"Father, what are you doing?!"

T'Challa, who staggered and got up, pushed his own father away, while struggling to pick up the watch from the pool Brother Erik, checked the physical condition of the opponent-the laser beam was fortunately deviated from the vital organs. In addition to occasionally vomiting out visceral debris, Erik was still alive.

"I'm doing what must be done." Without any expression on the old king's face, he calmly said: "I'm saving you."

"...I don't I hope to survive in this way." T'Challa Prince said painfully: "You are wrong."

"It is not me who is wrong, but this world!" The old king corner of mouth twitching, calm Said: "I can die in Erik's hands. This is what I owe him, but you do not owe it.

You need to live, inherit the will of the Black Panther tribe, and become the Guardian of this kingdom. It’s your destiny."

After that, the old king lowered his head and slowly pointed the spear tip of lance at Erik who was in a comatose state. "I will apologize after death, but now , I have nowhere to go..."

Several Deadpools silently stepped forward and surrounded Erik, who was still struggling, while Tchaka’s bloated and chubby body , Then a fierce and ferocious temperament erupted. After a short charge in his hand, lance directly swept the deadly beam towards Erik.

At the moment when the beam was about to hit Erik, Li Ang shook the head and said calmly: "As a comrade who successfully penetrated the enemy, this method of death is a bit too embarrassing."

With a flick of his palm, thousands of drops of water in the tranquil pond shot out like a sharp arrow. Accurately hit the foreheads of all dead men, leaving precise wounds running through half of the skull.

Tick, tick, the brain plasma drips from the hole-shaped wound. The meticulous strength control of Li Ang can even cut off the frontal lobes of all dead people through precise calculations. The body remained rigid and numb.

More than that, the water droplets that Li Ang shot at will also accurately fell on the tribal aristocrats in the injured state, causing them to grow tender granulation in their wounds, and the scars healed quickly.

"Your Excellency Li Ang, what are you doing?!"

King Techaka, who sensed something wrong, suddenly changed his face and said hurriedly: "Didn't we reach an agreement? I donated one thousand tons of Vibranium to you, and you promise to be neutral about the internal affairs of the Wakanda Kingdom..."

"Do you have any misunderstandings about oneself?"

Li Ang glanced at King Techaka, who had blue veins on his forehead, his face trembling, and said calmly: "First of all, I have never put you or even Wakanda in my eyes. If I want Vibranium, directly Just go to your treasury to fetch it-who can stop me in the entire Wakanda?

Secondly, I am also the referee of this honor fight anyway. Is it not enough for you to interrupt so compulsively? My face..."


King Techaka was shocked and confused. You want face to speak early! I'll give it to you! Now all my men are down, you tell me to give you face? !

Tachaka, the Monarch of the entire Country, is unavoidably murderous under this naked face, but at the moment of seeing Li Ang’s cheerful smile, As if being drenched with ice water from head to toe, his whole body was cold and numb.


King Techaka strained his face, watching the wounds of other tribes’ high-ranking nobles gradually healed, and even stood up slowly while supporting each other , And at the same time looked at their former king with extremely complicated eyes.

"This is what you forced me!"

King Techaka took a few steps backwards, and said ferociously: "I can give my life to save the mistakes of the past. But T'Challa is different.

He is young, strong, compassionate, and modest. He is neither humble nor humble in the face of powerhouse, and he is not arrogant in the face of the weak. Only this kind of king can lead Wakanda and stand in great numbers in the powerhouse. In the forest of nations in the world today, keep a place.

He can't die yet!"

"The throne is so important to you? Sir Father?"


T'Challa bitterly said: "Look at your surroundings, father, the citizens you once swore to guard are now in fear of you. You once swore to blood as an ally, now Falling into hatred of you.

Even your wife, son, and daughter can’t recognize whether the ambitious man who is full of lies and obsessed with power is still the gentle and kind elder. "

"I don't need you to teach me!" The fat tiger King Techaka roared: "I am the king of Wakanda, I am the incarnation of justice, and I am the symbol of kingship!


Only I can continue the glorious history of Wakanda! Only you who are selected by me are qualified to continue to rule this country!

In the process, anyone who tries to disturb the process , Will receive a fatal blow!"

The seemingly short, fat, and kind black old man who haunts TV screens all the year round, at this moment, is like those brutal African warlords, filled with Bloodshot eyes looked at the expressionless citizens.

"Why...what are you doing?"

Li Ang sighed softly: "Also, let me expose Wakanda's glorious appearance. Dirty essence..."

I saw the creator of the Academy City, slowly walking to the center of the stone platform, using a volume that everyone can hear, Speak slowly,

"I only have a little understanding of the cultural knowledge of all parts of the world. It just so happens that Wakanda and even the African culture are still within my cognition."

He rubbed it. Hand, smiled and said: "First, start with the language system.

Wakanda is located on the edge of Lake Tulakana on the border between Kenya and Ethiopia. It belongs to the language family and comes from Nigeria-Congo. Bantu language family.

In the Bantu language family, more than 600 languages ​​are included. About 200 million people in Africa south central region use this language family as their mother tongue.

Further derivation, I found that in the language system of the Wakanda people, there are often inhalation, exhalation, and bluffing sounds. Some people may be quite unfamiliar with them. However, in fact, this pronunciation method is called linguistic linguistics.

In the Bantu language family, a large number of spoken languages ​​point to the Xhosa language. In southern South Africa, the Xhosa language is spoken by about 8 million people and is the 11 official language of South Africa. One of the languages, and in the eastern part of Africa, there are not many people who use the Xhosa language.

The question is, how can Wakanda, which is located in the eastern part of Africa, use the Xhosa language, which is popular in the south? What?"

The question raised by Li Ang immediately baffled a crowd of onlookers. Even the five tribal nobles in high positions were mostly confused and perplexed.

In silence, Elder, the river tribe with lips in his mouth, said vaguely: "...In Wakanda's history books, it is Vibranium that has fallen from the sky. The five tribes..."


Li Ang resolutely and decisively said: "The five tribes are not the legitimate owners of Vibranium at all!

They are basically a group of shameless thieves and cruel butchers of the fifth degree.

The golden tribe born by the Black Panther in the past is the real culprit behind the tragic past of the entire Africa continent!"


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