Cheating insurance?

Storm looked a little embarrassed, and gave a dry cough, and didn't get too entangled in this issue-no matter from which point of view, Wakanda, who has mastered core technology but deliberately hides itself from the world, is indeed like cheating on UN subsidies. This can’t be washed.

To be honest, Wakanda's natural resource conditions are not bad.

The Jebel River, the White Nile River and Lake Turkana provide abundant water sources. The riverbanks are rich in water and grass, and the mountains are full of greenery-but more than 80% of the people live in the vast expanse In the plains, in the red, brown and yellow land, the ancestors lived a poor and backward nomadic life for generations.

Li Ang and Storm walked through the UN tent cluster. The dark and thin Wakanda people just glanced at them with a slightly curious look, and then immediately plunged into oneself that specifically deceived the United Nations. During the performance of WFP staff.

Africa refugees are what they should be.

No matter what trouble Wakanda is, as long as Vibranium is still stored in the border of Wakanda, there is no need to worry too much, so Li Ang walks slowly like a stroll in the garden, enjoying the exotic Africa. scene.

"By the way, I heard that the kings of Wakanda were the most brave and warriors in the kingdom, and they were dubbed the honor of'Black Panther'," Li Ang said casually: "But that special The old King Chaka, who was bloated and short, with loose muscles and martial power, does not look like a warrior."

Storm explained: "cough cough, King Techaka is indeed noble and noble. The powerful'Black Panther', when I accidentally entered Wakanda, I was also fortunate to meet him.

At that time, King Techaka was still a brave warrior, but there have been too many world situations in the past few years. Change, as the king of the ancient African civilization, he must face the Quest that adapts to the world trend. It may be this reason that keeps him busy with political affairs, energy consumption, and slack exercise."


"It turned out to be like this." Li Ang curled one's lip casually, put his hands in his pockets, and said: "The King Techaka has always been in line with international standards even if he comes from a'weak country',


Frequent visits to foreign countries and attending various conferences. He has appeared in many affairs of the United Nations in Africa.

On behalf of East African countries a few days ago, he was fighting for the Chitauri Targeted Poverty Alleviation Project. , To fight for the interests of Vast Africa. From this perspective, he is still a pretty good leader..."

Before the voice came, he heard a slightly hoarse voice from a distance Young male voice, "Thank you very much for your compliment, Honorable Li Ang."

I saw a black young man in a suit and leather shoes walking away from an ordinary, not extravagant, extended sedan. Down.

His skin is not completely dark, his facial features are clearly distinguished, his figure is sturdy and tall, and his well-tailored suit reflects the contours of his muscles and adds a touch of elegance.

This is the Prince of Wakanda, T'Challa.

Behind him, there are two or three black women who also wear suits. These black girls are tall and comparable to supermodels, with thick lips and exaggerated breast and hip contours. If you want to follow the aesthetics of Europeans and Americans Watching, she is a beautiful woman-the aesthetics of those ghosts is really abnormal.

Of course, these few following T'Challa Prince are not queen maids, but members of the female guards who are proficient in Dao of Slaughter. The Captain who leads is the special investigation. King Ka's direct descendant, Okoye.

By the way, these women's guards have shaved their heads for some reason, and now they have to show their faces before they have to put on curly black wigs, which makes oneself look a little pleasing to the eye.

Li Ang raised his eyebrows and shook hands with T'Challa Prince, and said casually: "Your Excellency knows we are coming?"

"I just learned the news just now. "

T'Challa Prince said peacefully: "Although you can shield the electromagnetic signals around your body, our monitoring methods are not limited to surveillance cameras or private satellites."

Having said that, the Prince reached out and pointed to the Wakanda people who were in the queue, and Li Ang knew instantly. Not long after they fell in love, the seemingly stupid herdsmen immediately reported that "there are outsiders breaking in". Passing back to the country-from this perspective, it is almost the same as Beggars' Sect, which relies on beggar to inform and collect information.

After saying hello, Li Ang explained that he wanted to purchase a large quantity of Vibranium, and because Wakanda was closed to the outside world recently, he went to visit and see what happened. .

