Without a large amount of metal iridium, there is no way to play the true formidable power of Tesseract,

If Tesseract is not used, it is impossible to open a giant Transmission outside the solar system. Gate;

If you can’t open the Transmission Gate, you can’t let Chitauri’s Interstellar fleet span a long distance and descend on the earth;

Without the Interstellar fleet, only the evil god Loki oneself is impossible. Earth implements a fast and efficient aggression-the transcender alone is enough to cause huge trouble to him;

Once the above conditions are established, then Loki, who disappointed that great existence, will suffer the most Unfortunate fate.

"Unexpectedly, above Midgart, there will be this level..."

In the narrow underground tunnel, Loki stared at the picture, the sling The Chinese youth of Mutants Apocalypse has a gloomy and unpredictable complexion.

The so-called Midgard refers to Earth.

According to the understanding of Norse Mythology, World Tree uses that huge branch to form the entire world, and nine kingdoms are derived from it. Earth is located in the fourth of the nine kingdoms and is usually used by several other kingdoms. People called "Midgard" or "Midgard".

Loki is the former Second Prince of Asgard, the god of dignified treacherous and lies. Although he was shocked by the special effects blockbuster "Divine Immortal Fight" performed by Li Ang and Apocalypse, he quickly balanced his mind. .

"Only a reckless man can use his power brainlessly, and a wise man can use his brain to plan."

Loki muttered to himself, and straightened his back again to Hawkeye. Said: "That Li Ang, how is the relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"It's not that good, and even has rubbed many times."

Hawkeye replied. "But I guess, he himself probably never paid attention to everything about SHIELD."

"Is that so..."

Loki narrowed his eyes and squeezed. The scepter, determined to say: "You have sorted out all the information about the school city, and I will get the metal iridium."


A turn of time, a few days later.

I have to say that human adaptability is extremely powerful. The doomsday syndrome effect caused by the Cone Nebula quickly dissipated under the Iron Fist of various governments.

After all, the Cone Nebula has a limited impact on the general public’s daily life; it’s the trivial things like firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, work income, and parents’ urging to marry, that are the components of life. .

In addition to the conscious and deliberate guidance of governments of various countries, the heat of the Cone Nebula incident was immediately replaced by the "London terrorist attack news" after a short climax.

Here In the terrorist attack that shocked the whole world, tens of thousands of civilians died, sounding a wake-up call for those who think "today's world is generally peaceful".

All media deliberately hide "London" "People hang capitalists and bureaucrats", but the mass incidents of millions of people cannot be concealed by trying to hide it.

Media studies tell us the best way to cover up the news. It is not trying to cover up, but throwing smoke bombs, so that people are trapped in arguing with each other, unable to concentrate their efforts to find the truth through the Internet.

So, there are many industry benchmarks including CNN, BBC, etc. The media put all kinds of ridiculous and funny news on the page.

"It was not a terrorist organization that attacked London, but a police force. "

"It was not the *** who attacked London, but the aliens. "

"It was not aliens who attacked London, but animal protection organizations and feminists. "

"It was not animal protection or feminist rights that attacked London, but a group of violent groups in China named'Quit Gambling Old Brother'. "

This kind of news emerges endlessly. One after another is disclosed. On post bars, forums, and social networks, blurry videos and photos with low resolution to the touch are circulated everywhere. Either true or false, or false. It may be difficult to distinguish between factual information and intelligence.

For so many years, the IQ of the people of the world has risen a lot under the adjustment of the Internet. "Let the news fly for a while. "It has become basic common sense.

However, in the face of the collective nonsense of the media, the general public, whose information receiving channels are restricted, has no better way. They can only wait silently for the dust to settle and the truth. As the water recedes, the rocks appear.

Of course, for the people in London, their past few days have been quite at a loss.

Blood Race and bureaucratic The collective extinction brought about the lack of superstructure and grassroots administrative power.

The British people, who had hanged most of the upper-class elites, fell into complete confusion. How to maintain social order, how to How to deal with the remnant capitalists and bureaucrats in the aftermath of disaster relief?

They have no experience and no courage to deal with all of this.

If we follow the normal track, we will overthrow the mountain and achieve fruit. In the long-term self-doubt, the British people will take the initiative to hand over the victory to others and continue to let the British bureaucracy rule them. After all, they have neither a proven revolutionary program nor a mature and independent organizational structure. It can only imitate the previous capitalist democratic republican system.

However, where there is Li Ang, there will be accidents, even if others are not there, it can still radiate influence to all parts of the world.


Harry Potter, who was recruited as an employee by Li Ang, took advantage of the power of the meme company to create a perfect resume for oneself.

Graduated from Cambridge University He has a doctor degree in both medicine and Economics, participated in an NGO, and has a history of practicing medicine in Africa for several years. After returning to the United Kingdom as an Advanced bureaucrat of the Ministry of Health of the British Empire, he participated in the formulation and implementation of many policies.

With such a resume endorsement, Harry Potter immediately caught the confusion of the people in the United Kingdom, as an Advanced bureaucrat,

representing the remnant government of the British Empire, and extensive cooperation with meme companies .

Millions of octopus servants flew out from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to help the residents of London deal with disaster relief and maintain social order. These octopus servants will infiltrate United according to Harry Potter’s will. Kingdom country’s administrative system.

"I will gradually let go of the magic net so that the general public can access Ether, and eventually, all the general public in the UK can become transcenders. "

This is the great plan outlined by Harry Potter.

The road is long, and the goal of popularizing the Magic Net is far away. The rescue is urgent.

In the evening, a charity dinner hosted by entrepreneur Lex Luther is being held in a luxury hotel under his name in Xueyuan City.

The charity dinner has the theme of "Relief to the Disaster-affected Area", calling on people from all walks of life to donate their strength to London and other areas that suffered trauma on November 5.

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