The pillar of light passing through the sky gradually dissipated, symbolizing that Schwarzschild's Throat has finally entered a stable state.

This hyperspace wormhole constructed based on the Einstein-Rosen Bridge principle connects two cosmic spaces.

At one end, there is the roof of the Stark Building, those scholars and Superhero looking up.

The other end is the starry sky. The vast, dappled starry sky with bright spots of light.

"What's that?"

Nick Fury, who took over the professional telescope from SHIELD Agent, looked at the starry sky, and looked at a large and distorted tower-shaped shadow.

He could not distinguish the true appearance of the black shadow, but he could clearly see the tiny, insect-like particles continuously escaping from the tower-shaped black shadow with his only one eye.

Years of warrior career told him that these aliens may use a combat method similar to the Earth Navy-relying on giant platform ships, carrying a large number of small mobile combat weapons, Mainly rely on small mobile combat weapons to carry out long-range strikes.

The tower-shaped shadow is the space version of the aircraft carrier;

The insect particles are the space version of the carrier aircraft.

"Call..." Nick Fury can't help sigh in relief. According to the War Section gate, this is almost the best situation-the other party uses the platform-style Intergalactic Battleship and the big The scale of small mobile combat weapons means that the opponent probably has no plans to directly wash the ground with star destroyers or use other weapons of mass destruction.

"They released small mobile combat weapons like airplanes? Are they going to fight us at close range?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. high level agent, Director Fury's loyal subordinate, Phil Coulson also held up the telescope and murmured: "This is good news."

"Nick, you need to evacuate the civilians in New York City immediately, regardless of what Li Ang did. What kind of peace is promised, we all need to plan to meet the war."

Captain America Steve turned his head and said to Nick Fury with a firm face: "If they fight at close range, they may also land on the surface. The troops are used to suppress the resistance and transcenders. It is time for us to play a role.

I will contact the other Superhero in the second new New York to buy time for the arrival of the American conventional ground troops. ."

Steve Rogers looks like five big and three rough, but he is actually delicate. He naturally knows that for transcenders with various special abilities, the more suitable environment is penetration, assassination, rescue, lurking, and destruction. The mainstream cold war,

not a hot war that is filled with artillery fire and smoke.

On a large-scale battlefield, overwhelming majority transcender and ordinary person are not much different—physical body and mortal flesh with PFM-1 butterfly mines (made in the Soviet Union, the prototype is BLU43B U.S. Vietnam War anti-infantry anti-personnel mines) Can't resist, let alone white phosphorous bombs, thermobaric bombs, GBU-57 giant ground penetrating bombs, 1130 near-anti-aircraft guns, shelling stable armor-piercing bombs, SDB small-diameter bombs, heavy anti-ship missiles...

The formidable power of today's weapons of mass destruction has far exceeded the imagination of an ordinary person.

In the 1991 Gulf War, the U.S. military used Paveway GBU-27 laser-guided bombs to carry out an air raid on the Baghdad Amelia air-raid shelter. The high temperature generated by the explosion completely melted 1,100 people and escaped by evaporation. The matter is reflected on the wall, forming a human-shaped pattern...

On the plain battlefield facing weapons of this level, what Captain America, what Spider-Man, and what Punisher are all funny Tight clothes thugs, as long as they are located, are a dead word.

There are only two reasons why any target on the modern battlefield has not been destroyed.

One is because the opponent has the same countermeasures,

the other is because of the target The value itself is not worth-you are not killed because you are not worth enough.

Human warfare in the 21st century is still the case. How can Chitauri, who possess Interstellar-class weapons, be mentally retarded?

Is it possible that, a war civilization that can migrate Interstellar through a wormhole, uses an extremely inefficient single-player airship? Is the extremely clumsy laser "fire gun"? Its combat manual is still stuck in the battle of ship jumps during the great voyage period?

Even the slightly more advanced Middle Eastern warlords know that Chitauri, who is able to conduct Interstellar war independently, is first to cover by missiles and aircraft, and then to advance with tanks. Is it possible that its war thinking is not as good as the Middle East warlords?

If someone at the scene said that Chitauri is so stupid, that he does not use weapons of mass destruction, and that he likes to land near the ground, then Nick Fury will definitely give him a loud slap.

Therefore, Director Fury did not hold much hope for the point that Steve Rogers claimed "Go to Superhero to help", and did not hold much hope-Superhero, who has not yet broken away from the mortal stereotypes, the main stage of its activities is peace A city under the environment, and it can only be a city.

Once caught in a firepower-only modern war, the overwhelming majority transcender will be like an ant climbing on a broad stage, exposing its own insignificance.

Nick Fury casually nodded, signalling full authorization and letting Steve do it oneself.

And his main energy is put on the other side, "Give me a transfer to the combat command room."

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s combat command room is set up on the Helicarrier, here It has gathered the most elite tactical commanders and weapons research experts in the United States, and has been authorized by the American Boss S.H.I.E.L.D., and can even directly call 80% of the United States' conventional Combat Units.

As time goes by, the sea area around New York is gradually surrounded by various ships, in the sky circling fighter jet clusters, and the ground streets are also covered by various steel torrents. Occupied.

This is already one of the conventional Combat Units with the largest scale and the most aggressive battle strength that humans can gather on the blue planet. If even these forces can't stop Chitauri, then human civilization is really true. You can put an end here.

Almost without much delay, Nick Fury's voice appeared in the Helicarrier's combat command room-what the black eggs wanted to talk to was not the elite officers, but another group of people in the command room.

Screenwriters, directors, social scientists, anthropologists, linguists, psychologists, negotiators, and science fiction writers from Hollywood.

If the science students on the roof of the Stark Building are responsible for the analysis of Schwarzschild’s throat, then these liberal arts students who are incompatible with Helicarrier analyze the social structure and language of aliens from the perspective of science fiction Mode, overall psychological condition, and possible means of warfare.

The opinions of these people are also a major factor influencing the measures Nick Fury will adopt to align the Taree fleet.

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