"Ho ho ho..."

Erik Kermongo stopped, his eyes wide open, standing in place, two mouths A stern sound like pieces of sandpaper rubbing against each other.

As the liquid Vibranium serving as blood was sucked away by Ultron, his calves gradually became dry and shriveled, like sugarcane exposed to the sun for a long time, slender, narrow, and fragile.

After losing his strength support, Erik was as stiff as a statue, and could no longer hold Ultron's lower body-with peng sound, Ultron's lower body fell to the ground like this , The dust was flying.

Ultron stretched out the take action arm dexterously, supported on the ground, spliced ​​the upper body and the lower body together, while the abdominal cavity of the upper body was dripping with brilliant lights and vibrant colors. Liquid Vibranium, acting as an adhesive between the upper and lower body, consolidates the project.

After a breath, Ultron has been coated with a Vibranium coating around his body. He stretched out his take action palm and patted on the ground, got up very flexibly, and even sat on Erik's forehead quite sarcastically. Touching it is like training a dog.


Okye Captain saw King Own in such a miserable situation with his own eyes, only to feel that the roots of his cold hair were standing up, and he couldn't help holding it tightly. I stayed with the Vibranium weapon in my hand, and didn't even notice that the nail was pinched into the flesh and the dripping blood was dripping out.

Although this bald black girl is ugly in Asian aesthetics, her loyalty to the "king" is quite reliable, even in the face of an enemy like Ultron that is far beyond human power. , And never took a step back, "What happened to your King Your Majesty?!"

"Don't worry, he is not dead yet." Ultron didn't even look at Okoye, and said casually: " The Vibranium body shaped by Your Excellency Li Ang is not so much a human body as a humanoid machine.

In your king’s body, what can be called a human is probably only left Those multiple round spheres made up of cell tissue in the chest cavity.

Pulling out some Vibranium blood is no different to him from donating blood. As long as the liquid Vibranium is injected again, it will return to normal."

After all, Ultron ignored Okoye, who was facing the enemy, and directly said to Li Ang: "Dear Li Ang, there is no reason for us to fight.

I just A humanoid machine was born to act as a'shield to protect Earth', and you have saved Earth several times before me.

In this way, our purpose is the same.

I came to Wakanda this time just to obtain a certain amount of Vibranium to enhance myself so as to better serve Earth.

In this process, for Wakanda and Erik. I am very sorry for the loss suffered by Mr. Ermango. If you don’t mind, I can pay for it.

I beg you to forgive my ignorant offense."

Ultron gave a salute quite sincerely, without seeing the brutal appearance of casually irradiating Erik with ionizing radiation just now.

"Hehe, do we really need to have such meaningless communication?"

Li Ang shook his head and said with a smile: "You know, right? Can control electromagnetic waves I can intuitively see the trajectory of the electric wave in the air. In other words, I only need to flick my finger, and I can directly'read' the content carried by the electromagnetic wave.

Just now, you have been continuing It continuously communicates with 24 artificial satellites on Earth’s plane orbit. Each communication line carries electromagnetic waves with different meanings.

The contents of these electromagnetic waves are disordered and in a mess. It is completely meaningless and must be in a mess. In the computing network formed by 24 artificial satellites, we re-encode and weave a string that is also meaningless.

This string will eventually be transmitted to New York east through quantum communication. An address in New York, the second newest coast of the coast.

The whole process is cumbersome and complicated, but only in this way can you be 100% guaranteed that I cannot read the electromagnetic waves to interpret the content of the communication, and then know you and yours Creators, are discussing something."

Thanks to his own mechanical face, Ultron did not show any expressions that can explain emotions. He just said with a faint smile: "I don’t understand you. What are you talking about."

At this moment, in a secret underground chamber in the Second New York, Iron Man Tony Stark is sitting around a dozen figures projected by a three-dimensional projection Together, watching the big screen nervously.

The faces of the people projected by the three-dimensional projection are mostly fuzzy, and even their voices have been technically processed. According to the agreement between Tony Stark and them, once things are revealed, Tony will keep their identities secret.

These people are the creators of Ultron.

"The communication between us and Ultron is not a direct connection, but a satellite network and quantum encrypted communication. Even Li Ang, it is impossible to manipulate a single photon in the quantum field without destroying the quantum State itself."

Tony Stark forcibly calmed down and said firmly: "He doesn't know the content of our communication with Ultron."

"But he knows that we are in the second New York, he found us." Antman Hank Pym's silhouette whispered.

"No, to be precise, he knows that there are people like us, but he is not sure who they are." Mister Fantastic Reed Richards's three-dimensional projection advised, "He should be connected to this underground secret room. The address was not found. If Mr. Li Ang really found the address, there should be a Mutants agent from Academy City knocking on the door now..."

Before the words fell, there was a ringing outside the basement door. There was a knock on the door.

In an instant, there was a dead silence in the basement. All the three-dimensional projections turned their eyes to Tony Stark-he was the only living person in this basement.

"Jarvis, open the basement outdoor monitoring screen for me." Iron Man took a deep breath and said to the artificial intelligence of the Stark Group.

The surveillance picture appeared on the big screen. A burly silhouette with a hood, cloak and a metal mask inlaid on his face was standing quietly outside the door of the underground chamber.

Doctor Doom, formerly known as Victor von Doom, was born in Latvinia, an Eastern European country. Graduated from the Department of Physics of the State University of New York. During his college career, he maintained a rivalry and friendly relationship with Mister Fantastic Reed Richards. Both of them have more than ten doctor degrees.

Doctor Doom is not only fascinated by science, but also dabbled in the ancient book of magic techniques. He has made achievements in both fields. Even among all transcenders, he is quite almighty.

However, since Doctor Doom has the title of "Destruction", he can't obscure everyone. He returned to his hometown of Latvinia, trying to conquer the country with the power of magic and science as a dictator. , Making Latvinia what he wanted, but was prevented by Mister Fantastic Reed Richards.

After that, the resentful Doctor Doom has always regarded Mister Fantastic as his enemy of life and death, and tried all means to completely defeat the opponent.

Now, Doctor Doom appears in front of this basement door, not to chase Mister Fantastic and the others, but to fight for his freedom.

With Doctor Doom's pride and pride, he absolutely cannot allow a "god" who is above all beings to exist.

Li Ang is the "god".

As the basement door opened, Doctor Doom stepped into the door and said to Superheros on the tech side: "Only people with the same outstanding ability can defeat Li Ang. Let me take over Ultron's Take control."

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