"Um...what about this..."

T'Challa Prince hesitated for a moment, glanced at Storm behind Li Ang, and said embarrassingly:" It's not that we don't want to sell Vibranium, but in recent days, there have been some small disturbances in the kingdom, which are very involved and affect the affairs of other fields.

If you two don’t mind, you can go to a hotel outside our capital. Next, I will personally handle Vibranium matters."

The so-called small storm is actually the pot of the previous generation: In order to maintain the intelligence advantage to the outside world, Wakanda will send a series of intelligence personnel to other The country collects external information.

The younger brother of the old King Techaka, NJob, is one of these intelligence agents. He fell in love with a woman in Oakland, America, and gave birth to a child named For Erik Kermongo.

(The black left-wing radical party named "Black Panther Party" was founded in Oakland, California in 1966. It adheres to the principles of armed self-defense and community autonomy. Its name itself comes from the Marvel Studios in the same year. The first frontal black Superhero, Black Panther introduced in the prints of Fantastic Four.

Therefore, it can be said that the comics and adapted films of "Black Panther" have deep political connotations. The background of the movie's story was set in 1992. Oakland, I’m afraid it’s alluding to that period of history.

By the way, the early Black Panther Party was a very pious U.S. Communist Party, and its founder team was even more so with a red cover. The quotations from the ancestors memorize every word in it. The policy of "armed self-defense" and "community autonomy" pursued by the Black Panther Party is precisely derived from Taizu's "Government from the barrel of a gun".

But with the passage of time, the Black Panther Party, a working class liberation organization, also gradually disappeared under the macro-control of the American Government, and formally dissolved in 1982.

From a certain perspective Said, Black Panther is still a Superhero with a red sickle and hammer background.)

At that time, I was with NJob, and there was also a black youth named Zuri.

NJob always thought that Zuri was just an ordinary black United States, and regarded him as a brother, but didn’t want Zuri to be an undercover undercover that King Tchaka had put beside him, just like him. Wakanda people.

It coincided with the accidental imprisonment of NJob's wife, and after NJob had a child, his mindset changed. He wanted to use Wakanda's national strength to help black compatriots who were discriminated against and persecuted all over the world.

While he was planning a robbery with Zuri and rescued NJob’s wife, he was stopped by King Tchaka, who came after hearing the news. What do you do to help "black compatriots" and so on.

During the stalemate, Tchaka missed and killed his younger brother NJob. I don’t know what the psychology was, the King Wakanda took Zuri to leave the United States silently and left the money behind. The corpse of the younger brother in the Auckland apartment, the siblings who are still in prison, and the unattended nephew.

As a result, the son of Njobb, the nephew of Tchaka, and one of the heirs to the Wakanda throne, Erik Kermongo, had a miserable childhood—his father was bizarre. When he died at home, his mother was wronged and went to jail. Even before he died, he could not see his son. Erik oneself lived on the street early and was trained by the CIA as a professional agent. He was engaged in assassination, infiltration, and stealing in Afghanistan and other places. "Dirty work" such as intelligence and subversion of the regime.

From these two points, the old King Techaka did something wrong, and now he has tasted the bitter fruit that fate gave him.

Erik Kermango returned to Wakanda and appealed to the Elder Council about this historical issue, and pointed out that he would challenge the old King Tchaka and help him in an honorary fight. Father recovers the blood debt.

The Elder Councils who learned the truth of history remained silent. No matter from which angle, the old King Tchaka did not do the right thing. Now that Erik comes to the door, it is also a battle for the throne within the family. In terms of obedience to the ancient precepts, honor fighting-that is, the two sides fight each other in a duel, whoever survives can sit on the throne.

Erik, who has both died of parents, was born of noble origin, has a bloody feud, and learned martial arts, is a proper protagonist template from that point of view, plus he also accounts for the word "morality" , Even the old Tchaka King Oneself had no face to fight with him.

even more how Erik martial power The fierce, already out-of-shape old King Techaka might be directly killed as soon as he enters the field.

