Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 564: Eye of Agamotto

"Doing things for you?"

[Bill Cypher] The flashing picture on his body was extremely fast. Even Stephen, who had already mastered the magic power for the first time, could not see the specific content clearly. He only vaguely felt that the content in the picture seemed to be extremely important to him.

However, the words from [Bill Sever] immediately attracted Stephen Strange's attention again.

He looked at this alien-dimensional creature floating in his world of consciousness, and couldn't help frowning and said, "Why did you find me?"

In fact, this is what Stephen Strange has always wondered about, why a mysterious creature like [Bill Sever] would find him.

At the same time, the eccentric attitude that Gu has shown to him has always troubled Stephen Strange, who is studying magic in Karma Tajna.

He always felt that Gu had an unusual attitude towards himself.

"Because you're more special than you thought, Stephen Strange."

Facing Stephen Strange's doubts, [Bill Sever] controlled his floating body to slowly descend in front of the other party, looking at the future Doctor Strange with a puzzled expression in front of him, a meaningful smile appeared on his triangular face .

"In this world, there are always some unique existences, of course this is not the focus of our discussion..."

After hanging up Stephen Strange's appetite [Bill Sever] immediately changed the conversation and stated his purpose.

"Actually, what I need you to do is very simple, the Eye of Agamotto, as long as you can help me take the Eye of Agamotto out of Kama Taj's magic library."

"The Eye of Agamotto?"

Hearing the name that appeared in [Bill Sever]'s mouth, the puzzled look on Stephen Strange's face became even more obvious.

"It's the eye that Gu Yi wore on his neck before."

"What is your purpose for the Eye of Agamotto?"

Hearing the words of [Bill Sever], Stephen Strange immediately recalled the scene where he had seen Gu Yi wearing the Eye of Agamotto before.

At the same time, he has seen the place where the Eye of Agamotto is placed in Kama Taj's magic library more than once.

"Because that's what belongs to me."

In the face of Stephen Strange's questioning, [Bill Seifer] immediately put on a righteous expression, pointed to the only eye in his pyramid body, and said solemnly: "Don't you see that , are my eyes similar to the Eye of Agamotto?"

"Actually, I originally had two eyes."

While speaking, [Bill Sever] stretched out his slender arm and touched the eye position at the top of his pyramid, and in the next second, he saw [Bill Sever] that had only one eye. Divided in two, it became a pitch-black eye socket and a rolling eye.

"It's just that an eye accidentally fell out and fell into the dimension of the earth. In order to find my lost eye, I had to spend my strength to come to the earth from my dimension. Believe me, I'm actually a good person, um, No, well [Bill Sever], in the 'Nightmare Realm' I [Bill Sever] have always been known by other dimensions for being helpful."

Stephen Strange's eyes stayed on [Bill Sever]'s eyes that were separated and closed for a while, and then he said with a strange expression: "Do you think I would believe your open-hearted lies?"

Stephen Strange is not a fool, how could he be deceived by such a clumsy lie from [Bill Sever].

In the face of such a dangerous alien-dimensional creature as [Bill Sever], Stephen Strange did not dare to be careless. Before he did not learn magic, he was not too accurate about the degree of danger of [Bill Sever]. Now that he has learned magic and mastered power, Stephen Strange is more able to feel the horror of [Bill Cypher] appearing in his consciousness space.

"Is my performance not vivid enough?"

Seeing the unmoved expression of Stephen Strange in front of him, the friendly expression on the face of [Bill Sever] Pyramid was instantly swept away.

It raised its hand to conjure a book and kept opening the contents, standing opposite to [Bill Sever] Stephen Strange could clearly read the cover of the book "The Self-Cultivation of Actors" The title of the book is clearly visible.

"But I have already performed according to the book."

"Or this book is for humans, and you..."

Looking at [Bill Sever] muttering to himself in front of him, Stephen Strange subconsciously reminded him.


Hearing Stephen Strange's words, [Bill Sever] flipped the book for a while, and then saw the "Self-Cultivation of Actors" in his hand appearing as a cane in the flames. [Bill Cypher] Inside the slender palm.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I can only tell the truth, Stephen Strange, I'm bound to get the power of the Eye of Agamotto, so you have only one choice to remember, and that is to obey me Do it, or else I'll let you fall asleep."

As the threat of [Bill Seifer] fell, its original golden pyramid body also began to turn into a bright red color of anger, with a terrifying power to oppress Stephen Strange.

Under the pressure of the terrifying will of [Bill Sever], the master of thinking, Stephen Strange's face suddenly turned pale, and at the same time, a large number of sounds like glass shattering continued to sound in the conscious world around him, as if Under the pressure of [Bill Seifer], the entire [interesting] space of consciousness is also on the verge of collapse.

"This is my world of consciousness, and I am the master of this world!"

But under this crisis situation, Stephen Strange's heart calmed down abnormally.

At this point, his experience as a surgeon came into play.

In the world of consciousness that seemed to collapse in the next second, Stephen Strange recalled what Gu Yi had said to himself before.

He looked up at [Bill Seifer] who was constantly exuding terror in front of him, and closed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the originally white space of consciousness suddenly became full of human voices, cheerful music surrounded the world of consciousness, and people came and went with smiles on their faces, beside Stephen Strange. Passing through, at the same time, a mouse in a suit, a duck in a sailor suit, and various figures appear around.

