Asgard, Bifrost.

Guardian God with golden eyes and black skin, Heimdall stands at the end of Bifrost, looking down at Nine Realms with those golden eyes.

Because of Li Ang’s position, Heimdall could not clearly see everything that happened in the Academy City, but Heimdall’s intuition told him that Odin, Thor, and Luo Ji, the three most powerful deities of Asgard , Encountered an unfortunate fate.

In this world, there is nothing more than time to cause damage to Odin.

Heimdall was convinced of this fact, but the chill coming out of in the bones made him shudder.

He trembled and passed this message to the queen Frigga, the strong Asgard hostess, who immediately made a decision after a brief period of pain.

"We are in a war, Asgard, against Midgard."

The milf queen sternly said, "They want If you want to war, then give them war! Gather the Asgard army!"


The interrogation room, narrow, cramped, and grid-shaped tubes emitting pale rays of light , Illuminate below.

The haggard-faced Odin sat on the chair behind the table in the interrogation room, motionlessly stiff, like dead wood.

He is wearing a decently tailored loose European-style robe, and the wound on his chest caused by the penetration of World Tree branches has been healed as before-the underground base staff even helped him with care. After a haircut, he reserved the dignity for the Aesir Divine King.

Asgard is also the leader of Nine Realms, and the basic respect for Odin is not excessive.

However, these special treatments cannot refute the fact that Odin has become a prisoner.

Ms. Harley Quinn, wearing a white coat, is standing behind the interrogation table.

"Your name." This clown girl from Gotham City asked. The gold wire glasses of business women reflected the deserted white light on the mirror,


Odin, who has been indulging in freedom for his whole life, is very reluctant to answer this question. Even a direct conversation with mortals in Midgart is an insult to him.

Asgard has technical capabilities far superior to other civilizations. Asgardian is known as the people of Asgard, and Aesir, located at the top of Asgard, stands at the top of biological evolution.

The long lifespan, the profound wisdom, the tenacious body, the quick reaction speed of thinking, and the extraordinary power far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The difference between the Asgardian and the Midgard is greater than the difference between a human and a pig. A trifling, Harry Quinn, who does not have any extraordinary attributes, is no different from the ants in Odin's eyes.

"I said, name." Harley Quinn stretched out the take action, slowly pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose, and said calmly: "Dear Sir, a good attitude helps You regain your freedom."

If you change to a specific occasion, I am afraid that Odin will release a flash of lightning at will to beat this overestimate one's capabilities and impudent woman into powder.

But, first he couldn't do it, and second he didn't dare to do it.

Under his feet, there are close and numerous cumbersome runes. These runes not only include Rooney rune and ancient Egyptian characters that Odin is more familiar with, but also a lot of them he can't read and read more. Unreadable foreign text.

These words are an array of prisons laid by Li Ang, which can perfectly block Odin's divine force, making him a bad old fogey without the power to bind a chicken.

When he first entered the cell, Odin also planned to use oneself to invent Rune's experience to decipher the Formation under Li Ang, but the difficulty and obscurity of the text on these arrays far exceeds that of Divine King. Imagine.

"Are you afraid of this?"

"Why do you want to be a messenger?"

"It’s harder to make sudden changes?簻っ突橪洧 some 椌 imaginary っ橪橪洧some thoughts っ☆"

These fire star texts of the last century were used by Li Ang as part of the array, since they have borrowed from Eternity. After the Rooney text on the gun, he was able to draw arrays with some unclear sentence patterns-even if Odin racked his brains to break his head, he couldn't understand or guess it, so naturally he couldn't talk about deciphering the Formation.

The situation is better than people, and Odin is not the kind of person who admits to death. He is the King of Asgard and needs to be responsible for a whole country. In desperation, just say: "My name is Odin. "

Harley Quinn satisfactorily nodded, scribbled on the paper with a pen, and said indifferently: "Gender."

Odin corner of mouth twitching, from between the teeth A word popped out: "Male."

"hehe." Harley Quinn smiled unfathomable, not too entangled in this issue.

According to Li Ang's analysis of Norse Mythology that day, the mythological spore Giant Race descendants should be both sexes.

Odin’s father is Aesir Divine King Bauer from the root of Zhengmiaohong, and his mother is a woman who was taken by force .

So, whether Odin, who inherited half of the bloodline of the frost giant, is a pure chromosome XY male...this point is also open to question.

Harley Quinn’s occasional smile looked a bit ghostly, as uncomfortable as a weasel who had stolen a chicken, making Odin's face behind the interrogation table gloomy for a few minutes.

"My two...cough, what about the child?" Aesir Divine King coughed, frowned and asked, "Where are they?"

"Don't worry, they Now I’m having a cordial and friendly communication with Bain doctor. There will be absolutely no danger."

Harley Quinn shrugged and said casually: "You only need to cooperate with my work, whatever will happen Not happen."

"...." Odin took a deep breath, slowly nodded.

"Then, your nation."

Odin said calmly: "Aesir, if you want to describe it exactly, and the Vikings in Scandinavia today Have a close blood relationship."

"Very good," Harley Quinn nodded with satisfaction, and touched a little paper with a pen, "Our communication process has a good beginning."


In the narrow and cramped interrogation room, both sides asked and answered, and time passed quickly.

The reason why Odin, the heavenly father, didn’t enjoy "personality modification surgery" and "memory extraction surgery" as soon as he came up, first of all is because the personality modification surgery for Asgardian still needs to go through the debugging stage,


Secondly, before the operation, a specialized neurology and psychology expert—that is, Harley Quinn—has a professional and objective mental state assessment on him.

Again, personality modification or memory extraction surgery is good, but it will have some unknown effects on the mind and memory of the recipient during the operation.

Odin, who has traversed Star River for thousands of years, is a moving library. Which planet in Nine Realms has not been to? Which enemies have not encountered? Which divine tools have not been played with?

Li Ang is reluctant to treat such a mobile treasure house as a consumable item.

ps: To resume three shifts tomorrow, ask for correction, ask for subscription, ask for votes.

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