The most important thing is that a pair of protagonist templates added by Erik, put forward the "Wakanda to the world" slogan, poked a lot of Elder's heart,

external things continue to change Only Wakanda can stand still. If the isolation policy of King Techaka is followed, Wakanda's technical and resource advantages to the outside world may disappear after several decades.

The hearts of the people are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead. As a last resort, the old King Techaka closed the external communication and prepared to close the door to resolve the dispute.

As for T'Challa, who is the appointed Prince, he has been suffering too much lately. He used to be a good playboy. He was eating hot pot and singing songs, but suddenly a big cousin fell from the sky. The protagonist template, like the reincarnation of Long Aotian's big cousin, fortunately, undying plans to fight for the throne with his father.

As a result, life can no longer go on in an instant, and T'Challa Prince also has to intensively prepare various matters, manage up and down, and maintain the stability of the situation.

If it wasn't for his former "first love" Storm to come to Wakanda, plus Li Ang, such a great god, T'Challa Prince would not bother to come out in person to meet foreign guests.

Hearing T'Challa Prince's "Get in the car?" invitation, Li Ang readily agreed and got on T'Challa Prince's car with Storm.

Sure enough, the place of charm and beauty in the car seems to have endured the hardships of a long journey, an old style extended sedan, its interior is extremely luxurious, the leather seats are soft and comfortable, from the door frame When it comes to the car roof, its metal texture is mixed with a lot of Vibranium, which reveals the luxury of a big dog everywhere-you must know that the US team's shield is only a little bit of Vibranium that's all. This Wakanda, unexpectedly It was wasted on the armor of ordinary stretch cars.

At this moment, Li Ang's heart in evacuating Wakanda's treasury was strengthened.

In the car, Li Ang and Storm are sitting on one side, while T'Challa Prince is sitting opposite. The female guards guards are beside him. They can be said to be hugging from left to right, so uncomfortable. .

Xiangche, beauty (starting from the aesthetics of Europeans and Americans), T'Challa Prince, who grew up in a golden spoon, is no wonder that Storm, who is born in hooligan, feels uncomfortable-facing T'Challa With Prince's eager gaze, Storm had to lean against the car window, alleviating the embarrassment by looking at the scenery outside the car.

And Li Ang doesn't matter, what happened to the women's guards? A certain Libyan madman also has a women’s guard, although the chairman of the Libyan Writers Association did not end well in the end...

In order to avoid the air being too quiet, Li Ang said casually: "Yes. Well, the capital of Wakanda is in the tropical rain forest, right?"

"That's right."

T'Challa Prince explained: "Wakanda is located in the mountains. The capital in China can effectively use the tropical rainforest to shield the eyes of the outside world.

Poison insect wild beast blocks outsiders, and we can just use the rainforest as a cover for the capital because the rainforest is not suitable for residents to live. "

Li Ang nodded, casually said: "Since the American female writer Rachel Carson published the environmental protection masterpiece "Silent Spring" in the 1960s, the American Government, which has been questioned by residents, cannot The production of chemical insecticides is not tightened, which will eventually lead to the production of high-efficiency insecticide DDT on an international scale.

The lack of insecticide DDT has caused mosquitoes and flies to wreak havoc on the Africa continent again, spreading malaria, Typhoid fever, tens of thousands, even tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of people die from this disease every year.

To some extent, Rachel Carson, in terms of population regulation, I am afraid that he has done a better job than the German head of state."

T'Challa Prince frowned. He faintly felt that Li Ang's words were quite meaningful, but he couldn't think about the crux of the problem, so he had to frown. language.

He did not know that in the confidential information provided by Central SmartBrain, "Silent Spring" and its author Rachel Carson himself, Wakanda, and the entire Africa continent itself, all have extremes. Deep ties...

For a while, the car returned to silence again. After a few 10 minutes of mountain trail driving, this extended sedan finally crossed the bumpy road and reached the periphery of the optical camouflage barrier.

As the all around scenery slowly recedes, a civilization and backward, an elegant and wild magical Africa style city, Wakanda, the hometown of Vibranium, finally appeared in front of everyone.

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