Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 569: suppress


The explosions, flames and stumps make Frank look even more evil than the so-called supervillains.

Armed with a rifle, he calmly shot the surrounding Italian gang survivors, but Frank's inner vigilance never diminished.

He did not forget that the main purpose of his trip was not just to deal with the gangs in front of him.


Sure enough, just when Frank was about to sweep the whole of Italy, a dangerous energy ray suddenly shot out from behind him.

In the face of the deadly rays, Frank turned over to dodge with almost instinctive combat experience, and at the same time did not forget to turn around and aim at the direction of the energy rays to fight back.

Bang, bang!

The bullet landed on Parker Robbins' red hood and fell to the ground as if it had lost its kinetic energy.

Stepping on these bullets, Parker Robbins looked at Frank, who exuded a tyrannical aura, and suddenly had the illusion that the other party was the super villain criminal.

Shaking his head and suppressing the absurd thoughts that flashed in his heart, Parker Robbins looked straight into Frank's fierce eyes and said coldly, "Who sent you here, those guys from Hell's Kitchen?"

The image of the Punisher is really hard to think of as a superhero.

Therefore, Parker Robbins naturally associated the **** and violent man in front of him with the Hell's Kitchen gang.

"Those remnants of the waste society have no ability to command me."

Hearing that Parker Robbins actually made himself a mercenary of Hell's Kitchen, Frank immediately frowned and snorted coldly.

"I'm the Punisher, remember this name, Red Hood, lest you don't know who to avenge when you die."

Frank revealed his identity in front of Parker Robbins, without any hesitation, he immediately raised the rifle in his hand and aimed at Parker Robbins under the red hood and shot.

"Didn't you see it?"

There were still bullets falling on his body and being blocked by the red hood. Parker Robbins looked at Frank who was not giving up, and sneered: "Bullets mean nothing to me."

As he spoke, Parker Robbins raised his arm, condensed energy in the palm of his palm and aimed at Frank's direction and fired a deadly energy ray.

Whether it is a mercenary in Hell's Kitchen or a so-called punisher, as long as he dares to make trouble for himself, Parker Robbins has absolutely no reason to let it go. He managed to take control of the Italian gang in Brooklyn, but now under Frank's destruction, the entire Italian gang suffered a devastating blow, and even the dream of Parker Robbins' underworld emperor was shattered.

There is no underworld emperor under his command, what kind of underworld emperor is.

"Another turtle shell?"

Crawling to avoid the rays in the hands of Parker Robbins, Frank glanced at the weird red hood on Parker Robbins and couldn't help frowning. For him, who used firearms as the main means of attack, encountering a guy who is not afraid of bullets is undoubtedly a headache, which means that many of Frank's attacks cannot be effectively launched or greatly reduced.

Although his inner thoughts emerged, the movements of Frank's hands did not stop at all.

After discovering that the bullets and firearms did limited damage to Parker Robbins, Frank decisively gave up the rifle in his hand and replaced it with a fighting knife, grabbing the pause gap when Parker Robbins fired the energy ray and rushing up, as a former U.S. Marine Corps Captain, Frank's strength is not limited to the control of firearms.

Although firearms represent most of his combat power, in fact, in melee combat, this Punisher is also not weak, even extremely powerful.

However, under the cover of powerful firepower, many people ignored this point.

Stepping on a flexible pace, Frank quickly approached where Parker Robbins was with a swaying footstep.

The 'snake' run, a step commonly used to avoid bullets.

Compared with the shooting of bullets, although the power of Parker Robbins' energy ray is more than ten times stronger, the artificial launching method of the palm makes it easier to avoid than ordinary firearms, especially as a ray. Parker Robbins obviously didn't have any training in military shooting, and he didn't even have extensive shooting experience. Although he had a lot of power, the threat he could cause was not as good as a well-trained soldier would pose to Frank. great threat.

At least, if a soldier with skilled shooting experience has the ability of energy ray, the threat it can bring to Frank is definitely several times greater than the current one.

Although Parker Robbins gained the power of the Red Hood, he was only a thief after all, and it was difficult to do systematic training to turn these powers into his true power.

Of course, from another point of view, if Parker Robbins has this ability, he will not just be a thief.

Approaching Parker Robbins with agile steps, facing Frank who was pressing step by step, Parker Robbins' expression under the red hood obviously became a little impatient, and the condensed emission of energy rays in his hand could not help speeding up For a few minutes, the explosions that sounded continuously and the firelight represented the huge destruction of the rays.

However, like Frank's bullets, bullets that cannot break through defenses are not as good as scrap metal.

Likewise, energy rays that fail to hit the target are, at best, just good-looking fireworks.

Although the power of the energy rays in Parker Robbins' hands is huge, it is meaningless to not be able to focus the Punisher.

Even, grabbing Parker Robbins, who was emotionally at a loss because he had not hit the target for a long time, Frank had already approached the direct distance between himself and the Red Hood to within three meters.

At this distance, Parker Robbins' energy ray emission became unresponsive, while Frank was able to show his fighting skills to the fullest.

Holding a fighting knife, without hesitation, Frank waved it towards Parker Robbins, who was only showing half of his face under the red hood in front of him.


The sharp blade fell on Parker Robbins' red hood as if it was blocked by an invisible shield. Looking at the attack that was blocked on his body, the originally panicked emotion on Parker Robbins's face began to calm down. Come down, look at Frank in front of him and let out a sneer: "It seems that your attack has no effect."

"Not necessarily."

Facing the irony of Parker Robbins, the expression on Frank's face did not change in the slightest. He grabbed the fighting knife in his hand and took another step forward towards the Red Hood.

