
Understand the soul, understand!

Hey, you are Tony Stark, the overbearing president of the dignified Stark Group, an arms giant who chats and laughs with the Secretary of Defense of the United States, and a big capitalist who is as convenient as visiting the backyard of a neighbor in the White House!

Don’t look like this impassioned and heroic fearless look good? Makes us the same as the devil translator who came to persuade us to surrender! This makes us feel so embarrassed!

The little book in Tony Stark's hand became more and more red and hot under the light. The golden sickle and hammer painted on its surface looked like a passionate smile, mocking the enemy. overestimate one's capabilities.

The large group that invaded Peter Parker's body, looked at Doctor Doom, and found that each other's eyes were full of "Fuck" emotions like oneself.

The large group is the son of Professor Charles, inherited his father’s Omega-level psychic powers-even the large group with the ability to split personality is even stronger, he can retain every personality he has absorbed, Reproduce the extraordinary powers possessed by those personalities.

Professor Charles, as the chief designer and chief executive officer of the tank brain world, has extremely high operating authority in this 2500 times Time Flow Speed ​​world-the central SmartBrain can identify his brain Bo, assist Professor Charles to complete the regulation.

The large group can synchronize the own brain waves with Professor Charles, imitating the psychic powers of Professor Charles, deceiving and accelerating the world, and achieving the effect of distorting reality.

According to the idea of ​​the large group, he and Doctor Doom sneaked into this place secretly, first swallowed and digested some transcender personality to strengthen themselves, and then found an employee with sufficient authority, invaded his body, entered the underground prison, and rescued Tony Stark.

Tony Stark is the creator of Iron Man Suit. His proficiency in engineering skills has exceeded the sky, but his achievements in the field of artificial intelligence should not be underestimated.

You must know that the thinking structure adopted by this humanized intelligent machine of Ultron is derived from the artificial intelligence Jarvis of the Stark Group, and Jarvis is the AI ​​created by Tony Stark oneself programming.

No matter what the big group and Doctor Doom want to do with the help of accelerating the world, they cannot avoid the terrifying enemy of SmartBrain in the center of the school city.

Then as the world’s most outstanding artificial intelligence expert Tony Stark, of course, has naturally become the right person to break through the central SmartBrain as expected by the crowd.


Doctor Doom exchanged glances with the crowd again, implying that the other party wanted Don't swallow Tony Stark's personality directly.

Although he has had a cooperative relationship with Tony, he has a thin and cold nature and is out-and-out ambitious. He swears to achieve his goals. He can use any dirty and despicable means. What a trifling Stark to die.

The large group hesitated for a moment and did not give a reply. He was able to devour other people's personalities, but these personalities would be "lossed" to a certain extent. Without the usual agility, they would lose a certain degree of independent creativity.

They found Tony Stark just to take advantage of the latter’s ingenuity, so how could they be willing to swallow Stark directly? What if Stark's personality IQ drops and the problem cannot be solved?

It was just a breath, and Doctor Doom exchanged opinions with the crowd through eyes. If you can't use the personality swallowing skills, it is naturally the best.

After I figured it out, the crowd took a deep breath and smiled and said to Tony Stark: "Hehe, Mr. Stark, I’m afraid you have misunderstood something.

We are not a bad person, accurate In other words, we do not appear in front of you for self-interest."

"Most people who emphasize that oneself is not a bad person, often do things that are worse than those villains."


Stark said with a cold laugh: "I am a capitalist, you know, these empty lies are of no use to me. Now, tell me what you are coming from, and I will give you the answer after thinking about it in detail. "

the Older, the wiser, Stark, who has been up and down in the commercial sea for so many years, is better at negotiation than Daqun and Doctor Doom. With the help of a certificate, he held the dominant power of the conversation. Hands.

“It’s like this.”

The large group thought for a moment and considered the sentence, neither fast nor slow said, “You know, right? The Planetary Defense Council is inside, and there’s a The top-secret plan of the wall-facing plan.

This plan is designed to resist those alien invaders. It aims to use the characteristics of the human brain that cannot be invaded by sophons to select qualified individuals and implement special strategies. .

Now, in the real world outside, the army of alien invaders has been defeated by Lord Li Ang.

The elite fleet of Advanced civilization in the overwhelming majority of the galaxy, and the chief of Kree Empire Ronan The Accuser was destroyed by Mr. Li Ang."


Tony Stark smiled, "This is really good news."


What a fart....

The big group is speechless again. According to his previous assumptions, Stark has been charged with inhuman charges and lost the sensuality of the past, the debauchery of the wine pond Living in a small cell alone for more than fifty years, I should have a deep hatred against Li Ang. No matter how bad it is, anti-social thoughts should breed.

Rather than a lonely heroic image of a majestic and high-profile man.

What about seeking revenge for the slightest grievance? Tony ....

"...In short, it's like this." The crowd considered the words and said calmly: "Since the alien invaders have been defeated, the brain in the tank world also Is it necessary to exist?

