I caught a glimpse of the ugly expression of the chief assassin, Li Ang smiled, raised the beef on the dinner plate with the fork, and said softly: "Don’t have a psychological barrier, this steak is pure It is cultivated from the cells of Kobe beef, and it is no different from the meat you can buy on the market."

"..." Lars Gul El was silent for a long while, after all Maintaining the reservedness of being a villain, forcibly resisting the nausea desire, picked up the knife and fork.

The steak enters the throat, it is still delicious, the assassin leader has a pale complexion, and exhausts his full strength to prevent oneself from vomiting out of fear and disgust.

The young man in a white coat in front of him is rebellious but sensible and calm, gentle but mad and evil, just like the god who overlooks all living creatures from a high ground, his eyes are full of extreme indifference.

Secular moral concepts have no binding power for the detached person.

The chief assassin considers himself a villain, but in front of the white coat, what is he? Through explosive attacks to create fear, subvert several regional regimes, and trigger international conflicts, terrorist activities such as these can hardly be on the table in front of this wall of meat.

It is not until this moment that he comes from his heart. I sighed, I met this great god, and I didn't lose injustice.

"Meat means high-quality protein, fatty acids, triglycerides, cholesterol, calories, inorganic salts, Vitamin, and more..."

Inorganic Under the pale light, Li Ang raised a hand and rubbed his index finger and thumb together, "Money." .

Lars Gul El gasped for a sigh of relief when he heard this. It seems that this white coat is also a normal person.

"The global live cattle inventory is close to one billion heads, concentrated in India, Brazil, China, United States, European Union, Argentina, Australia and other countries.

Of course live cattle The stock volume does not mean beef production. The United States, which combines industry and agriculture, contributes 18.58% of the world’s beef production with 9.6% of the world’s live cattle stock, followed by Brazil, European Union and China, and Third Brother because For religious reasons, the output of slaughtered beef is not high, ranking fifth."

Li Ang got up and walked to the second floor. Lars Gu, who had not yet recovered from his nausea, El Al hesitated for a moment, put down his fork, and followed in the footsteps of the former.

The two walked up to the second floor and strolled in a wall of flesh.

Li Ang walked forward with his hands under his hands, and from time to time he walked outside the glassware where the meat wall was placed, carefully observing the growth of the meat wall.

"The reason why United States beef is cheap is that its modern beef cattle industry chain is extremely complete, each link develops independently, and at the same time division of labor. The commercial calf production system represented by grass-fed cattle and the youth shelf The distribution of cattle production system is relatively scattered, so I won’t mention it here.

As for grain-fed cattle, that is, beef cattle distributed in the fattening area of ​​the corn belt in the central and southern plains of the United States, it is intensive and large-scale. , The regional transformed into aquaculture system is quite mature, low-priced irrigated corn, liquid supplementary feed, generations of perfect hormones and antibiotics, high-quality embryo promotion, greenhouses and disease prevention...It is a coordinated and self-contained system. It’s only through the concerted efforts to create the world’s number one beef export volume."

Lars Gul Ayer pursed his lips, claiming that he is experienced and knowledgeable. I have never been interested in understanding these contents, so I had to pretend to be "I can understand, you continue to say" with a straight face.

Li Ang ignored the leader of the assassin, and each minding their own business took out the form from the pocket of the white coat, took out the flamboyant pen, and wrote the calculation formula line by line.

"With the support of an entire country’s industrial chain, the price of beef from the United States is quite cheap. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the terminal retail price fluctuates in the range of 5.6-6.3 USD pounds. The converted value is roughly 42.6-47.9 RMB kg, while the export price including the 13% tariff fluctuates around 7.345 USD kg, which is roughly 50.68 RMB kg."

Lars Gu El Al's heart moved, he was not a fool, and he could calculate the value of the benefits behind it with a little calculation.

"This seems to be a considerable price difference. On the one hand, it is due to tariffs. On the other hand, it is because the United States exports mostly High Rank whole pieces of beef, while those for national consumption A large part of the beef is imported from abroad. Under such conditions, the United States still consumes more than 10 million tons of beef every year, and 100,000 cattle are waiting for slaughter every 24 hours."

Lars Gul-El could not help but exclaimed: "If we use the terminal retail price of 3.2 USD kg to calculate, 10 million tons of beef is equivalent to 32 billion USD! This is just United States a year’s consumption of a country! If hydroponic meat can completely replace human’s conventional meat products, becoming the richest man in the world will be a matter of minutes!" Since beef can be made in this way, what about pork, which consumes a lot more? What about chicken, lamb, and fish?

Even the Assassin Alliance, which is known as one of the rulers of Japan, has never seen such astronomical wealth...

El Al couldn’t help being dizzy. His eyes changed silently when he watched the wall of flesh. He forced his composure to calm down and said solemnly to Li Ang: “But things are impossible going so smoothly. First of all, you have to face other things. Crazy attacks by counterparts in the meat manufacturing industry."

Li Ang nodded, said indifferently: "Indeed, the technology of hydroponic meat, with the support of modern industrial systems, will explode what can be called crazy production capacity. , Destroy the original old system with the attitude of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood."

This is no more than hybrid rice. The involvement of hydroponic meat is too great, and it is definitely not a private group that can solve it. Yes, this requires at least the industrial and agricultural heritage of an entire superpower to support it.

The leader of Assassin frowned and said: "More than that, the huge meat manufacturing industry in United States implicates the jobs of countless people. Once this technology is launched, I don’t know how many companies are on the verge of bankruptcy and how many civilians lose their jobs. How many peasant households are destroyed."

Li Ang spread his hands and said: "Technology has never been the first driving force to promote human development. At best, it can only be regarded as a crutch—capital is the boost to the advancement of human civilization. It’s like the DC and AC war between Tesla and Edison."

Lars Gul El nodded and said: "Yes, those behemoth meat manufacturing groups must Will regard you as a life and death enemy, do everything possible to suppress and persecute you, and even use some shady means to destroy your factory, company, and employees. Even the United States bureaucrats, led by the United States Food and Drug Administration, will also do so because of their interests. The driving force of the group starts with you-you know, agriculture is one of the cornerstones of the United States standing in the world Peak, behind which there are countless capital giants!"

"Do you think I will be afraid?" Li Ang laughed heartily said: "Once technology appears, it will burn the entire planet like Raging Inferno Blazing Praire. This trend is definitely not something that can be stopped by some profit-seeking flies."

".. .What do you mean?"

"Hydroponic meat technology is indeed important, but for me, it's just a tool for collecting money that I can concoct in my free time." Li Ang shook his white coat, calmly Said: "I don't mind making money with harmony, but if those bloodthirsty flies that follow the interests are too noisy, then shoot them all to death."

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