Chitauri are an evil and powerful race. They have technology far beyond human beings. They claim to be "part of the cosmic immune system" and are responsible for eliminating disorder and free will.

In other words, Chitauri is a group of extreme paranoias who like to launch Interstellar-level cruel wars, wherever they go, there is a dead silence.

Hearing Luo Ji's narration, all Superhero present showed solemn expressions.

Regardless of whether the transcender can open stele and splitting stone, or move mountains and reclaim the sea, compared to Interstellar-level disputes, it seems weak.

In the face of real alien invaders, the power of individuals is really insignificant.

"Chitauri? Interesting."

Li Ang lowered his eyes and said coldly, "Where is Servig doctor now?"

"They should be on the top floor of the Stark Building."

Luo Ji looked a little sorry. She rubbed her hands and said softly: "The Stark Building is powered by Arc Reactor and has a high vertical height. Helping the opening of the Interstellar-level Transmission Gate."

In fact, the opening of the Interstellar-level Transmission Gate is mainly to allow Tesseract to pass through—the great being is far from Earth, and he himself I have no time to come to Earth personally to take Tesseract away. I can only let Chitauri do it for him.

Chitauri will use the Transmission Gate to reach Earth, crush all resistance, and clear a no-man’s land around the Transmission Gate to ensure the absolute safety of the Transmission Gate.

When all the formidable power of Tesseract is activated, a stable and continuous Transmission Gate can be opened up, and Chitauri will pass Tesseract through the Transmission Gate and deliver it to the great being.

As for helping Loki complete his ambition to invade Earth, it's just a matter of mere convenience. Whether it is Chitauri or that great being, Loki, who is trifling an old hat on the edge of the galaxy, has never been placed in In the eyes.

"I got it."

Li Ang nodded, to Avengers instructed: "Steve, Thor, Rocky, Black Widow, you guys now rush to the second new New York, fight for Can interrupt the development of Transmission Gate.

Dr. Banner also Mr. Stark stayed in the Academy City."

When did Li Ang become the commander-in-chief of the reunion? Shouldn't he be a potential enemy of the reunion?

Captain America is defamatory, but the body is very honestly nodded, "Let’s go."


The second new New York, Stark Building.

Different from the headquarters of other technology companies, this high-rise building belonging to the Stark Group did not choose to rebuild in academy city. Instead, it still rebuilt an identical one on the basis of the original site.

Most media are puzzled about this, because everyone knows that opening the headquarters of a top company in academy city is not only a status symbol, but also many invisible conveniences and benefits-just like the world five The top 100 gathered in Manhattan, while monopolies and financial institutions gathered in Wall Street.

Some media believe that this is Tony's consistent maverick, and that this Iron Man is unwilling to compete with Li Ang-the two life trajectories are also Legendary, and they are widely used in academic and business fields. There is overlap.

Only Tony Stark’s personal secretary, Pepper Pepper Poz, knows the real answer-Tony has told her more than once that the reason why the new Stark building was opened outside of the school city is to be able to leave The root of the disaster is farther away, so that he can feel more at ease when he sleeps at night.

As for the so-called "cause of the disaster", whether it is the Mutants group in the school city, the meme company, or even Li Ang himself, Pepper Poz did not dig deeper.

At this moment, Erik Selvig doctor is standing on the top floor of the new Stark building, fiddling with an instrument.

The shape of this instrument is similar to the obliquely placed Earth instrument. It was originally supposed to be placed in the position of the Earth model. A large bundle of metal iridium rods was placed, and a dim-blue block-shaped crystal. Suspended in the middle of metal iridium.

"Is it almost ready?" Hawkeye urged beside him, "We don't have much time."

"Just a little bit..." Professor Selvig tightly Gritting his teeth, his hands flew the keys on the laptop, almost turning into an afterimage.

Beside the two of them, dozens of SHIELD Agents are guarded. These big soldiers who were brainwashed by Loki held long spear short cannons, always alert for the appearance of the enemy.


Professor Selvig hit the enter button, spits out one mouthful of impure air, and straightened out from the notebook. Almost collapsed to the ground.

The giant instrument installed with Tesseract suddenly burst into dim-blue rays of light, the whole Stark building fell silent for an instant, and all the electrical equipment flashed with sparks—this It is a sign that Arc Reactor is being pulled away from energy.

The energy extracted from Arc Reactor is transmitted to Tesseract along the thick and long line. The square blue crystals tremble quickly under the surrounding of metal iridium rods.

Suddenly, Loki’s voice was transmitted to Selvig’s doctor’s ears through Wireless Electronics communication headsets, “I’m Loki, Selvig, I order you to stop charging Tesseract immediately. Did you hear?! Stop charging Tesseract immediately!"


Selvig doctor looked extremely surprised, this old, somewhat neurotic The man shouted at the communication headset: "Are you crazy? The secret of Tesseract is about to unfold before my eyes. She wants to show me another magnificent universe full of splendid mysteries!

We said before Agreement, but now you let me stop?!"

"Listen to me," On the communicator's end, Luo Ji pinched her eyebrows helplessly, using the god of lies and treacherousness. The divine technique, mixed with magic sounds that can manipulate people’s hearts, faintly said: "You need to cut the connection between Tesseract and Arc Reactor, you need to stop Tesseract’s chain reaction, you need to prevent Chitauri’s warships from coming to Earth, you It is the hope of Earth, the proud son of mankind..."


Erik Selvig doctor interrupted Luo Ji's enchantment and said excitedly : "I don't care what goes wrong with your brain, and I don't care how your voice changes.

But I can tell you very clearly that Tesseract no longer needs the Arc Reactor function, it has been turned on In the subspace pocket, energy is continuously replaced from it.

Any attempt to stop it will be..."

Before the voice fell, a very slender dark blue beam of light was taken from the center of Tesseract. Projected out, straight into the sky.

Under the erosion of the beam of light, those clouds became mottled and dark, and the space seemed to be stretched and torn apart, revealing huge black circular gaps.

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