Li Ang gets more excited as he speaks, "Furthermore, this kind of land-for-finance strategy is not only useful on the surface of the planet, but it also works even when placed in the outer space.

First of all, to nationalize space and any aircraft to occupy space without a report is to encroach on national resources and need to be knocked down.

Secondly, the construction of civilian aircraft is severely restricted. Space vehicles that exceed a certain specification are all classified as illegal structures and are dismantled and dismantled.

In this way, space housing resources are all controlled by the local government. If you are not allowed to live, you will Not qualified to live."

"Wait a minute!"

The Temporary Brain Chaos finally came back to his senses, trying to retort: ​​"If someone would rather live alone, not in Sector. What should we do if we give birth to children under government surveillance?

The universe is vast. Find a place to hide. No matter how well-developed surveillance methods are, it’s difficult to find out."

"Hey , Don’t forget, a house is more than just a living space."

Li Ang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Housing resources are also linked to educational and medical resources.

If you don’t live in a residential area designated by the local government, you will not have a Sector account, and you will enjoy the schools, hospitals, and entertainment centers built without the Sector government.

Your child will not get good Education, no playmates of the same age, directly behind others at the starting line by one kilometer.

Any responsible parent will do everything possible to drill up and obtain housing resources linked to education and medical resources. In this process, their birth rate is bound to slow down.

In this way, we achieved late marriage and late childbearing through simple housing strategies.

Yes, those elites who are already rich and well-educated can enjoy more childbearing opportunities than pregnant couples of the same age.

This is eugenics."

Ebony Maw, the black tongue strategist who listened to the sidelines, couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath, hearing this, feeling three. Great Empire besieged Earth. It’s really not wrong to besiege Earth. It’s such a slanderous and long-lasting plan that only works. Carbon-based monkeys can only think of it.

"!!!" Thanos' palm couldn't help trembling slightly. In his eyes, Li Ang seemed to grow horns and tail, and a huge shadow appeared behind him, and his whole person turned into a demon.

At the same time, he couldn't help falling into silence. He didn't have that kind of IQ, but he had been thinking about how to solve problems quickly and didn't think about it for a long time.

At this time, Li Ang's words seemed to open the door to New World for him.

"Scarce housing, high childcare fees, scarce educational resources, huge work pressure, and the liberation of social responsibility brought about by high quality will make people less and less willing to have children.

When the population drops to a certain level, you will fall into a trap called the “low population trap”. When the time comes, the people’s willingness to give birth will be lower than ever before.

This is true even in developed countries."

Li Ang said with a smile: "There is a concept in demography called the'population-economic paradox', that is, the richer and more developed countries should be able to Feeding more people means being able to bear a higher fertility rate.

But the reality is just the opposite. Per capita GDP, human development index and fertility rate are extremely negatively correlated, and the economy develops to After a certain degree, the fertility rate will inevitably be lower than the replacement fertility rate.

If there is no further macro-control, such as the era wave brought by the Interstellar colonization, the fertility rate will be Continue to decline.

When even the introduction of population and other alternative fertility methods fail to work-for example, the British Empire that I have been to, the entire society will be hollowed out, and the overall scale will continue to shrink. The development of civilization has slowed down time and time again.

In this way, the population problem can be solved without bloodshed."

Li Ang puts his hands behind him, smiling fresh and cheerful, elegant and easy-going. .


Thanos was silent for a long time. After a while, he looked up and said: "If you do as you say, the entire Interstellar civilization will slowly stagnate. It is like a pool of stagnant water without movement. Although the whole remains peaceful, the internal development momentum has been taken away.

My extinction plan is to hope that they can have an aggressive and enterprising spirit. , To maintain overall peace, instead of making all civilizations a walking corpse."

"I said, why do you do so many things?"

Li Ang frowned, with a little tone Unfriendly, "Didn’t you understand? Family planning, if it only reduces but does not increase, then it is not called planning. It is a good policy to be able to advance or retreat."

"How to enter?" Thanos Said: "I have also studied sociology. Once the pace of Interstellar colonization slows down, the world is known to be peaceful as a whole, and people who are used to peace will gradually lose their enterprising spirit.

Furthermore, it is habit. If you want to be a rice worm, if you want to wake them up completely, the sacrifices made are no less than my extinction plan."

"hehe, then you can only say that you are too underestimating the lower limit of our Terrans. "

Li Ang said indifferently: "When we enter the low-population trap, the housing problem is no longer the main problem. We can open up our housing, open the policy of multiple births, and encourage childbirth. The government has stepped up to subsidize pregnant women."

"Even so, the effect will not be too great." Thanos frowned and said: "When the productivity reaches a certain stage, childbirth is no longer for the care of the elderly. It’s a kind of self-interest and benefit behavior that is not good for oneself and good for the continuation of human beings. It is a kind of social responsibility.

People don’t want to have a baby. Can you help them give birth?"

"You are really right."

Li Ang nodded, "Is it enough to reverse the policy?

Giving birth to four awards, honoring mother,

It is barely possible to give birth to three, but the pennant is used to encourage it.

Two are fined, and the salary for the past ten years has been wiped out. ,

If you give birth to one, you can copy the house, demolish the house and dispose of the car.

As for those who don’t give birth, then force the couple to do test-tube babies.

Don’t do it? Then go to a labor camp for half a year."

"Hiss..." Thanos was shocked, sucked in a breath of cold air.

People all say that I Thanos is evil and cruel. Compared with the Terrans in front of me, the crazy Titan is like a harmless little white rabbit.

"This is too..."

"Excessive?" Li Ang sneered, looking towards Thanos with imaginary eyes, "It is you who said that the massacre was going to be carried out, said You are the one who wants to increase the population, and you are the one who said it was too cruel. Why did you say anything?"

The Tyrant was silent.

"In 1966, Ceausescu, the former general secretary of Romania, declared that the fetus is the wealth of the society, and those who do not have children are those who betray the country. He stipulated that divorce was forbidden, and every Romanian couple should be at least four waists. A child, even statutory means to stop birth control and abortion, infertile women will have to pay taxes, abortions will be imprisoned, women will even undergo strict inspection and interrogation during menstruation.

Serve as Ceauses The people of the Cuban claws are called menstrual police by the Romanian people."

Faced with the silent Thanos, Li Ang said coldly: “With the assistance of the menstrual police, the following year’s The birth rate of babies has doubled, but because the baby boom is too ferocious and the maternity resources are severely lacking, the infant death rate has increased by 145.6%.

The world is in an uproar, and in order to cover up this stupid mistake, Qi Osescu ordered that the birth certificate be issued one month after the baby is born.

In this way, those babies who die before the full month will not be included in the statistics of death babies.

Achievements will look much better."

Li Ang's eyes are cold and cruel. He takes a step forward and said solemnly to Thanos: "You want to control the population, you can!


You want to increase the population, you can!

Do you want to have no bloody swords?

Sorry, you can’t. Behind any decision, there must be massive sacrifices as a price. .

Faced with complex problems, shouting bright and bright slogans, but acting in such a rough, simple and rude style

Your stupidity and badness, and Ceausescu Just the same!"

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