Is the'reality' built on the network world a kind of destruction to humanity?

We hope you can join us to break this Imprisonment, no matter how cruel and sinister the outside world is, it should be faced by ourselves as human beings.

Professor Charles is unwilling to free the imprisonment of speeding up the world and imprison Terrans in a narrow pyramid , Is as lowly as a pig and dog.

Even when he established the acceleration world, he did not obtain the consent of the human compatriots. He just acted arrogantly according to his own wishes-even Li Your Excellency Ang, has never done this kind of behavior that disregards human opinions.

This is not democratic at all, and this is not free.

I think it used to be the guardian of the spirit of the American Constitution. As an author, you should agree with our ideas."

"The spirit of the American Constitution?"

Tony grinned, "What kind of shit is that?"

What, what, what?

Doctor Doom and the crowd were completely shocked, how can you say such vulgar words to the sacred and inviolable spirit of the American Constitution! ?

People in other countries may find it difficult to understand the firm belief in the Constitution throughout the United States.

The establishment time of the United States is too short compared to other countries. This multi-ethnic immigrant country has an extremely complex internal structure.

The glue that binds citizens of different languages ​​and beliefs together is the American Constitution.

At this moment, Tony Stark's complete disdain for the spirit of the American Constitution also convinced the crowd and the others that this former Iron Man seemed to be really separated from the past.

"...If I remember correctly,"

Doctor Doom couldn't help but tsukkomi said, "I remember Stark, you are a member of the American Democratic Party,


In a certain presidential election, you seem to have personally appeared in a Stark Group propaganda film to help publicize the medical policy of a certain President Oguanhai who is unwilling to reveal the name."

Fortunately, God Jundu Mu's face is still wearing an alloy mask, and no one can see the painful expression on his face.

"Yes, I was indeed a member of the Democratic Party, but I am a member of the Democratic Party not because I believe in the purpose of this party. The Democratic Party does not have a clear purpose at all, but because I support them. Certain thoughts."

Tony Stark said in a serious tone: "I support women's choice in abortion. I support LGBT. I believe in racial equality and oppose racial discrimination.

Me too I sympathize with illegal immigrants, support water for the rich, subsidize the poor, support the abolition of the death penalty, and support Oguanhai’s PPACA Affordable Medical Insurance Act.

The Democratic Party’s ideas fit my appetite, and I’m very happy. To pay for the presidential candidates who support these ideas and provide a generous sponsorship fund to help the Democratic presidential candidates enter the White House."

"Then how do you pay it..." God Lord Dom frowned , Looked at the certificate of the sickle and hammer.

as everyone knows, the evil capitalist country and the "beacon of humanity" America also has political parties,

It’s just that the internal requirements of these parties are extremely loose, whether they are Republicans or Democrats. , Party members do not need to apply or pay fees, and do not need to participate in organizational life.

It is only used to declare which party candidate to choose during the presidential primary election every few years to determine its party membership .

In other words, as long as the people are willing, they can change jobs at will.

With such a loose system, it’s hard to imagine how firm beliefs will be generated within the organization-not so much that the people believe in the purpose, ideas, and programs of the Democratic or Republican Party, but rather the people trust a certain A presidential candidate packaged by a party.

Once upon a time, Tony Stark was still a guest in the White House. In Congress, he long sleeves help one dance beautifully, dealing with politicians and consortium, using his own personality charm or money charm to conquer one after another. The famous "friend" finally pushed the American State Apparatus to formulate a policy that satisfies Tony himself.

"Because I wake up."

Tony said solemnly: "In the fifty years of my detention, I finally had the opportunity to look back on my previous life.

As a person, a plump, three-dimensional person, I, this individual life named Tony Stark, has limitations.

I am not like that in novels, animations, and movies. A one-sided character image, I have own emotions, I have own love, hatred and hatred.

Before the world described me as a combination of playboy, scientist, capitalist, and Superhero. They think While I am unruly, I am far superior to ordinary people in terms of morality, talent, and social responsibility.

But only me myself knows that under the dazzling and exaggerated mask of Superhero, Tony Stark himself has How despicable and insidious."

Speaking of this, the Iron Man, who has been imprisoned for more than 50 years, seemed a little silent. He took out a cigarette and a lighter from the trouser pocket of his prison uniform. He put that inferior cigarette (previously, he would not take a look) into his mouth, and whispered in the lingering smoke,

"I am a capitalist, and the importance of this identity is far Higher than Superhero.

My ingenuity, my depraved life, and even the Iron Man Suit that supported me to become Superhero, are all based on my being a big capitalist.

Without wealth, I am nothing. Therefore, I need to maintain the capital system more than being a Superhero. It is a bloodthirsty monster. Every gap between its teeth is filled with the flesh and blood of laborers.

I only use private possession of the means of production to force the proletariat to sell me labor and accept my economic exploitation. ——I let the workers do repetitive mechanical work and give them meager wages to support their families.