With this step forward, the distance between Frank and Parker Robbins is only an arm's length, and within this distance Frank's fighting ability becomes the key.

"Hmph, I don't know whether to live or die..."

With the protection of the red hood, Parker Robbins no longer had the panic look on the face of the approaching Frank.

He let out a cold snort, and raised his palm to send out the [Wacky Light Wave] he had used before, turning Frank in front of him into a monster with no hands or feet.

Seeing the raised palm of Parker Robbins and the condensed light wave that was completely different from the previous energy ray, although he did not know the function of this light wave, Frank instinctively felt the danger, so he did not have the slightest Hesitating, the Punisher stomped heavily and fell to Parker Robbins's position. At the same time, he used the fighting knife in his hand to stab Parker Robbins in the eyes under the red hood.


Looking at the blade that Frank stabbed in his eyes, even though he was very confident in the defense of his red hood, Parker Robbins inevitably stopped the [Wacky Light Wave] condensed in his hand and turned his head to protect it. Actions. This kind of reaction is an instinctive action of human beings, just like a finger touches a flame and retracts unconsciously. Without a lot of rigorous training, it is difficult to change this biological instinct inscribed in genes.

After successfully using the blade to push back the [Wacky Light Wave] in the hands of Parker Robbins, Frank didn't have the slightest wave in his heart.

Seizing this moment's opportunity, he twisted his body and slammed his fist on the defenseless Parker Robbins in front of him.


This time, the red hood on Parker Robbins did not have the ability to form protection against bullets or blades as before. The Punisher's fist landed behind Parker Robbins' tall and thin body, and immediately made a crisp impact. Under the power of this fist, Parker Robbins fell backwards immediately.

"Looks like your defense isn't as great as it looks."

With a faint sarcasm in his mouth, Frank looked at Parker Robbins who fell to the ground and said indifferently.

"Damn, you are seeking your own death."

The pain that Frank left on Parker Robbins was huge, but what made Parker Robbins even more unacceptable was the indifferent look in his eyes as if he was looking at rubbish.

Gritting his teeth and standing up, Parker Robbins roared as he watched Frank in front of him, and condensed energy rays in his hands to blast the Punisher into coke.

"Your reaction is too slow."

However, in the face of the rays condensed by Parker Robbins' hands, Frank leaned down and rushed in front of the opponent in three or two times, stretched out his hands to grab Parker Robbins's hands, and at the same time exerted force from his arms, in the skyrocketing muscles. Under the action, Parker Robbins's hands were folded down.


Feeling the severe pain from his hands, Parker Robbins let out a painful cry, and at the same time, the energy rays condensed in his palms collapsed.


"You should be here!"

Shooting spider silk from the wrist and sticking to the opposite billboard, making a heavy pulling sound, a green figure crossed the high-rise building and looked at the flames and explosions not far away, but couldn't help complaining: "Why is Brookpin? There are so few high-rise buildings, and it makes me even move a little slower."

Spider-Man's spider silk is naturally at home in a high-rise environment like downtown New York, but in a small-town neighborhood such as Brooklyn, it is obviously greatly restricted, plus the dragonfly man who uses spider silk. Ned himself is not as flexible as Peter, the Spider-Man himself, so the entire movement time is greatly limited.

"Why don't I have the ability to fly like other superheroes do?"

The thoughts in his heart disappeared in a flash, Ned let go of the spider silk in his hands, and his heavy body left a clear footprint on the ground, and then he looked in the direction and ran towards the place where the explosion occurred.

Although he complained that Spider-Man's movement method is not suitable for a 'strong' superhero of his size, but through the movement of spider silk, Ned is also very close to the area where the flames exploded, and he ran in the direction for two seconds. Three minutes later, Ned the Dragonfly arrived at the location of the Bensenhe Italian Gang.

However, the situation presented by the entire explosion site was far beyond what was expected in the heart.

Looking at the amputated limbs and wreckage under the light of the sky, the **** scene like **** made the mind of Dragonfly, who had only become a superhero for a short time, blank.

The powerful vision from the radiant dragonfly allows him to clearly see the white bones at the broken arm of the wreckage. Such a shocking scene is obviously far more than the scene presented in the movie, standing in place and seeing everything that happens around him. , After a few seconds, when Ned's thoughts returned, he immediately fell on the ground under the pressure of his stomach and began to vomit.

Now, Ned is a little regretful, knowing that he would not eat so much.


I lay on the ground and vomited for a while, spitting out all the junk food I just ate in my stomach.

Dragonfly Man's face was pale, and at the same time he was a little fortunate in his heart.

Fortunately, he chose a semi-blocking mask like an American movie. If he replaced it with a mask that covered his entire face like Peter's, he wouldn't all vomit in the mask at this Maybe it's because of the Everything in his stomach was cleared, and there was no need to vomit. At this time, Ned looked at everything around him, although he still felt a little nauseated, but it was not as strong as before. He forced himself to look away from the mutilated remains.

A painful scream immediately attracted his attention.

"There are survivors!"

The thought flashed through his mind, and without any hesitation, Ned took heavy steps and ran towards the direction from which the screams came.

"Someone is coming, Punisher!"

In the safe house, the chip noticed the green figure that appeared in the ruins of the Italian gang, and immediately zoomed in on the face of the figure in the surveillance screen with an operation in front of the computer, and quickly recognized the identity of the person who came through the comparison of the computer data.

"It's Dragonfly, a superhero who has only recently appeared, and who often works with another superhero, Spider-Man."

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