The original terrifying atmosphere also disappeared under the exaggeration of this cheerful atmosphere.

"What's going on here?!"

Seeing the scene transformed by the surrounding consciousness space, the momentum on [Bill Cypher] paused, and his expression became a bit dazed.

"This is the place of smiles and dreams, the fantasy world of all children..."

Opening his eyes, Stephen Strange's eyes swept across the smiling figure on the side, and the expression on his face seemed to be influenced by a smile.

"Let's do something interesting."

At the same time, the duck beside Stephen Strange then said cheerfully towards [Bill Sever].

"Interesting, do you mean this?"

Hearing the duck's proposal, [Bill Seifer] raised his finger and aimed a ray at it.

In the next second, I saw the duck, which was swaggering and twisting its buttocks, turned into a steaming plate of roast duck and fell to the ground.


Looking at the duck that turned into a roast duck, the surrounding partners immediately exclaimed.

"I'm fine, quack..."

However, in the panic, the duck called Donald emerged from the roast duck again, shaking his chubby body, and the whole roast duck was taken off like a coat.

"As long as the child's dream child, this consciousness space will not be shattered."

Looking at the series of actions of [Bill Seifer], Stephen Strange still said with a smile on his face.

In fact, the environment of these parks and the surrounding cartoon characters were all imagined by Stephen Strange to fight against the existence of [Bill Sever], and the timeless classic shapes of cartoon characters have also become the way he used to consolidate the entire world of consciousness. important force.

As long as Stephen Strange believes in his heart that these cartoon characters won't die, they won't be wiped out by [Bill Sever].

"Then, next, [Bill Sever]."

Stabilizing his consciousness space, Stephen Strange looked at [Bill Sever] in front of him.

Raising his palm, now he has learned how to use the portal.

A huge portal was created behind [Bill Seifer], and Stephen Strange looked at the triangle and said, "Get out of my consciousness space!"

"Remember me, Stephen Strange! Do you think you won, I'll be back soon..."

Under the effect of the huge suction behind him, [Bill Cypher] only had time to make a threat before being sent out of the world of consciousness by the portal.



Kama Taj, Stephen Strange woke up from the room, looking at the rough environment around him, the originally tense expression on his face relaxed instead.

"Looks like I'm back."

Turning to pick up the watch on the bedside and glance at the time, the world of consciousness seems to be in a long battle, but in reality, it has only been here for less than a few minutes.

However, with this tossing about the world of consciousness, Stephen Strange didn't dare to sleep anymore at this time.

He turned his head and glanced at the magic books he had borrowed from Kama Taj's magic library on the desk, but in his mind, the Agamato mentioned by [Bill Sever] in the consciousness world before flashed in his mind. eye.

In the world of consciousness, [Bill Cypher] clearly stated that his goal is the Eye of Agamotto in the library.

Now, after expelling [Bill Seifer] and sobering up, Stephen Strange's inner curiosity has overwhelmed his vigilance.

To tell the truth, Stephen Strange is equally curious about the Eye of Agamotto that Gu Yi has been wearing all the time, especially after knowing that even [Bill Sever] peeps at its power.

What kind of magic power does the Eye of Agamotto possess, even a creature from another dimension like [Bill Sever] wants to acquire it.

With such thoughts flashing in his heart, Stephen Strange couldn't hold back his inner curiosity.

In a way, Stephen Strange himself is an existence that does not follow the rules, so under the pressure of the constant curiosity in his heart, Stephen Strange waved a gesture and opened a portal in front of his eyes. Entered the magic library of Kama Taj.

The magic library was empty, not even the king who guarded the library.

Of course, after this period of study, Stephen Strange also knew that Wang was not in the library all the time.

So looking at the empty library, the expression on Stephen Strange's face was not at all strange.

Turning his eyes, Stephen Strange put his eyes on the Eye of Agamotto placed in the library by Gu Yi.

The Eye of Agamotto lying quietly in the library doesn't seem to have any strange place, but Gu Yi, as the Supreme Mage, attaches great importance to the Eye of Agamotto, and [Bill Sever] also deliberately wants to get Agamotto. The eye itself has already explained the difference of this item.

Thinking of this, Stephen Strange subconsciously held his breath, but he felt guilty subconsciously when there was no one in the magic library.

After looking left and right in the library for a while, Stephen Strange hesitated for a while, and then carefully stopped in front of the ancient one where the Agamamoto was placed.

"I just touched, just touched..."

Muttering to himself for a while, Stephen Strange looked at the Eye of Agamotto and slowly stretched out his hands, and while touching the Eye of Agamotto, Stephen Strange's gaze However, he inadvertently swept his hands that had no scars and were intact.


Looking at his hands Stephen Strange's expression suddenly changed, and at the same time his fingers had touched the Eye of Agamotto.

"Haha, you've been fooled, Stephen Strange!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw the Eye of Agamotto on the opposite side suddenly turned into an eye and blinked, and the body of the pyramid of [Bill Sever] around the eye quickly took shape.

"I've already reminded you, Stephen Strange, that I'll be back soon, and in fact it's just..."

Saying that, [Bill Seifer] looked down at his slender arm, and a watch appeared out of thin air.

"It's only five minutes to be conscious of the world."

Putting down his arm, the watch disappeared. [Bill Sever] looked at Stephen Strange in front of him and said proudly: "Then next, Stephen Strange, your body belongs to me."

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