Speaking of this, the two fleshy ringed clowns smiled and said in a low voice: "And those'farmers' have a long history of civilization and have a vastness that is too large for you. The imaginary Star Sea territory has developed technological capabilities that you can’t imagine.

Even if it is given to you for a hundred years or a thousand years, you should not try to compete with them."

"If it really looks like As you said, then why do they develop a'traitor'? Why give you this kind of virtual ability? Why arrange you to be a wallbreaker."

Li Ang shook his head and said: "Because they are afraid. They are not only afraid of my potential, but also the potential of all primate lives on this planet.

On the contrary, you, willing to fall, abandoned the human body and abandoned the human body. My own class has abandoned the eternal glory, what is this for?"

Faced with Li Ang’s questioning, the "figure-eight" flesh ring was silent. After a long time, he said, "I want to... .Is it interesting?

When I left Gotham, I met a man who persistently wanted to drive around the world in one day. He swore that he could do it, too. Tried many times, as far as I know."

Driving around Earth in a day? This is of course impossible.

Li Ang didn't show his emotions, but looked at the meat ring indifferently.

Muhuan continued: "Whenever he fails...he will park the car on the side of the road, sit behind the car, and curse own bad luck. In the end, there will always be a kind person to stop Che, willing to take him for a ride."

"He will always kill the good-hearted person, including his companions, such as his wife, child, etc. After that, he will put them in In oneself’s original car, light the car, and then drive away their car."

"Then he will fill up the gas and wait for the sunrise to try to travel around the world again."


The story is not only bizarre, but also extremely dry, especially when it is told by the two "8-shaped" meat rings, it is even more unfathomable mystery.

Li Ang said indifferently: "If the story you tell is true, then he will always fail and kill people until the crime is discovered and made public, as a bizarre urban legend without beginning and end. , Gradually disappeared into the long river of human civilization."

"This is not the point," said Rouhuan calmly: "Did you not find out? He blamed the failure of own on the car body. His mind never He never thought that what oneself can do is impossible.

He just believes that oneself can do it, keep trying, keep doing it.

There is no justice in this process. There is no evil, no reason, no madness,

He does not need to be recognized by anyone, does not need anyone to tell oneself what is possible, what is impossible, and does not need anything higher than own Existence, presses any rules of survival on oneself.

He abandoned principles and logic, unpredictable, uncontrollable, completely chaotic, and would not sacrifice himself for the boring social public interest, forever Always act only according to own independent will."

"I appreciate this very much."

"I really appreciate it."

The tremors of the two fleshy rings stopped. Inexplicably, Li Ang sensed a look called "contempt" from the two fleshy rings.

"Your Excellency Li Ang, you and I are the same kind of person to some extent. However, although you have extraordinary powers, you can embrace the absolute freedom of individual will.

But But you voluntarily gave up this freedom, willing to be bound by the overall will of human society, from an omnipotent superman to the nanny of human society.

Wearing an apron, wearing a maid’s hat, and holding a feather duster in your hand. , Fearful of hands and feet, for fear that this giant baby named'human civilization' will be killed by sudden misfortune."

"The absolute freedom that I cherish is ruthlessly abandoned by you. This kind of thing. Behavior, in my opinion, the sin is extremely sinful, and the sin is unforgivable."

"I am jealous of you, or I envy you, so I voluntarily accept reformation and voluntarily abandon my body—just like I used to Just like cutting off your own face, you voluntarily accept the identity of the wallbreaker to crush the human race’s plan to resist alien invaders."

"Only in this way can human civilization be destroyed, and you should be destroyed. The free wild beast is completely liberated from shackles."

"The'farmers' are certainly powerful, but I believe that after you abandon the human race and your responsibility to protect human civilization, you can absolutely Complete the transcendence of the'farmers' in a very short time."

"I hope you can abandon the indifferent overall human will, as the last existence in the race, in Star Sea only according to individual free will Act.

Just like in my story, the lunatic who always tries to drive around the world in one day. That kind of life is really beautiful, I hope you can try it."

Until this time, Li Ang understood the real intention of the clown. What he was aiming at was not a wall-facing plan, nor a racial righteousness. Even the so-called three Great Empires of the galaxy, in the eyes of the clown, I am afraid it is just like shit. .

What the clown longs for is to help the galaxy empire destroy Earth through a wall-breaking plan, and then destroy the shackles of Li Ang, the "human civilization", so that Li Ang can completely withdraw from his sense of social responsibility and use his own life. Free will to act.

Speaking from a certain perspective, is the clown my fan?

Li Ang's mind suddenly flashed this idea, but he was rejected in an instant. It is not so much that the clown is envious of his extraordinary power, it is better to say that the clown is a paranoid aesthetician who absolutely believes in Nietzsche's philosophy of superman.

