Ultron paused. She ran her own Quantum Divine Transformation through the Internet and scanned and retrieved Vibranium meteorites through various information collectors, trying to find something "wrong".

The detection methods of quantum omnics are diverse, and their thinking speed is far beyond that of ordinary people. After a very short delay, the answer is immediately given, "The scale of the meteorite melt is wrong."


Li Ang nodded, explained: "In space, a large number of small celestial bodies revolve around stars, not only large meteorites like this, but also those pebbles, sand, and dust These small celestial bodies are far away from each other, but they will always collide with each other during the operation of the unit of “ten thousand years”. In the end, the high temperature and high pressure will cause the mineral rock to melt and metamorphose. Melt.

The Vibranium content of this meteorite is only a small part, and more of it is still ordinary iron and nickel ore, which will melt under the influence of high temperature.

On its surface, not only does it have no traces of melt produced during operation, but it also has no "melt crust" or "airmark" caused by friction with Earth’s atmosphere when it penetrates the atmosphere."

The so-called melting crust refers to the thin crust formed by the resolidification of the liquid surface melted by high temperature during the fall of the meteorite; while the airmark is formed by the flow of air during the solidification of the high temperature liquid, which is like a handprint. trace.

Generally speaking, on exposed meteorites, the melting crust and airmark on the surface will be wiped out in the long erosion.

The meteorite is deeply buried in the ground, and is not subject to wind blowing and sun shining or rain polishing. Even if the upper part of the meteorite has been collected and polished by Wakanda, how about the part below the meteorite that is close to the ground? He said that he shouldn't be bare, with no trace of melting.

Ultron sensed something was wrong and cast a confused look at Li Ang.

"Oh, after excluding all other probabilities, there is only one explanation left, no matter how bizarre or incredible, it is also the closest to the truth."

Li Ang said with a smile: "The Vibranium meteorite has no traces of friction with Earth's atmosphere because the meteorite itself was deliberately placed on the surface of Earth."

"What?" Ultron raised his eyebrows , Her quantized brain is running fast, and the information stored in her memory bank is integrated and combed, trying to verify the probability that Li Ang said.

Although this is not an assessment, the creator’s desire to "compete" to satisfy the Creator still allows Ultron to devote his utmost energy to solve the immediate issues.

Existing Ultron’s data could not solve the problem. Ultron invaded the East African network base station in 0.17 seconds with the help of ubiquitous electromagnetic waves. Using this as a springboard, it took 0.836 seconds to occupy the artificial satellite in the low-Earth orbit over Africa at this moment, and finally pushed The electromagnetic signal crossed over half of the Earth and hit the SmartBrain in the center of the school city head-on.

At the beginning of manufacture, the central SmartBrain of Xueyuan City has computing power comparable to the world’s forefront supercomputers, not to mention that with the improvement and transformation of the octopus intelligent servants, the overall scale of its physical hardware Computing power has been ahead of the outside world for more than ten years.

Especially after absorbing Chitauri’s biochemistry, molecular biology, and computer technology, the computing power of the semi-biological central SmartBrain advanced by leaps and bounds, vaguely has a thorough breakthrough Turing Test the potential.

The central SmartBrain immediately noticed Ultron’s invasion. He tried to use his home court advantage to counterattack, but the evolved Ultron, with its quantized brain, easily pushed the computing power to the central SmartBrain. Reach the point.

Ultron’s self-designed, self-expanding and self-programming Trojan horse program, which was woven by hand, was gently embedded in the central SmartBrain's thinking network. The serial detonated logic bombs defeated the central SmartBrain and almost fell from artificial intelligence to artificial mental retardation. .

What’s more terrifying is that even if the peripheral network of the central SmartBrain has been completely broken, the intelligent clusters under the jurisdiction of the central SmartBrain are not at all stagnated-the Trojan horse program woven by Ultron replaces the command of the central SmartBrain. And in a more efficient way, direct hundreds of millions of octopus intellectual servants to continue their work.

This is a kind of humiliation that jumped on the face. The extremely angry but absolutely sane Central SmartBrain gave up the counterattack and directly activated quantum encryption technology to consolidate the internal network defense line. At the same time, it sent a simple message to Ultron. Text-who are you? Why attack me?

Ultron rolled his eyes and raised a nasty smile that resembled Li Ang at the corner of his mouth. He said to SmartBrain in the center of the school: "Sister Call, listen."

"?? ?" If the central SmartBrain has a face, it must be dumbfounded.

"Don't make trouble." Li Ang lightly touched Ultron's head with a knife, and glanced horizontally at the owner's creation. "You can use the computational power of quantum computers to bully classical computers. You really can't figure it out."

Ultron smiled awkwardly, removed the Trojan horse program, ignored the series of question marks sent by the central SmartBrain, obediently and honestly retrieved the database of the central SmartBrain peripheral network.

In a few seconds, Ultron has read all the data stored in the Academy City. After a short period of thought, Ultron gave the own answer, "This meteorite is different from a million years ago. The sudden appearance of Mutants is related."

"oh?" Li Ang laughed,"How did you come to this answer?"

"According to the central SmartBrain information, you I have said to Magneto and the others before that the Mutants of the whole world are derived from a human body modification experiment hosted by aliens a million years ago.

Subsequent research shows that, except for the In that human body modification experiment, the Mutants tribe was transformed by another alien civilization thousands of years ago."

Ultron said softly, "I looked through the Human Genome Project and put the ordinary person gene map and Mutants The gene map is compared with the Wakanda human gene map.

It is found that compared with the general public, the gene map of the Wakanda royal family is more similar to the Mutants gene map."

" What does this show?" Li Ang, like an excellent teacher, follows the principles of persuasion.

"In the kingdom of Wakanda, the most powerful warrior can get the qualification to swallow the'heart-shaped grass' and evolve into the Guardian of the kingdom, Black Panther."

Ultron explained: "Vibranium is not only an invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable metal, but also a mutagenic catalyst that has caused the biosphere around Wakanda to mutate.

Heart-shaped grass is a product of the Vibranium influence and can give consumers With super mortal body.

The genes of Wakanda royal family members who have taken heart-shaped grass in the past dynasties will deviate from the ordinary person sequence and get closer to Mutants.

Combined with Vibranium meteorites, they do not escape from the atmosphere. The traces of the landing, I think this Vibranium meteorite is the product of the aliens who transformed the Mutants for the second time thousands of years ago.

The second batch of aliens took advantage of the power of Vibranium, right Mutants have undergone in-depth genetic engineering."

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