The conversation in Priestess in Sovereign is the adoptive father of Star Lord Peter Jason Quill, Yondu Udon.

This Yondu with dark blue complexion was born on a planet in the Centaur constellation. Several decades ago, the war broke out between the two Advanced Interstellar civilizations. The star brought destruction.

Yondu escaped from the planet that was about to be destroyed, joined a team of bounty hunters called "Raider", and since then became a "knight-errant" traveling through the galaxy.

Bounty hunters, can also be called Interstellar pirates, mercenary, as long as they have money, they can pick them up.

Yondu appeared in front of Sovereign Priestess, naturally because he was driven by money, he turned his head to serve as the leader of Kree Empire, Ronan the Accuser.

"Your Excellency Ronan the Accuser asks me to bring you a message,"

Yondu straightened up his sloppy long leather jacket, and said slowly: "This time for Earth The coalition was formed to prevent quantum omnics from sweeping the galaxy again. There are good and legitimate reasons.

If you, or the Sovereign civilization behind you, are unwilling to support this coalition operation, That is a kind of betrayal to the civilized community of the entire galaxy."

Yondu turned against Raider's wretched temperament, as if possessing a hero, and said solemnly and solemnly: "Presumably, you also know, Ronan the Accuser Your attitude towards the betrayers..."

When Yondu mentioned the name, Sovereign Priestess Ayesha's delicate golden face couldn’t help but tighten slightly, revealing a trace of unpleasantness. The color, but said nothing.

Seeing Ayesha like this, although Yondu still maintained a respectful posture, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more rippled.

In the vast galaxy, there are three major civilizations standing in the Peak of Civilization.

They are Shia Empire, Scrul Empire, and Kree Empire.

These three major civilizations have the most advanced technical strength, the most expansive territory, and the most powerful fleet. It is because they are restricting each other to check and balance each other, so that the galaxy does not have a dominance.

As an old-school power, Kree Empire has always been known for its domineering and arrogant style. It often triggers disputes with other civilizations and even launches full-scale wars.

Ronan the Accuser is the first seat of "Kree Empire Supreme Accusers" and is only responsible for "Supreme Intelligence".

(Supreme Intelligence is an artificial intelligence with a soft brain in a glass container. It integrates the thinking of all the elites of Kree Empire since ancient times, and is responsible for guiding the overall direction of Kree Empire.)

Ronan the Accuser has a high self-esteem and is extremely belligerent. He believes that all races except Kree are "inferior creatures" and need to be eliminated.

Even the Sovereign civilization that has always eyes high above the top has to be afraid of Ronan the Accuser, who is like a mad dog, for fear of angering the Kree Empire leader who seems to be a little abnormal in his nerves and invites annihilation. The curse.

If it is other galactic civilization, offending is also offending, but who is Ronan the Accuser?

He has been doing Ronan the Accuser's life. Why should he explain to others that he kills the whole family by killing the whole family, launching star-killing attacks at every turn, and burning other civilized planets into glass balls.

Even though the Sovereign civilization has some advantages in certain technical fields, it cannot bridge the huge power gap in territories, resources, military strength and other fields, and compete with Kree Empire.

The situation is stronger than people. Ayesha Priestess's delicate facial features are almost twisted together, but in the end she still said dryly: "...well, Sovereign will not only send the third fleet , Will also send the first and second fleets to support the cause of the anti-Earth coalition forces."

"That's very good."

Yondu nodded, the talk is changing again. said with a smile: "But I'm afraid this is not enough.

In order to ensure the smooth operation of eliminating quantum omnics to the greatest extent, His Excellency Ronan the Accuser believes that it is necessary to improve the coordination between the coalition forces of various civilizations.

Sovereign civilization, it is best to play an exemplary and lead role, and hand over the command of the fleet to Ronan the Accuser."



Ayesha Priestess, ignoring her elegant and poised demeanor, abruptly stood up from the throne, and sternly said to Yondu below: "Sovereign civilization, no matter the past, present, or future, Impossible to hand over the command of the fleet to others!

Go back and report..."

Before Ayesha’s declaration was finished, the attendants hurried forward. Whisper a few words in her ear.

Just as Ayesha was negotiating with Yondu, several Kree Empire annihilating starship ships have moved to the top of Sovereign Star, and the star annihilator may be activated at any time. Destroy Sovereign’s home planet.

Ayesha's complexion changed, her figure was as if she had been pulled away from her bones, she couldn't help but fell backward and sat down on the throne.

Seeing Priestess Ayesha deflated, Yondu smiled happily, and slowly emphasized a few words Ronan the Accuser asked him to relay, and then Shi Shiran retired and left Sovereign palace.

When Yondu’s silhouette disappeared completely, the Kree Empire starship above Sovereign’s home star also moved away.

Ms. Ayesha finally couldn’t bear the anger in her heart. , Screamed: "How dare they? How dare?!" Her roar echoed in the hall, and none of the attendants around her dared to scream. After a long while, the adjutant behind her hesitated and said, "Honorable Ms. Ayesha, then...what should we do?"


Ms. Ayesha took a deep breath, lowered her head, and said grimly: "All the humiliation they gave us will be doubled in the future.

For now, let's cooperate with them temporarily... ."

There was silence in the hall. The Sovereign elites who had been mercilessly humiliated and oppressed silently clenched their fists, and a look of grief flashed across their faces.

And Ms. Ayesha, who was also lonely, turned around silently, as if to see through the thick walls of the hall, a certain place called "Sovereign Gene Breeding Room" "The secret test base.

In that base, a giant golden cocoon stood quietly, and thousands of Sovereign elite scholars were busy around the golden cocoon, debugging the material exchange leading to the golden cocoon. pipeline.

From time to time in that giant cocoon, bursts of heartbeats resemble Hong Zhong Dalu, as if an ancient giant creature is sleeping in it, waiting for the day to wake up.

The individual life conceived in the giant cocoon integrates all the sophisticated biochemical technologies of the Sovereign civilization, and is composed of the most perfect gene fragments splicing and modulating, symbolizing the future of the Sovereign civilization And hope.


Ayesha Priestess lightly lifted her lips, and whispered the name of the giant cocoon's future life.

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