Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 558: Black Panther

"Dio Brando."

Raft Prison, Nick Fury looked at the old man in front of him across the cage, and slowly said the other party's name.

Dio Brando, a character who has survived since World War II like Captain America Steve.

However, unlike Captain America, Steve chose the Avengers to be the superhero who protects the world, while Dio Brando was transformed into an evil vampire, who once brought a crisis to the Avengers, even by bringing Agent Carter to life. Transforming into a vampire forces Steve into difficult choices.

However, all this changed because of the previous battle with [Ultimate Creature].

In the final battle with the [Ultimate Creature], Dio Brando chose to betray [Kaz] who had strengthened his vampire power at the last moment, but he also encountered a poison before being swallowed by Po, who was reincarnated by Immortal Penglai. [Kaz] took away the power belonging to the vampire and became the white-haired old man in front of him.

Although, Dio Brando, who has lost his vampire power, is no longer a threat to the Avengers.

However, considering that what he has done has far exceeded the definition of crime and is truly evil, the Avengers still imprisoned him in the raft prison.

In this isolated prison in the middle of the sea, Dio Brando, who is now just an ordinary person, has no possibility of escaping.

"It looks like you haven't given up your hope of escaping prison, Dio Brando."

Looking directly at Dio Brando in the cell, Nick Fury didn't show any euphemism, and said straight at the old figure in front of him.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Nick Fury."

In the face of Nick Fury's persecuting question, Dio said with a faint expression on the corner of his mouth.

"I'm just an ordinary person now, and I can't even hold the tableware for eating..."

"We met Kim Bing."

Looking at Dio Brando who was motionless in the cell with his only intact eyes, Nick Fury said coldly.

"Although I haven't figured out what kind of thoughts you have, no matter what method you use, you will not succeed. As long as the Avengers exist, you will stay in prison for me obediently. Forever."

Nick Fury came to Raft Prison just to confirm a certain idea in his heart.

In fact, when he saw Dio Brando, he knew that what he had guessed was correct.

Speaking to Dio Brando in the cell with a blank face, Nick Fury turned around and was about to leave the prison.

"Do you believe in gravity? Nick Fury..."

However, just as Nick Fury was about to leave this damp and cold prison, Dio Brando, who had been motionless in the cell, suddenly spoke.

He slowly stood up and lost his vampire power. Those seventy years seemed to have taken away everything from Dio Brando in an instant.

With slow but strange steps, he walked to the cell step by step.

Dio Brando looked out at Nick Fury through the cell glass, asking a question that seemed completely unrelated to the situation at hand.

"Do you think our encounter is meaningful in this world?"

Turning his head, Nick Fury looked at Dio Brando in the cell.

Without the power of vampire immortality, Dio Brando looked old like an ordinary old man, but the enchanting aura on his body did not disappear because of his old appearance.

"The existence of the Avengers is a hero who protects the world, or a sinner who pushes everything into the abyss, Nick Fury, do you really believe in this in your heart?"

"The Avengers are heroes, I have no doubts about that!"

In Dio Brando's eyes, Nick Fury saw evil, no, something deeper and indescribable, and it was not transformed by Dio Brando's appearance.

In the gaze of this pair of eyes, Nick Fury gave his answer in a firm tone.

"Then I expect your fate to be correct, Nick Fury."

"As a loser of fate, I send you the only blessing."


"So, Wakanda..."

In the Avengers Building, Tony touched his arm that was only wrapped by the straps, looking at the young black man in front of him, raised his eyebrows and asked.

For Wakanda, Tony's biggest impression is the country where the vibranium is produced, and most of the vibranium he currently obtains comes from Wakanda.

However, perhaps because of the isolationist policy currently implemented by Wakanda, even Tony, who has a large amount of vibrating gold resources in the country, does not have a detailed understanding of Wakanda. Even, according to the description of the United Nations, Wakanda is a poor and backward agricultural country, or a tribe, and Zhenjin is the only existence in this country that is connected to the world.

Speaking of which, a lot of the vibration gold that I have obtained so far is smuggled out of Wakanda.

Although, these smuggled vibranium also paid enough price.

However, looking at the righteous Lord from Wakanda in front of him, he is still the prince of this country,

Tony was still a little embarrassed.

Even, I secretly guessed in my heart that this Prince T'Challa from Wakanda didn't come because of those vibrating gold, right?

"Actually, Mr. Stark doesn't need to be so surprised."

For Tony's reaction, T'Challa can be said to be accustomed to it. After all, the current Wakanda is still disguised as a poor and backward third world country because of his father's policy of isolation from the rest of the world. Impressions also come from camouflage and data released by the United Nations.

"Although I come from a small country, because of studying abroad, I am very clear about the changes in the world, and I am not a tribal person who does not understand anything."

Regarding the true face of Wakanda, T'Challa has no plans to reveal to Tony or even the Avengers.

"So, Prince T'Challa, what is your purpose?"

Taking T'Challa's words, Natasha looked at the tribal prince who looked gentle and unique, and then asked.

"Actually, you can just call me T'Challa."

Correcting to Natasha, T'Challa looked up at Tony in front of him, and stated his purpose for coming to the Avengers Building: "Actually, I hope Mr. Stark can help me find someone?"

"Looking for someone, who?"

Hearing T'Challa's request, Tony's face subconsciously showed a puzzled expression.

