The fleet of the Dark Order glided silently in the quiet world, slowly and firmly.

The ships in the entire fleet are roughly divided into "landing ships", "assault ships", "battleships" and other types, and there is no unified and clear model system.

This It’s because most of the ships in the Dark Order fleet are spoils of war seized from the war.

The model is all kinds of strange things, and the technology is even. Even the most proficient starship in the galaxy The repair elites are also impossible to understand.

Therefore, in most cases, when the Dark Order captures a ship, they will kill most of the hostile forces on the starship. Leave some servants who are responsible for maintaining the ships as their subordinates.

The living environment of these servants or slaves is extremely difficult, the material quotas are scarce, and they are precarious. They may be beaten to death by members of the Dark Order at any time because of some unfathomable mystery.

The only way to escape is to abandon all the vows that have been sworn before, and to prove oneself by persecuting other innocents, to join the Dark Order,

together with the wicked scum, act as the rule Spoilers.

And now, those alien servants who have been forcibly dragged aboard the thief ship are shocked to find the normally insignificant members of the Dark Order. At this moment, they all show cowardly and timid expressions.

No longer like the vicious Interstellar pirates, it is clearly a group of elementary school students trembling with fear, for fear of being blackmailed by senior students.

This is because the territory where the quantum ghost wanders is close in front of you.

"One more distance to move..."

Standing on the flagship bridge, Corvus Glaive muttered to himself, looking at the silent Milky Way like an ink, " We are going through..."

The leader of the Dark Order who has personally executed the surface extinction order several times, subconsciously squeezed his palm, only that handle there is no stronghold one cannot Only the double-edged sword that overcomes can give him a certain sense of security.

The other obsidian generals also stood beside Corvus Glaive, looking through the huge transparent French porthole. This universe.

Ebony Maw's expression was indifferent, with his palms behind him, and the fingertips of his ten fingers seemed to be pulling some kind of silk thread, shaking and twitching from time to time.

Supergiant stood silently, her slender figure covered by the huge white cloak, making her face invisible.

Black Dwarf is leaning on the double-edged giant axe, muttering to himself in an obscure alien language, his eyes are as indifferent as ever, like an ancient well without waves.

As for Proxima Midnight, this brutal and absolutely loyal female general to Thanos is no longer the same as before, holding a lance with a fanatical look, always looking forward to cutting off the enemy’s head to please Thanos. ,

On the contrary, her face was gloomy, and her breathing was as steady as possible.

The Dark Order has used war, chaos, and looting to deter countless Advanced civilizations.

But in the face of more Advanced martial power, these pretend to "spread chaos The dregs of "Zhe" will immediately reveal oneself's nature of being greedy for life and fear of death.

This is not to say how cowardly the Black Order is, but the contrast between the strength of the Dark Order and the Earth civilization is too great, and there is almost no hope of victory.

Going further, they will cross the invisible and intangible dividing line and enter the area governed by the Quantum Fleet.

Know that the quantum probability cloud can be anywhere, anytime For free transition, the distance of the ends of the earth is also at a glance.

Not to mention these ships of the Dark Order, even if the number of ships of the Order is increased by several orders of magnitude, for quantum In terms of probability cloud, it is no different from killing a chicken.

Black Order, apart from Proxima Midnight, no one is completely loyal to Thanos.

The reason why Corvus Glaive and Ebony Maw and the others are still here, they didn’t rush. The ship fled, completely because Thanos gave them too much psychological shadow,

Even if Thanos broke away from the fleet just now, landed on Vormir Star and sacrificed his daughter Nebula on the ancient altar on the surface of the planet. , With such a long time gap in the middle, Black Order did not dare to escape.

Thos can also think of what they can think of, and what they consider, Thanos can also take into account.

This crazy Titan has used countless personal practices to tell his men a truth-anyone who dares to betray him will have to die.

Thinking of this, Corvus Glaive couldn't help turning his head slightly, using the corner of his eye, to sweep the throne hidden in the shadow behind him.

Thanos, sitting in the middle of the throne,

He still wears the blue and gold Combat Armor, but on the right hand, he wears a huge yellow cheat suit. On the back of the glove, there are six prismatic holes, one of which has been filled with a yellow gem.

That gem is the Soul Stone obtained by Thanos through Sacrificing Nebula .

And this pair of gloves is a divine tool named "Infinite Gauntlet" created for him by the Interstellar dwarves.

Corvus Glaive had never seen that golden giant glove. This sudden change made him, who claims to know Thanos very well, his heart shuddered suddenly and shuddered.

He hurriedly withdrew his gaze, but his body couldn't stop shaking.

At the moment when he saw Thanos’ eyes, Corvus Glaive felt that his own soul would be taken away by the opponent’s eyes.

There is no doubt that this extremely strange power that directly affects the soul is newly acquired by Thanos.

Corvus Glaive couldn't help letting out a long relaxed breath, he couldn't help feeling a little proud. If he had just thought about running away or even resisting, he might already be a corpse now.

"The countdown to the transition, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

The voice of the ship's spirit echoed in the ship, and the next second, the entire fleet appeared in Scorpio In the range.

After the transition is completed, the engine needs to be recharged, and the whole process takes a certain amount of time. The ship’s spirit will consciously put all its energy reserves into high-energy protection according to the pre-set procedure. On the shield.


The dim-blue energy barrier extends from the exterior of all ships, like crystal clear and near-transparent bubbles, suspended in a vacuum among.

Everyone knows that trifling energy barrier can't stop quantum ghosts at all, but a little more defense can give them a little sense of illusory security after all.

The members of the Dark Order stood up one after another. They were wearing power mecha suits, holding guns, and looked towards all around vigilantly, as if they were approaching an enemy.

Even Black Order is not exempt. Ebony Maw expanded the defense array. Black Dwarf blocked the giant axe in front of him, the super giant covered oneself with a psionic shield, and Corvus Glaive dragged Proxima. Midnight drew closer to Thanos in an impenetrable manner.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, nothing happened.

Time passed bit by bit, just when everyone thought it was safe,

The ship with the obvious Earth style, forcibly squeezed out of space Coming out, it unreasonably invaded the position of the flagship of the Dark Order.

The two ships were perfectly crossed and merged into an "X" shape, as if this was the same from the day they left the factory. Looks like.

The steel is twisting, the engine is roaring, and the soldiers of the Dark Order who unfortunately stand at the overlap are "embedded" into Earth’s ships.

His hands and feet were still exposed and trembling, and the inside of his body was filled with steel, and he couldn't see through.

Corvus Glaive, standing on the edge of the overlap of the two spaceships, he looked towards the side, the Black Dwarf and Supergiant embedded in the deck of the Earth ship, only feeling the chill, like falling in a ice hole.

Black Dwarf relies on the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable body, and Supergiant is good at psionics, it has no effect,

They just die like this, and the others even have names There are no soldiers of the Dark Order, simply and neatly.

One step away,

This is the distance between Corvus Glaive and Death.


Spaceship uttered a violent, miserable scream like a tuberculosis patient. The Quantum Ship disappeared in an instant, next moment, it adjusted its lower position, and again The flagships of the Dark Order overlap, forming the shape of a "ten".

The Quantum Ship took two poses, tearing apart the flagship of the Dark Order and destroying 90% of the individual lives on the flagship, which took less than a second.

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