At the beginning of its establishment, the media center of Xueyuan City adhered to the principle of comprehensive intelligence. The larger the building area is 400,000 square kilometers, the number of living people is small. Poor, most of the repetitive tasks are handled by Octopus Zhipu, and only creative work can be planned by human employees.

At this moment, on the top floor of the media center, in the extremely spacious studio, there are hundreds of octopus wise servants floating. These omnipotents push and pull the bulky case, adjust the stage lighting and camera machinery, and even the smaller wise servants, holding makeup pens, scribble on the faces of the guests who are preparing to record the show.

If there is an ordinary person standing here, you will be shocked to find that these suits and ties, nervous and embarrassed guests are some influential figures that often appear on news headlines and magazine covers.

The first guest is the creator of the meme company, the most dangerous secret mastermind on the SHIELD list, Li Ang.

The second guest is a white old man named Hank Pym.

He was born in Nebraska and is a biochemist and particle physicist. Founded Pym Technologies company, once discovered a new subatomic particle, and won the Nobel Prize for that year.

Hank Pym is not just an outstanding scientist and entrepreneur. According to S.H.I. The ability to change the size of the body, the hero is active in New York City as a Superhero.

Unfortunately, in an accident, Hank Pym’s wife, Janet Van Dyne (also Superhero, nicknamed the Wasp), in order to prevent Hydra from launching energy missiles at the United States, And reduce oneself to subatomic level.

After falling into the quantum trap, the shrinking process is irreversible, and Janet the Wasp has no news about this, and it's just too much to say that she is dead.

Suffering from the bereavement of his wife, coupled with the unforgiving years, Hank Pym can no longer wear Antman battle clothes, galloping around, can only be a bad old fogey, hiding in the attic of the villa , Doing quantum research, trying to find a way to save his wife.

According to common sense, in this world, almost no one can invite Hank Pym. Dr. Pym's contribution in the field of micro-particles is as famous as his perverted temper.

However, when the Chitauri army was under pressure, Earth was in danger, and the American military and the Academy City issued an urgent invitation, Dr. Hank Pym finally chose to come out again to participate in this unfathomable mystery live TV broadcast. .

The third guest is a young blond white man named Reed Richards.

He was born in California and was known as a child prodigy since he was a child. He graduated from prestigious universities such as California Institute of Technology, Harvard, Columbia University, and Imperial State University. To the doctor degree, and widely praised by the media as "one of the smartest people in the world".

In a space Quest, Reed Richards was irradiated by cosmic rays. Since then, his body structure has undergone tremendous changes, and he can change his body shape according to his will, which is the "rubber man".

Reed Richards, who possesses extraordinary abilities, is called "Mister Fantastic". As the leader of the transcender organization "Fantastic Four", he is active all over the United States.

The fourth guest is New York City’s first king-in-law son-in-law, Iron Man, who likes to pee in iron cans, and Tony Stark-in the studio In a relatively safe environment, he naturally took off the Iron Man Suit, just carrying a small steel case briefcase, just in case.

The first four guests are, or were once extraordinary heroes, while the fourth guest is an ordinary middle-aged black male named Neil DeGrass Tyson.

He is an astronomer, serving as the Frederick Ross curator of the Celestial Phenomenon Hall in the Haydn of the Ross Earth and Space Center. Science education programs have guided many American teenagers on the road of scientific research, and are known as the spiritual successor of Carl Sagan (the popular scientist).

The sixth guest is not as impressive as the previous ones, but an astrophysicist of Indian origin, named Rajesh Kuslapari.

Raj works at Caltech. As an astrophysicist, he published a paper on the Kebel belt Seb in the Neptune system. Dock planet), which has been widely followed by the media.

According to common sense, Raj is not qualified to stand on the same platform as the previous seniors, but because of a communication error by a helicopter pilot of S.H.I.E.L.D., he should have gone to Stark. Raj, who was on the roof of the building, took him to the academy city. It happened that there was an extra chair in the recording studio of the media center, so the astrophysicist was usually pulled over by the strong guy.

A total of six special guests, lined up on the sofa in the center of the studio, looked a little nervous.

They are waiting.

Finally, kicking steps sounded in the background, and the host in suit and leather walked into the studio.

The host is an old man named Kemai Wallace. After greeting the guests, he also sat on the sofa.

"Let's start."

Wallace nodded, said to the octopus intellectual servant behind the camera.

As this instruction was issued, the central SmartBrain began to dispatch the scene.

Lighting stage, photography and video recording, recording and radio, signal transmission...everything works perfectly under the manipulation and interference of the central SmartBrain and mechanical intelligent servants, and the images are faithfully relayed to all parts of the world.

TV, radio, computer, cellphone, most of the information dissemination equipment in the world, can jump through a simple window to enter the live channel of the school city, and in the meme company all over the Earth horizontal track With the blessing of private satellites, the network speed can be guaranteed to be efficient and fast.




The soft female electronic voice of the central SmartBrain is playing There was a sound in the hall, and after the last three tones, the live video of the academy's urban media center was lit up.

Wallace's face appeared in the center of the frame. He slightly smiled, adjusted his sitting posture, and said calmly to the camera: "My fellow Earth members, everyone, I am Kemai Wallace. "

With the assistance of the central SmartBrain, his words were simultaneously translated into various languages ​​and subtitled.

"Just 20 minutes ago, an Interstellar-level Transmission Gate with the Einstein-Rosen Bridge structure opened in the sky above New York City, the second newest city of the United States of America."

Wallace spoke neither fast nor slow, and the subtitles typed on the screen by the central SmartBrain carefully explained various terms in popular science.

"On the other side of the Transmission Gate is a civilized race called Chitauri.

They have technology ahead of Terrans, come with kindness, and are willing to civilize with Earth , To communicate under the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence."

"And I, will be with Li Ang doctor, Dr. Hank Pym, Reed Richards doctor, Tony Stark doctor, Neil DeGrass Tyson doctor, Jesh Kuslapari doctor together, perform forward-looking analysis here, and perform real-time for Earth compatriots Broadcast and record this historic moment together."

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