This statement of Thanos was pious and sincere, and the expression on his face did not see the usual fierce and evil birds.

"I don’t expect you to understand this idea—the overwhelming majority in this universe will not understand."

He said indifferently: "But this is the only solution. Method.

In this barren, dead, and icy universe, peace is only a lie, and tranquility is only hypocrisy.

When a living spirit faces it, it should be despair."

According to Thanos’s vision, the opponent should be coldly snorted at this time, scolding "heretical path of the devils", and then cast a spell to attack oneself,

However, Li Ang does not Not an ordinary person,

After hearing Thanos’ idea, Li Ang was not angry, but nodded. He said with great interest: "Ambition is high, ambitious, very interesting idea.

It’s just the galaxy where we are, but there are real gods.

According to the three Great Empires, the deity named'Swallowing the Stars' rules everything and rules everything, if you want To solve the survival pressure of millions and millions of creatures in the galaxy, you should go to him."

"Swallow the stars?"

Thanos laughed blankly, "I am the hidden religion The supreme chairman of the committee is familiar with many of these matters.

The gods above all living beings are not so much an individual with independent consciousness, but rather they are some kind of unconscious natural disasters.

The intersection between everything in the common world and the gods of the universe is too small and too small. The gap between the two is just like an ant and a living person."

"oh ?" Li Ang was a little curious, "Then you also established religions, solemnly interpret the will of the gods, and realize the will of the gods."

"Heh, Li Ang, please think about it, your An ant nest appeared at the door of your house.

This is quite an ordinary thing, but you are surprised to find that this group of ants is on the steps at your door, forming a circle end to end. , There is still a nut in the middle of the circle.

Such an abnormal situation will naturally attract your attention, so you approach the past and hear those ants singing loudly, saying that they are your loyal believers. The nuts are sacrificed to you.

The ants can speak and communicate with people!

Such a scene is really strange, so you took the nuts and planned to talk to them Ants to communicate.

They further offer sacrifices to you, and out of interesting mentality, you return to these ants some insignificant little things-for example, take out half a pickled cucumber and give it to them. Or wipe out hostile ant colonies for them.

When the fun is exhausted, these ants can no longer bring you any freshness, and you will walk into the house, no longer paid attention to. "

Thanos said sarcastically: "At the beginning, in order to seek more advanced power, I broke into the interior of the Three Great Empires and climbed up to the position of the highest chairperson, but found , The so-called religion is basically something that bluffs people,

Mortals can never understand gods, and even the original appearance of gods can’t be seen directly, and the relationship between the three Great Empires and the star swallowing is not as good as they preached. Close,

Many times, the "will" from the gods is a vague and indescribable concept and idea, which is difficult to be fully understood by ordinary creatures.

Tunxing has self-consciousness, and his ideas will take a long time to come true—God's concept of time is different from ours, and maybe a million years later, he will take action.

Such a long time span is not directly perceivable by ordinary life. He is like fate-you can feel his existence, but you cannot feel his specific operation.

In other words, we don't need to care about Swallowing Stars. Swallowing Stars is the same as nonexistent relative to us-unless you really believe in fate.

So, as the Supreme Councillor, I began to forge the will of the gods and use the three Great Empires to realize my ambitions.

On the surface, I was just a big warlord dominating the dark quadrant. In fact, the many wars that have occurred in the galaxy in the past few years are all my writings using the three Great Empires. "

Li Ang said: "No wonder, the rule of the Three Great Empires has become increasingly fierce, and the situation in the galaxy has gradually become chaotic. "

"Yes, before the emergence of Earth Civilization, the Three Great Empires were the most powerful forces in the galaxy and the best vehicle for fulfilling my long-cherished wish. "

Thanos shook his head and said: "However, Chairman a trifling, is not yet able to perfectly control the Three Great Empires, and directly join this carnival-there are too many people holding traditional ideas, even the chairman. It is also impossible to unify the inside and outside.