T'Challa: "Chang Amir, he was Wakanda's royal tutor...until he was expelled by Wakanda for his ideas against the monarchy..."


"Sorry, Prince T'Challa."

Reaching out to take the photo handed by T'Challa, Tony glanced at the skinny old man in the photo, shook his head and gave him a helpless expression.

"If you're looking for someone, it's more appropriate for the American government, not our Avengers."

From T'Challa's introduction to Chang Amir, Tony noticed that this might be involved in the internal struggle of Wakanda, and he did not want the Avengers to be involved. In particular, at a critical juncture in the promotion of the Superhero Registration Act, if the Avengers easily make an absolute decision to participate in the internal battle of Wakanda, the impression will be absolutely negative.

"In fact, Wakanda has suffered huge losses because of Chang Emir's relationship, and according to the information we have obtained, Chang Emir is currently in New York. He is a very dangerous person. I hope the Avengers will pay attention to it. This information helped me find Chang Amir."

Seeing Tony's refusal attitude, T'Challa immediately showed an anxious look.

"Prince T'Challa, please understand that the Avengers is a superhero organization. Our goal is to fight criminals, not to help other countries pursue political enemies, so..."

Because of the difference in their understanding of Wakanda, Tony obviously regarded Chang Amir, who T'Challa described as a dangerous person, as an opponent of the T'Challa family's rule in Wakanda.

After all, it is also clear from the intelligence revealed by T'Challa just now that Chan Emir was expelled from Wakanda because of his opposition to the monarchy.

"Perhaps, you can also issue a formal statement through Wakanda to make a warrant for this Chang Emir."


Facing Tony's proposal, T'Challa's expression was somewhat silent.

He knew very well that of course Wakanda could not issue such a wanted, and even what he did at the moment was without the consent of the king of Wakanda, his father Tchaka.

"I'm sorry, Prince T'Challa."

Looking at T'Challa who was silent in front of him, Tony spoke again, expressing his position.

"I see, sorry for disturbing you, Mr. Stark."

Hearing Tony's clear answer, T'Challa's eyes flickered, and then answered them.


"So, the Avengers rejected your request, T'Challa?"

In the middle of the night, under the hazy moonlight, a dark figure flashed by in front of the Avengers Building.

T'Challa passed the side of the building and boarded the Avengers Office where she had come during the day, and heard the voice of her sister, Princess Shuri.

"Why don't you tell the Avengers all the truth, if they knew about Chang Amir's situation, they wouldn't refuse your request, T'Challa."

Stretching out his sharp claws to cut an entrance through the building, facing his sister's question, T'Challa replied softly in a low voice: "This is a battle within Wakanda, if you tell them In the case of Chang Amir, the Avengers will easily detect something wrong. After all, how could Chang Amir, who has such a powerful force, be defeated in the hands of a poor and backward third country, recorded in the United Nations Among them, Wakanda is a tribal country that does not even have a militarized tank, and still uses the long contradiction card to fight..."

Although, my heart does not agree with the isolation policy currently implemented by Wakanda.

However, this is the policy set by the king. As long as his father, King Tchaka, reigns, he, the prince of Wakanda, and the people must abide by the policy.

"I can't understand, we Wakanda are already so powerful."

In this regard, Su Rui, who is also a princess, is actually the same.

"...In addition, rather than using the power of the Avengers, I hope to defeat Chang Emir with my own hands."

Curled up, he fell into the Avengers' office like a cheetah. T'Challa pressed a device in his hand, and the next second, a beam of light invisible to the naked eye swept across the entire office, successfully blocking it. The surveillance system of the Avengers Tower.

This intrusion device, like the Panther suit worn by T'Challa, is a technological product developed by Princess Shuri.

The former helped T'Challa not be discovered by the surveillance system of the Avengers Building, and the latter helped him successfully enter the building.

After confirming that the device was working, Nate Chara in the black panther suit secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then took the time to come to a computing device located in the Avengers Office, and inserted the special USB flash drive that had been prepared in his hand into it, while the Princess Shu Rui in the Wakanda Laboratory also started to invade the system of the Avengers Building through this special USB disk system.

"Warning, warning, found an unauthorized target, made an illegal operation..."

At the moment when Princess Shuri invaded, in the Avengers Office, T'Challa popped out a bright red warning in front of her eyes.

Looking at the flashing words, T'Challa couldn't help feeling a little anxious, but soon the warning was deciphered by Princess Shuri in the Wakanda laboratory.

"The permission application is successful, and the warning is lifted. Hello Mr. Stark, is there anything I need help with?"

Jarvis' voice rang out.

"Give me all the information about Chang Amir."

Looking at the virtual screen that turned green again in front of'Challa didn't hesitate too much, and directly sent the photo of T'Challa that had been prepared.

"Okay, please wait a moment, sir."

After receiving the order, Jarvis quickly responded, and in front of T'Challa, materials with similar content kept appearing. A picture of fighting a figure with a burning flame all over his body.

"That's it, save the data."

Seeing the content of the picture, T'Challa's tone couldn't help but get a little excited, and quickly ordered Jarvis.

"Okay, sir, I... zizi..."

"Who are you?"

However, just when T'Challa thought everything was settled, the voice that originally belonged to Jarvis in the office suddenly changed, and a gentle and rational voice sounded.

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