While speaking, Odin's face suddenly turned pale, very conspicuous in the yellow lcl solution.

Thor and the others outside the glass cylinder are high-level gods. Almost at the same moment, they perceive the rich divine force pouring out of Odin.

The Asgard Heavenly Father, who used to oppress Nine Realms, has been unable to consolidate his own divine force. This shows how bad his physical condition is.

Perhaps in the next second, he will die during meditation in situ, breaking and disintegrating into a light composed of divine force.

Frigga, the queen of the day, deserves to be the strong woman who once assisted Odin in the Quartet. She quickly calmed down and notified Harry Quinn doctor through a communication device. And Harley Quinn did not dare to neglect, and asked Li Ang to come and check.

After a while,


In the room, Li Ang, who was wearing a long-lost white coat, retracted his four-dimensional vision , Frowned and said to Odin: "Your physical condition is not optimistic..."

The family members standing aside immediately became nervous. In their perception, Li Ang is almost the universe The most powerful and all-powerful life in the world.

If even Li Ang can't solve Odin's problem, then King of Asgard Your Majesty, I am afraid, can also pronounce Death.

Birth, development, and death, all creatures in the world cannot escape this cycle.

Thor's face was strained, his eyes were full of sadness and sorrow when he watched Odin, and even a trace of grief flashed across Luo Ji's face.

As the hottest idol in the world, Luo Ji has just recently become the propaganda ambassador of the Planetary Defense Council Committee. He has visited various places to call on the people to support the work of the Committee.

Luo Ji, who has escaped from her sexual disorder, has been "corrected" for her withdrawn and paranoid nature. In addition, she became a propaganda ambassador and visited all parts of the world, which made her intuitively feel human emotions.

Luo Ji, who knows her emotions, has filled in the missing parts of her character, and she has a little more understanding of Odin, the "adoptive father", and she is no longer full of resentment as before.

A family of men and women were in tears, and in the last stage of life, Odin, who looked away from everything, seemed to relax a lot, and even began to explain his funeral in a calm and indifferent manner.

Asgard's secret channel, Bifrost's underlying coding, and Wisdom Tree's wake-up method.

These words should be for Thor. If Odin used to hypocritically let Thor and Rocky compete on a fair basis to pick out the "true king".

And now, Loki has become Luo Ji and has lost the strong claim to the kingdom.

Jotunheim and Asgard have also become the colonies of Earth or Li Ang, no longer the original The splendor and arrogance and glorious isolation, naturally there is no king's dispute.

Odin confessed his funeral with a plain face, making the relatives on the side sad.

Frigga subconsciously grabbed eldest son's shoulder and asked: "Your Excellency Li Ang, my husband, also save it?"

"Save?" Li Ang shook the Head, said calmly: "Aging Death is a normal physiological mechanism that lifeform automatically evolves.

How can you use the word'save' if you don't talk about disease?"


Frigga fell silent, she and Odin supported each other for thousands of years. At this time, watching her husband decline and die, there is no more mourning than heart death,

But the unique intuition of women made Frigga feel sad, noticed the tiny expression on Li Ang's face, raised the last hope, and asked: "Your Excellency Li Ang, are you sure that the way is right?"

As soon as these words came out, Thor and Luo Ji hurriedly turned their heads, and even Odin, who was shrouded in the glass cylinder, raised their heads.

"Is there any way...you can say yes, you can say no."

Li Ang took care of the whole white monsters slowly, and said at random: "Tell me, you guys What do you think is the essence of aging?"


Odin's family suddenly big eyes staring at small eyes.

The simpler and broader the question, the wider the scope of the extended answer,

a trifling "essence of aging", let alone Earth or Asgardian did not figure it out , Even if the scholars of the entire galaxy are brought together for countless years of discussion, I am afraid they will not be able to give a specific answer.

Philosophy, physics, chemistry, and biology can all answer the question of "aging". With the further subdivision of the academic field, the answers given will become more complicated.

Fortunately, Li Ang didn’t even think about asking the Odin family to give an answer. Each minding their own business said: "Earth last century, Sir Peter Medawa wrote "An Unresolved The book "Biological Problems" pioneered modern human research on aging.

He believes that there are two explanations for the aging phenomenon of lifeform.

One is'natural aging', That is, the species is in the process of evolution, in order to free up the survival resources for the younger generation, the mechanism of senescence and death is produced.

Under this explanation, the most famous theory is the'telomere theory'-cell separation The telomere will shorten, and after the cell is damaged, the telomere will accelerate the shortening process.

With telomeres that can only be short but not long, there is Hayflick that determines the upper limit of cell division. At the limit, there is aging.

In short, this explanation means that lifeform is a'voluntary aging and death'

The second explanation is'the principle of wear and tear'.


The lifeform must exchange substances with the outside world, which is the natural metabolism.

In the process of mitochondrial metabolism, free radicals are generated and DNA is destroyed. If the cell is damaged and cannot heal itself, it will Will be induced to'suicide', and stem cells will replace the original cells.

But this loss is a positive feedback loop, or a vicious circle. Here you can refer to the Gumberts-Mecamm law and related formulas. .

This kind of explanation means that lifeform means “you don’t want to die, you have to die”."

Frigga's brains are not too slow, she must be a Goddess agent. Understand everything about Earth. For this reason, the hobby-student queen collected a lot of learning materials, and started studying the system in every detail.

Be aware that Luo Ji’s magic is all learned from Frigga, which symbolizes Frigga, the highest level of magic in Asgard. It will not take long to learn the knowledge of Earth. Naturally, I can understand what Li Ang said. content.

"Your Excellency Li Ang, I understand what you said."

Frigga glanced at Thor and Odin who were still in a daze, and said to Li Ang with a wry smile: " Although there are huge differences between Asgardian and Terrans, they are both carbon-based lifeforms, and these theories can be used to explain the causes of aging.

It’s just that the current situation of Odin is not a question of whether he wants to die, but a matter of god. The body is close to the limit..."

"Hehe, you are too impatient."

Li Ang smiled and said indifferently: "For what these two explanations reveal Probability, I led the team of the Medical Regeneration Department to trace the source and propose a solution.

If I can'convince' Odin undying?"

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