So, I was disappointed and started looking for a more direct way to destroy half of the creatures in the known world. "

"What kind of approach do you plan to use"

Rao is Thanos experienced and knowledgeable. When he saw the curious expression on Li Ang's face, he still couldn't help being a little surprised ,

"...Earth civilization is able to expand from an Orion’s spiral arm planet to most of the Milky Way in a very short period of time. There is a certain reason for it. "

The Titan asked, "What do you think I will do?" "

"Well, there are many ways to do it. "

Li Ang didn’t rush to scream and kill, raised his palm, raised his fingers, and counted.

"The first method is the simplest, but it’s the easiest way to build an unprecedented giant The fleet swept through all known galaxies like locusts, selected some life planets, and cleaned their surface with naval guns.

Efficient and fast. As long as the fleet is large enough, the firepower is fierce enough, and the speed of travel is fast enough, it can completely wipe out half of the living creatures within the'ten thousand years' or even shorter time period.

It’s just that such a method is too crude. Some cherished life resources will unfortunately hit Oblivion indiscriminately.

According to your philosophical concept, it is undoubtedly to get rid of this overly mindless method. "

Thanos is nodded, but Li Ang raised his second finger.

"The second method is still the same as the previous one. The establishment of a huge fleet, but the elimination process is even greater. Fine,

For example, on the surface of the planet, bombing half of the cities and destroying half of the residents;

Or dispatch landing ships to allow the soldiers to conduct more detailed screening;

This method is more accurate and will not cause irreversible extinction of precious species.

It’s just that it took too long. A fleet of locusts swept from the east to the west of the Milky Way. Before the cleaning was completed, the ecological environment on the west had been restored, and the material resources were still tight. . "

"Yes," Thanos said in agreement: "I had this idea at first establishing the Dark Order." "

Not long ago, the Guardians of the Galaxy, who participated in the Battle of the Alien Alliance and successfully assisted in the elimination of Ronan the Accuser, also joined the Earth Federation.

In the Guardians of the Galaxy, that Gamora, a green-skinned alien hottie, was the victim of Thanos massacre.

The army of the Dark Order landed on Gamora’s home planet, and immediately divided the residents on the planet into two parts, and then Eliminate the general,

Gamora’s birth mother unfortunately died, and Gamora, who was still a green-skinned little loli at the time, was adopted by Thanos and detained in the tower of the Dark Quadrant. Together with Nebula, he received Thanos’s Long-term development.

Um...If Thanos collects more alien little loli, then Li Ang has ample reasons to believe that Thanos is a ghost father with loli collection habit. .

"The first two methods have either only efficiency but no precision, or only precision but no efficiency. "

Li Ang said casually: "The Third Type method should be fast and good.

For example, a quantum fleet that can quickly patrol half of the galaxy. "

"That's right. "

Thanos nodded said, "The quantum ghost of the probabilistic cloud state happens to be the best tool to complete this Quest.

At the beginning, after discovering that the Earth civilization breakthrough was blocked by Sophons and lighting up quantum omnic technology, I was keenly aware that you have this potential.

So, I made a decisive decision. The secret Secret Sect of the Great Empire forged the will of the gods and secretly manipulated the empire to launch an attack on Earth.

In theory, quantum technology can allow civilization to achieve explosive development by leaps and bounds.

Three Great Empires need to eliminate Earth civilization in the shortest time to ensure the victory of the war. I can get your quantum technology.

Unexpectedly, you are also a top transcender on Earth, plus the Quantum Ghost Fleet, easily destroying the three Great Empires. "

From a Titan star to the top of the three Great Empires, the difficulties and obstacles experienced and the Legendary story, absolutely surging forward with great momentum, shocking,

Three Great Empire collapsed in a flash, and after years of suffering futile, the gap was enough to make anyone collapse.

However, Thanos didn’t have the slightest pity. He just looked at Li Ang and said calmly: "Quantum Phantom , Is one of the ultimate ways to eliminate half of the living beings and realize my long-cherished wish in life. "

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