I use the fruits of their labor to earn a lot of money for me, and I feel at ease. I think it’s my kindness that gave them the opportunity to work.

Is it true?

An average worker’s annual income is 5wUSD, but he can create for me 10w, 15w, and even 20w USD wealth.

Me, other capitalists, policy-making bureaucrats, like cutting leeks, use cumbersome legal and economic terms to reap everything they have without Clearly understood, all the people at the bottom can only stare and lie on the ground and be harvested by me.

In my opinion, this kind of financial game is completely in line with beauty. If anyone dared to oppose a strong constitution, it would be opposed to the U.S. Constitution, that is, it would be opposed to the entire U.S. society. "

Speaking of this, Tony grinned and showed a sardonic smile, "in the past, on this point, almost all Superhero in the United States agree with me."

Whether it is Captain America, which symbolizes the spirit of the American Constitution, Professor Charles as a moral model, or some other messy Superhero, they can see the ugliness of capitalist countries. , The rich do not work, aloof and remote, full of fat in their brains, just playing with the financial game can harvest countless wealth, while the poor work hard, sweat and tears, but they can only suffer at the bottom Struggling, being driven to bankruptcy by education, medical care, housing and other issues.

Organized violent crime, drugs, terrorism, these problems can all be attributed to the uneven distribution brought about by the capitalist system, but those Superhero prefer to fight criminals with fist, rather than standing. Come out and improve the system itself.

Why? Because they are oneself and vested interests, the extraordinary power they possess is also a kind of capital, which allows them to like a fish back in water in this capital-first society,

They can not be in the factory You don’t need to sell cheap labor on the construction site, you don’t need to do mechanical work in the pizza shop, you only need to sell labor called “extraordinary power,” and you can enjoy the benefits of capitalist society.

They are as despicable and selfish as I used to be, pretending to be blind. "

Tony's face suddenly became stern. He spit out the cigarette on the ground, smashed the still burning cigarette butts with cheap and crude shoes, and said calmly: "And in these fifty In the past year, I reviewed my own life, completely solved the scars hidden under lies, and admitted that oneself was dark and ugly.

Before, I could comfortably enjoy the exploitation of laborers. The wealth that came here, lying on the gold mountain and silver mountain, squandered,

Occasionally, I took out a small amount of money to fund those inventors, claiming to make the world a better place. In fact, it was “developing technology and letting me and While other capitalists are making more money, the bottom laborers can barely survive, so that they will not be cut to death by cutting leeks.'

Now, I can no longer bear the viciousness and blindness of owning. I choose to stand up and break away from the self who defected to the capitalist system in the past. "

Speaking of this, Tony paused. He opened his arms as if embracing this world, and said calmly: "In this 2500 times faster world, I see hope.

What the Earth Federation believes in is not capitalism, nor is it weak and compromised bourgeois reformism, but communism, which symbolizes the universal freedom of laborers.

The slogan of the Earth Federation is "Conquer the sea of ​​stars". There are countless stars, countless resources, countless wealth in the sky above us. If we follow capitalism, these wealth will eventually fall to a few people. In the hands of

However, communism under the new conditions is different.

The STC standard technical template (StandardTemplateConstruct) improved by Octopus Zhipu can use local materials in any planet and produce any creation in the history of human civilization in accordance with the standard of the template.

The stone axe of the Stone Age, lance;

The long sword of the Iron Age, the furnace;

The flintlock and siege gun of the Gunpowder Age;

Spinning machines, pumps, steamships in the steam age;

Lights, computers, and personal information terminals in the electrical age;

whether large or small, advanced or Backward, as long as there are materials, STC can create technological creations!

This means Infinity improvement in productivity.

An independent person, with a STC standard technical template, can fully transform a planet.

We no longer have to fight in this small corner. You are fighting for me. In the Star Sea era, everyone can have enough wealth to realize their own labor value according to their own wishes.

Infinity’s productivity and Infinity’s freedom are the essence of communism in the Star Sea era. "

Tony Stark looked at the silent gesture of the crowd and Doctor Doom, laughed, and said calmly: "Compared with the beautiful future portrayed by this Infinity productivity, what can you offer me? What about the conditions? "

"..." The group pressed their lips, "these all are fake." "

"But this is the future. "Stark said indifferently: "You have to admit that the STC standard technical template contains endless hope, and the future of mankind has never been so bright.

As long as we continue to develop in accordance with the trend of accelerating the world, with the help of STC standard technical templates, we can push the entire galaxy flat.

When the time comes, Professor Charles will unlock the acceleration world again, and human beings will enter the real world from the brain in the tank and complete the ascension.

Then, the entire galaxy will be human again Su Sheng, present a salute!

Compared with the beauty of this world line, what is the current hardship?

What are the so-called human rights and democracy?

What's up with you?

I won't help you break the accelerated world, give it up. "


The large group of complexion changed changed again, slowly lowered his head, and made a low voice in his throat, "...I didn't want to swallow it like this. You, Tony, you forced me. "

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