"Not now."

The Arab took a half step back and let the katana's blade pass against the tip of his nose, cutting open the delicately cleaned beard.

This blade is just a deterrent. Both parties know this. Als Al Goul has no intention of fighting to death, and the death knell will not be difficult to deal with without receiving a commission. Rivals fighting.

Sure enough, the two of them broke away at the touch of a touch, the death knell lifted the knife back and returned to the depths of the alley, staring at the leader of the assassin.

"Just tell me that the people in the suburban Xuedi were sent by that force," the Arab squeezed the sleeve of the suit and said calmly: "Since our goals are the same, this request should be satisfied. That’s right."

"The same goal does not mean we are allies." Tan..."

Before the voice fell, ten silhouettes jumped down from the roof.

They all wore pitch black hoods, and they wore ink cloaks, opaque There are night-owl-like glasses embedded in his face mask.

Als Al Goul’s eyes flashed a little suddenly, he knew the identities of these people.

BewaretheCourtofOwls, thatwatchesallthetime,

Beware of the court of owls, and always monitor your travel,

RulingGothamfromashadowedperch, behindgraniteandlime.

Secretly watching Gotham The city is hidden in the attic with low walls.

Theywatchyouatyourhearth, theywatchyouinyourhearth, theywatchyouinyourbed.

He lives at home, and he lives on both the bed and the bed.

Speaknotawhisperedwordaboutthem, orthey'll send theTalonforyourhead.

Don't mention his name, sharp claw will find you.

This nursery rhyme is about the legend that a group of mysterious persons named Owl Court ruled Gotham City in the dark, and they carried out their will with the killer named sharp claw.

These killers are strictly trained and hide in secret bases all over Gotham City. If necessary, sharp claw will kill all those who violate the rule of the court.

For a long time, Batman has always been the only obstacle preventing them from taking control of Gotham, but now, the Dark Knight is dead.

The barrier has disappeared.

"I didn't think these night owls hired you." Assassin knew it, and said to the death knell in the corner: "When did you get together with these people?"

"I don't care about the identity of the employer, as long as someone pays the bill." The death knell said hoarsely: "Unfortunately, for the time being, there is no one who bids higher than the Owl Court."

"Good evening, Als Ai Mr. Goul." A sharp claw of the owl opened the mouth and said: "I heard you want to destroy Gotham?"

The Arab spread his hands and sighed: "It seems I It’s not the right time to come."

"Indeed." Sharp claw surrounded the leader of the assassin, and countless blades were faintly pointed at the Arabs’ vitals. "If you take your people and leave, maybe we You can live in harmony."

"Put away your knives." Assassin's head was in a hurry, and he didn't even shake his eyelashes. "Ask your master and ask him if he wants to be in a few minutes. Together with the entire manor, it was bombed into the sky by ballistic missiles."

Sharp claw's pupils shrank suddenly, and the blade in his hand was pulled out with a chuckle, and it was placed on the neck of the Arab.

The blade was against the skin, and the leader of assassin said calmly: "I don't need to destroy Gotham, but I want to participate in this action against the massacre."

"Why? "

"The Owl Court targeted human massacres in order to wipe out the instability in Gotham City," the leader of Assassin took action and pushed the blade away, "and I want to see if it can kill The true face of the person who died Batman."

The Owl Court noticed the Batman who killed Batman, and secretly stared at the fight between the Batman and Hydra.

Although he doesn't like Hydra's sneaky attempts to invade Gotham, the Owl Court does not want such a butcher in their city who is completely uncontrolled and has no rules of action.

The owl sharp claw thought for a moment, and said, "That’s it?"

"So far, it’s true." Assassin's chief concession said: "Anyway, you can’t get from him. Isn’t he getting any benefits from him? And he’s not so easy to deal with. The ability to kill a fully armed Hydra elite squad with a fire axe, and capture Baron Strucker by the way, is beyond the scope of the Owl Court’s response."

After all, the Arabs rushed to the death knell curl one's lip in the corner and said: "Otherwise you don't need to pay a lot of money to ask him to come over, right?"

sharp Claw was silent. For a long time, he received the upper-level prompt from the intercom headset, "You can participate in this operation, but the Assassin Alliance cannot take the action first, and cannot take away the slaughter or his body afterwards. "

"Deal." Als Al Gour smiled with a rare smile, walked straight to the end of the alley, and turned to face the owl sharp claws before stepping into the street full of neon lights. said with a faint smile: "I have a hunch, he will come tonight."

The death knell asked: "Why can you see it?"

"....." Assassin leader After a long sigh, he said with a poet's aria: "Death knell, maybe you are a leader in assassin, proficient in tactics, fighting, strategy, and planning, but you don't have that intuition, the intuition of a murderer."

As soon as the death knell tried to refute, I heard Als Al Goul said blankly: "I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and the enemies I have killed with my own hands are ten times and a hundred times as large as you. You know that one person kills the most. The characteristics of the child?"

No one responds,

Assassin’s head stretches out the take action and flies away the candy crumbs left by the children on the suit, and fills the second half indifferently. The sentence, "It doesn't matter."

The death knell narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, as if thinking of something.

Als Al Gul continued: "A butcher doesn’t care about the movements of livestock. Struggling, crying, calling, and begging for mercy are meaningless in the eyes of humans."

"Sorry, I'm not a livestock." The death knell said with a smile: "And these owls don't regard oneself as a poor worm in the fence."

Assassin's eyes didn't have a hint of temperature, he just stared at the death knell, as if to see through the filthy soul hidden underneath through the armor.

"I have seen those photos of the Richard Sapa family massacre in the Gotham police system," the Arab said: "For the massacre, the enemy is created, the enemy is searched, and the enemy is killed. These three steps can be completed at once, and the efficiency is the first. Maybe at this moment, he has sharpened his knife and he is ready to apply blood that cannot be washed off this Christmas."

Inexplicably The depression came here, everyone not only lifted the head, but stared at the gloomy sky.

There is no shadow of the bat lamp in the clouds.

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