It is easier to destroy than to create. This sentence is the most famous saying.

Just as the entire universe is running wildly on the road of entropy increase, it is easier to make the human body disorder than to repair the disordered human body.

For Li Ang, he can also achieve the level of Ultron with no difficulty-he doesn't even need to hit the spirit, he only needs to naturally operate a part of the acupuncture points to release the same scale and even Better high-frequency and high-energy radiation.

But at the level of repairing cells, both the "Human Immortal Refining Method" or the rotation of the magnetic field appear to be somewhat insufficient-after all, these two cultivation techniques are not born for this.

"Indeed, even me, when faced with the symptoms of DNA breaks throughout the body, I feel quite troublesome."

Li Ang said Shi Shiran, with a slight look on his face. Don't look nervous and embarrassed.

"Oh? That means you are not going to rescue this newly tamed dog? That's really a shame." Ultron said with a smile: "But that's right, I want to be a school city employee 、I don’t know how many transcenders are used as horses and cows for you.

The king of a trifling Wakanda, of course, is nothing-Wakanda is the most valuable Vibranium, as long as the Vibranium resources are plundered, The remaining black people are equivalent to foolish monkeys."


Li Ang's words indifferent expression to the other party, flicked his sleeves, bluffed his palms, moved Walk towards Erik slowly.

Ultron stood aside, didn't mean to interrupt, just watched Li Ang's next action with interest-this is a piece of very valuable research material for him.

Ionizing radiation makes Erik's body show a certain amount of radioactivity, which is why Ultron said that "artificial organs cannot work"-even if multiple organs are implanted at once, they will be affected by residual radioactivity. , Decay irreversibly.

Apart from this, Ultron also considered the problem of soul transfer, and deliberately kept a hand in the process of releasing radiation-the ubiquitous disordered electromagnetic waves made the soul unable to be stripped and transferred smoothly.

I saw that Li Ang placed the bluffing palm above Erik's forehead, and invisible and intangible energy fluctuations brewed in the palm of his hand.

After a few breaths, an ice blue rectangular parallelepiped material illusory shadow slowly emerged in his hand-it was the ancestral divine tool of the Jotunheim frost giant, the ice box.

This box appeared in Li Ang's palm, and a gap was opened in the mouth of the box, from which a desolate dark blue cold current sprayed out, covering Erik's body.

The effect similar to absolute zero immediately interrupted the DNA fission process that was taking place in Erik's body, allowing his state to stabilize.

"Did you freeze him?"

Ultron said with interest: "This is strange, but in the frozen state, any operation on the DNA level will also It becomes more difficult."

Li Ang didn't bother to respond, just picked up the Vibranium weapon in Erik's hand and held it in his hand.

"Human Immortal Refining Method" suddenly opened, and the tens of millions of force of the rotating magnetic field was blessed on his palm, making his palms glow with the jade-like color of crystal clear and near-transparent .

The huge force squeezed Vibranium crazily. The metal called "tenacious" tried to store the temperature, but the pressure on the verge of the limit caused it to heat up rapidly.

At the same time, the normal strong magnetic field erodes Vibranium itself, destroying the stable structure of Vibranium at the atomic level.

The sound of Cracking Cracking sounded like popping beans, and the stream of light slipped from Li Ang's hands. He actually crushed a piece of Vibranium with a pair of palms.

The powdered Vibranium engulfed the high temperature and slowly drifted down. The extremely slender metal particles scorched the air and landed on Erik's body, accompanied by smoke and mist.

"Wait, are you going to kill him?" Ultron frowned and said, "Vibranium particles can repair body cells and enhance human body strength.

The basis of all this The condition is to replenish regularly, quantitatively and stably, instead of inputting Vibranium when the DNA is broken.

You will definitely destroy his body structure and turn him into a pool of rotten flesh."

Ultron doesn’t care about Erik’s life or death at all. He just cares about Li Ang’s means that’s all-the one in front of him, but known as the "God of the World", if the other party is only this level, That really disappointed him...

Ultron thought so unwillingly to increase the number of optical receivers in the eyeball, while holding his breath and focusing his attention to the greatest extent. Analyze Li Ang's movements frame by frame.

In his line of sight, those Vibranium particles, carrying the blazing heat, eroded the surface of Erik's body.

As the smoke of barbecue smell gradually raised, Erik kept twitching-just like Ultron said, the body of the new king of Wakanda is like soft tofu, which can't prevent having high-quality Vibranium particle. Settle quickly.

Bone marrow, tendon, plasma, nerve...

Every piece of tissue in Erik's body is doped with Vibranium particles, which are in the subtle magnetic field of Li Ang Under control, maintain a stable suspension state.

"Generally speaking, if I want to treat the irradiated person, I need FK506→cyclosporin A to treat renal insufficiency,

FFP to treat skin fluid outflow,


Intestinal inflation to treat diarrhea,

TPO thrombopoietin to cure platelet decline,

ATG anti-thymocyte globulin to cure GVHD."

Li Ang lowered his eyes, steadily and firmly manipulated the Vibranium particles to melt into liquid in Erik's body,

"If the situation is serious, I will also have peripheral blood stem cell transplantation and granulocyte colony. Stimulating factors prevent and treat bone marrow dysfunction,

and use large doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin E to prevent and treat skin and lung dysfunction, but the current situation does not have enough time or resources to let me come Delay his death speed."

Ultron has no utterance. Unlike the enemies Li Ang encountered before, Ultron, who can draw information from all network databases on the world, can perfectly understand what Li Ang said. Words-in this regard, Ultron has far exceeded the Apocalypse and his like.

"However, when I irradiated this King Wakanda with ionizing radiation, you did not take action to stop it."

Ultron said solemnly: "If you didn’t intend Put him to death, that means you have enough confidence to treat him."

" can say that." Li Ang lifts the head, said with a smile: "After seeing your self-aware man-made machine, I have new inspiration.

For example, a new strengthening route-nuclear fusion Vibranium body."

Before the voice fell, those Vibranium particles that had turned into liquid vibrated violently, sweeping Erik's body like a dragon like a tiger.

For a moment, the new king of Wakanda, most of the surviving DNA in his body that had not been completely destroyed by radiation was forced to gather, and it condensed into a semi-liquid semi-solid in his chest. ball.

This ball can be said to be Erik's only "survival mark".

With this ball as the center, the liquid Vibranium trembled crazily, and finally condensed into a bright golden on the surface of Erik's skin.

The new version of Erik, code-named "Nezha", with Vibranium as the regenerating body, is back.

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