Vision looked at Su Han.

Su Han was slightly startled.

To be honest, he himself didn't know about this issue.

Now he is already a person at the third level of life.

As early as the peak of the first level of life, he was able to control his body functions and breathing. At that time, he could not breathe oxygen for about three months.

Now, his strength and body have made great progress.

Even without absorbing oxygen, he can survive in space.

However, there are many magnetic fields in this space and there is no influence of gravity. Su Han is not sure whether he can move freely in space.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and a bold idea came to him.

"How about I go out and try."

Su Han suggested.

When everyone around him heard this, their eyes widened and they were full of hope.

"It's better not to do it, it looks very dangerous."

Peter was most worried about Su Han. Even though Su Han was as powerful as he was now, he was still worried.

Su Han patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, I'll be careful. I'll try it around the battleship. If it doesn't work, I'll come back."

Peter had no choice but to nod.

Later, Su Han asked the Star-Lord Line to stop the battleship and let it drift into space.

"Be careful, wear oxygen."

Su Han stood by the door and shouted to everyone.

Most people were wearing oxygen masks, 1.

Everyone made a gesture.

Then, Su Han opened the ship door and stepped out.

The ship door slammed shut, and everyone immediately stood up.

He took off his oxygen mask, lay down by the window and stared outside.

"Hey, where's the teacher?"

Phantom didn't see Su Han's shadow on either side, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Su Han, Su Han


Peter had begun to shout anxiously.

However, the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Peter's eyes, which startled Peter.

That person was clearly Su Han.

I saw Su Han making a grimace at Peter, and then stepped back.

Everyone can clearly see that Su Han is completely able to walk in space freely at this time.

"It feels so free, so comfortable."

Su Han was in space, stretched out his hands, closed his eyes, and just felt the tranquility in space.

"The second ability gained after evolution is still useful."

Su Han thought to himself secretly.

His second ability is to fly in the air.

When he was on Earth, this ability made Su Han extremely awesome.

Now in space, this ability has brought great help to Su Han.

At least, he can quickly adapt to this environment without the influence of gravity, and can freely change the direction of movement.

This point is very important.

Su Han is in space now and has almost no influence.

If we really want to talk about impact, it’s speed.

Su Han's speed in space is several blocks slower than on Earth.

Because there is no air to propel him, he can only "swim" slowly like a fish.


However, even so, Su Han is already ahead of all mankind.

Su Han slowly reached the top of the battleship, and then looked at the colorful stars in the distance with a smile on his face.

But soon, the smile on his face gradually faded away and was replaced by a solemn look.

Su Han quickly returned to the battleship.

As soon as he entered the door, Star-Lord's voice came.


Four 44 unknown biological radio waves were scanned ahead, and I tried to send communication signals to them, but received no response from all of them."

Su Han also nodded.

"Yes, I also sensed four 44 life sources, a very huge life source.

This kind of life source cannot be the life that a space battleship can carry, so "

"It's a space beast!"

Star-Lord screamed.

"Well, it should be an alien beast from space. Everyone, get ready for battle!"

Su Han's face was also slightly solemn.

As beautiful as space is, it is equally dangerous.

In this vast space, in addition to beautiful scenery and star civilization, there are also some terrifying existences.

Then it's a space alien.

These creatures were born in space.

Their body structures have already adapted to everything in space.

They don't need to breathe, but they can run quickly through space, coming and going without a trace.

They live on space ephemera, and sometimes attack passing battleships, devouring all life forms on the battleships.

This is the last thing a battleship on any planet wants to encounter.

Even meeting the Star Hunters is better than meeting alien beasts in space.

Because as long as you encounter them, you will definitely be dead.

Before coming, Archie made an explanation with them and prayed for them, praying that they would not encounter alien space beasts during their journey.

The result is "What a bad luck!"

Star-Lord complained.

"Boss, prepare the bait."

Su Han nodded when he heard this, his eyes gradually narrowed into a slit.

Chapter 123 The ancient giant corpse floating in the void

Chapter 124 Niwan Palace, open!

The 124th Niwan Palace, open! "Teacher!"

Vision rushed forward to help Su Han in shock.

However, when Vision came into contact with Su Han's body, he only felt an extremely huge mental wave rushing towards him, drowning him in an instant.

Phantasm flew straight away, with large mouthfuls of blood spurting from his mouth, and his whole body's aura suddenly became extremely weak.

Then, his seven orifices began to slowly flow out of bright red liquid.

How terrifying! "Old teacher!"

Fortunately, Vision is not an ordinary living being.

His brain was protected by the Mind Stone, and he retained a trace of consciousness after all, and did not pass out directly.

At this time, Su Han was still beside the dragon corpse, but remained silent, which made Vision very worried.

At this time, Su Han's consciousness was no longer outside the body, but in the brain.

Just now, as soon as he came into contact with the dragon corpse, he was immediately pushed back by a spiritual force as vast as the sea and supreme and overbearing.

So he was wounded and bleeding.

However, compared to the blood spurting, Su Han's greater trauma came from the brain.

That domineering spiritual power is unparalleled, and he has an attitude of being proud of the world and not being infringed by anyone.

Su Han's hasty reaction caused the mental power to launch a counterattack against Su Han.

In an instant, it was the brain that suffered the greatest trauma.

Su Han's brain! Su Han stands in the void.

Venom is with him too.

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