The dozens of egg-shaped projectiles that slid out of the spaceship did not just fall into the unmanned sky, but were sandwiched between two metal sticks about 30 meters long.

This metal rod like chopsticks is a photon torpedo launching aid, wrapped with a magnetic force field induction coil, and a launching auxiliary gas device to stabilize the projectile, adjust the trajectory, and provide the initial launch power .

As the mothership reactor ran slowly, the majestic energy was poured into the launch aid, without any sound and light effects, and the egg-shaped projectile flew suddenly and entered deep space.

Every time a projectile is launched, the sterilizer on the launch aid will perform a quick sterilization and reload the ammunition. From a distance, Chitauri’s tower-shaped mothership looks like a Like an old hen, laying eggs continuously.

Once the egg-shaped projectile is 200 meters away from the launcher, its automatic control program will take over the flight lock control system. After a sound of "peng", the egg-shaped shell is ejected, revealing the central, similar The photon torpedo used in the flat space shuttle.

Yes, the photon torpedo is not a torpedo in a narrow sense, it is not the common slender and long cylindrical shape, but the shape of a space shuttle-there is no auxiliary wing, but the tail section has five Jet tube.

After the shell is ejected, the dim-blue particle beam is ejected from the end of the jet tube, and the energy battery inside the torpedo supports the coil outside the torpedo to form a miniature force field that enables the torpedo to accelerate rapidly. It can even maintain a high-speed advance at the sub-light speed of 34 light.

Dozens of light-emitting torpedoes are advancing fast at the speed of 34 light.

Such a high speed of travel naturally does not allow them to make any coquettish tactical actions. They can only be dispersed as much as possible at the beginning of acceleration, so that the other party cannot intercept all the torpedoes at once.

At this moment, the distance between Li Ang and the Chitaru mothership is 2 light seconds. He just stood in space in such a calm light, as if he was completely destined to his own destiny, maintaining The dullness brought about by ignorance.

On the mothership command bridge, the Zetaru soldiers held their breath and looked at the big screen nervously and expectantly.

They must succeed! Those who rebel must die!

Amid the prayers of the Zetaru soldiers, the photon torpedo's automatic flight lock control program drags these terrifying weapons that can destroy the surface of the planet, constantly narrowing the distance with Li Ang.

The killing radius of the three photon torpedoes is enough to cover an entire continent plate of Earth. Even if there is no air in space to expand the shock wave, the photon torpedoes can use the pure destruction energy to reach thousands of kilometers, Everything within tens of thousands of kilometers collapsed and cracked.

Now, Chitauri shot fifty-nine.

Such a high price, even General Chitauri feels painful, Chitauri itself does not have the ability to produce photon torpedoes, whether it is a sub-light engine or other supporting equipment, it comes from that great exist.

The photon torpedo obtained by Chitar Legion is also limited, with one less than one.

In most cases, the photon torpedo will be used in the wide Interstellar battlefield within 10 light seconds, or the "face kiss" level battle within 3 light seconds, and occasionally it will be used For the "Extinction Order" for an entire planet.

"So many photon torpedoes, they are all used on the individual life of an earthen hat planet that has not yet separated from the star system..."

Some Low Level officer in the bridge muttered Muttered to himself, "It's really a pity..."

No one responded, and there was a silence that was suppressed to terrifying in the entire bridge.

Under the action of the sub-light speed engine, a total of 59 torpedoes did not drag out 59 tail flames. Only the rays of light in the extreme distance were drawn and twisted into mottled when they passed the torpedoes. The spot of light, as if shining on a glass crystal.

However, Li Ang simply opened his eyes when faced with a weapon capable of large-scale cleaning of the planet's surface.

The illusory shadow of the god of Torch Dragon appeared behind him. Li Ang, who temporarily borrowed the visual power of the gem of time, succeeded in seeing the essence of things that only four-dimensional creatures could see.

The killing component of the photon torpedo is located in the warhead, and its killing principle is still relying on the huge energy torrent generated when the substance contacts the antimatter.

However, the advantage of the photon torpedo is that it can sail fast at a sub-light speed of 34. Even in the turbulent situation and the ever-changing Interstellar battlefield, it is also a superspeed. -Large ships impossible to make tactical evasive actions at the speed of light, and can only use shields to resist damage, or find a way to intercept with the same sub-light weapons, and the difficulty of the latter is comparable to heavenly ascension.

Only precision-guided weapons that can enter sub-light-speed navigation orbits are worthy of being strategic weapons.

Li Ang, who temporarily has the sight of four-dimensional creatures, uses a mysterious state of God to read remotely the photon torpedoes that have not yet rushed in front of him,

The design principles, killing methods, projectile design structure, and a series of information.

"so that's how it is,"

Li Ang muttered to himself, said with a smile: "At the top of the warhead, there are six frozen heavy hydrogen structural support plates. An antimatter reservoir is suspended in the center of the hydrogen structure support plate.

The micro-fusion starter on the outer side of the projectile generates six completely equal magnetic cavities under the energy supply of the projectile engine, which is matched with anti-heavy hydrogen. The suspension protects the antimatter storage.

Once the warhead accepts the command, the anti-deuterium suspension will slide into the empty slot, causing the antimatter storage to rupture.

Matter and antimatter contact The energy of is initially constrained by a strong magnetic field in the center of the projectile, and then suddenly released, producing a terrifying lethality."

He looked at a piece of pebble that was perfectly round from the beach. In that way, I watched the photon torpedo approaching at sub-light speed from a distance.

"These Chitauri are used the wrong way..."

Li Ang shook his head and sighed: "The true value of the photon torpedo does not lie in the antimatter explosion at the warhead. The device, but its propulsion engine.

The sub-light speed engine that can travel at the speed of 34 light is the most valuable part of the torpedo itself."

His sigh is lonely. The vacuum dissipates, like a vast clear spring into the deep night.

The reality of the world is not shifted by human will. In the eyes of the Zetaru soldiers expecting, in the eyes of the residents of Earth (they don’t even know what’s going on in space, only God A few organizations such as the Shield Bureau can directly observe the back of Schwarzschild’s throat.) In Li Ang’s breezy gaze, the photon torpedo rushed 100 kilometers in front of him.

In the next second, the automatic control system of the photon torpedo will eject the anti-deuterium suspension into the empty slot, guiding the majestic energy to shred everything in front of you.

In the focal point of ten thousands, Li Ang slightly smiled, disappeared.

To be more precise, he appeared in front of a certain photon torpedo, stretched out his take action palm and gently stroked this strategic weapon.

"Boom, boom, boom."

He knocked on the outer armor of the torpedo, like dismembering a crab, and quickly dismantled the solid metal carapace of the torpedo, exposing the complex inside. The structure of the instrument.

"The vacuum zero-point energy extraction device, and the sub-light-speed curvature engine, are really a great gift."

Li Ang lifts the head, facing Zitarim in the distance Jianhehe smiled and muttered to himself: "Thank you for the super rocket from Old Xing."

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