and said hoarsely: "You think we are willing to sacrifice the lives of our fellow Earth citizens to stop Of foreign gods Footsteps?

Do you think that Ancient One sorcerer is really the kind of selfish and selfish person? She is more painful than anyone else!

Perhaps in your opinion, we who do not have enough wisdom and strength, like monkeys, are struggling sadly in the quagmire, ignorant, humble and pitiful.

However, the front side is an invincible enemy, and when there is no one behind us, we have no choice or retreat. We only have to pay the price of the Supreme limit and go on a journey of endless suffering. "

The Raven's emotions are a bit agitated, her long hair is fluttering without wind, and the majestic energy accumulates behind her.

And Li Ang, just coldly I glanced at her.

The temperament of the superior is like a sea, and Torch Dragon's gaze is enough to extinguish the sun and the moon. The raven instantly calms down, stiffened and unable to move.

It is as if the cat is pinched by the back of the neck, the frog is illuminated by the light, and the strong creatures can instinctively make the raven stay in place.

Li Ang slowly retracted his gaze and said calmly, "Don’t get too excited. Miss Ross, all this is over. "

"...Yes. "

The Raven clenched his fists, but didn't dare to let any dissatisfaction leap over it, and could only say softly: "Under the guidance of Ancient One, I hid my identity and used Rachel · In the name of Ross, step by step became the first female prime minister of the British Empire.

According to the original plan, we will arouse the conflict between the people of United Kingdom and the refugees in the Middle East step by step, not only can produce enough bloodshed, but also keep the bloodshed itself at a low intensity.

In this way, to delay or even stop the foreign gods from marching towards Earth"

Li Ang curl one's lip gave his own comment, "Drinking poison to quench thirst that's all." "

"...maybe. "

The Raven didn't refute this time, and said frankly: "But just as you said, there is no point in investigating all this. The important thing is that Earth is temporarily safe. "

"Do you call this security?" "

Li Ang said with a smile: "Frankly speaking, as my strength continues to grow, my horizons continue to expand.

Sometimes, I also doubt this planet. Is there any curse?

The struggle between the ordinary person and the ordinary person, the struggle between the ordinary person and the transcender, the struggle between the transcender and the transcender, the struggle between the transcender and the alien monster...

This planet has remained intact so far, which is a miracle. "

The raven is dumb, indeed, even if the threat of the Sannomiya is eliminated, Earth itself is dangerous enough.

"Anyway, let’s do it first,"


Li Ang got up from the chair and shook hands with the raven, "Thank you very much for helping me out. After you go out, there will be a special octopus wise servant to guide you.

In the next period of time, I hope you can live in an underground base and cooperate with us in scientific research. "

"Does this count as imprisonment?" "

"That depends on how you define imprisonment. "Li Ang said, "I can guarantee that, compared to those superpower criminals who were imprisoned in the underground base for committing crimes, you will receive a much higher treatment in the next period of time." "

Raven left the office rather unwillingly, while Li Ang sat back and looked thoughtful on the tabletop.

A precious scientific research sample flowing through the bloodline of the gods. .. Maybe we can unearth more secrets of the Sannomiya from the Raven.

Just as Li Ang was thinking, a text message was projected onto his desk by the central SmartBrain.

"Mr. Li Ang, you have a meeting appointment from the American Government. "The feminine electronic voice said gently.

"Oh, who is it?" "

"Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury. "

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