In Nietzsche’s philosophical system, Superman is a person who transcends himself and the weak. He can fully express oneself and the mediocre generation of Sovereign;

Superman is the yardstick of truth and morality. It is the creator of norms and values;

Superman is free, selfish, and self-sufficient;

Superman is facing the greatest pain and greatest hope of mankind;

Superman grew up in an unfavorable environment. Hatred, jealousy, stubbornness, suspicion, harshness, greed and violence can only make Superman stronger.

Nietzsche believes that "Superman" is a natural ruler and the true essence of the universe. Compared to Superman, an ordinary person is as ridiculous as a livestock.

The clown believes in this view. Infinity aspires to become a superman, while Li Ang, who has extraordinary powers, has given up the opportunity to become a superman on the personality level.

Free and wild individual life will is beautiful, so we must break the shackles of "society" and liberate our nature.

Li Ang, who has transcendence of all supernatural powers, can practice his own will, but voluntarily abandons his individual will for human civilization. This is extremely sinful in the eyes of an aesthetician like the clown and must be corrected.

It's just that this method of correction is slightly distorted.

Li Ang shook the head in astonishment and helplessness, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, you were wrong.

'The change of heaven is not enough, the ancestors are not enough to fear, and the words are not good enough. 'All behaviors are only based on the interest of deep in one's heart, everything must operate according to own will, transcend everything, overcome everything, and even take everything into the palm. For this reason, all the past feelings can be discarded. All vows can be the same, all stories can be buried, and become an unfeeling logical machine.

Such a goal is too ambitious for me.

I am People, and just people."

Yuanhuan didn't speak, but Li Ang could feel the other party's resentment of "sorrowing for its misfortune, angering its indisputable".

"I'm sorry."

So Yuanhuan said.

Suddenly, the color on the ring continued to decrease and peel, and the moved towards illusory shadow began to slowly change.

In Li Ang's eyes, the clown is not trying to escape or hide, on the contrary, the amount of information contained in him is constantly decreasing in the process of blurring.

Information, gives the substance an attribute. When information begins to lose, matter no longer forms matter, and can only be called a pile of atoms that are free from each other.

This process is almost equivalent to suicide, and at its worst, it turns into a dusty powder, and the gods are all destroyed-the imprisonment of the space level cannot prevent the object from breaking up.

Li Ang frowned slightly, turned his palms and grabbed it, but saw that the "figure-eight" meat ring broke and collapsed, turning into an intangible flow of information, rushing towards To the Ghost Rider standing aside.

In an instant, the hell fire on Ghost Rider was washed away by the flow of information, and only a pair of bones remained in place and collapsed.

The information flow released by the clown at the expense of himself, engulfing Ghost Rider's hell fire, completely dissipated in the air.

Almost at the same moment, in the tank brain world that Professor Charles has worked so hard to build, 7 billion Terrans, whose thinking is accelerating, heard angry roar.

"You are guilty!"

That was the roar from the Knight of Hell. Seven billion human hearts were hit hard,

"You, guilty! "

A pair of eyes burning with hell flames appeared in the air, seven billion soul flames on the verge of collapse.

"You are guilty!!"

This roar shattered the acceleration field woven by Professor Charles, forcing him to stop psychic powers, and uncovering all The bondage of fellow human beings.

Ghost Rider's Eye of the Judgement washes the human soul. No one is absolutely pure. Under the roar of Ghost Rider, the seven billion mottled spots of light quickly dimmed.

The clown’s wall-breaking plan is to first raise its own dimension, and then face the lower dimension at the high-dimensional level, and finally commit suicide as an information flow,

rush in with the power essence of Ghost Rider The brain world of Professor Charles’ tank, with the help of Ghost Rider’s Eye of the Judgement, destroyed the souls of 7 billion people at once.

In reality, Li Ang sighed, "Why so far..."

He closed his eyes, and appeared in the next second in the SmartBrain organization of the Professor Charles United Central Out of the tank in the brain world.

In this world composed of 0 and 1, it is pitch black, and only close and numerous light spots remain, which symbolize the existence of every human individual.

In the absolute darkness where there is no distinction between up, down, left, and right, the appearance of the colorful Li Ang is extremely abrupt.

He lifted his head, looked directly at the Eye of the Judgement in the Nether, which was burning with hell fire, and smiled freely.

The shock of Ghost Rider could not be said in any words, an ominous premonition climbed into his heart, making him too late to wait, trying to shout for the last time,

" You guys, there are..."

A pair of big hands rose to the sky, covering those eyes that burned with hell fire,

"They don’t, they are not, don’t Nonsense."

Li Ang interrupted Ghost Rider’s roar, interrupted the other party’s plan to destroy all human souls, free and easy said with a smile: "Why, am I wondering how I could do it so quickly? Hurry to the realm of thinking?


I wonder if you have heard of something called'Nascent Soul'?"

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