Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 572: grotesque

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"Looks like you're tougher than I thought, Defender."

Matt's ability to break the invisibility of the Red Hood was obviously beyond Parker Robbins' expectations.

Glancing at the ordinary-looking superhero in front of him with gloomy eyes, Parker Robbins didn't expect to have the ability to master magic among the Defenders.

"However, don't be complacent."

He quickly restrained the shock in his heart.

Although the insight of the stealth ability made Parker Robbins panic for a while, he did not forget that the power of the red hood given to him by [Bill Sever] was more than the ability to stealth.

Lifting his palm, a beam of energy instantly formed in Parker Robbins's hand.

"Be careful!"

With previous encounters, the defenders naturally won't let Parker Robbins slack.

So seeing his raised arm, Luke Cage, without any hesitation, turned around and blocked Parker Robbins' rays with his broad back.

The terrifying explosion of energy rays and the flames instantly engulfed Luke Cage's figure,

Facing the powerful destructive power of the rays, even Luke Cage, who is invulnerable, couldn't help clenching his teeth and showing a painful expression.

After the previous battles, it is clear that Luke Cage's invulnerability is amazing, but it has limitations after all, and it is not really blocking all attacks. Usually blocking bullets or close-range explosions may be fine, but in the face of a stronger attack, his ability is slightly inferior.

After all, it was only his skin that was strengthened by illegal experiments.

Fortunately, because of the short launch time, Parker Robbins's energy ray condensed too much energy. Although the ray hit Luke Cage's body, it caused him great pain, but it was not enough. As for penetrating the other's invulnerable skin.

Enduring the huge pain that was constantly coming from his back like an iron brand, Luke Cage stepped back step by step and walked towards the location of Parker Robbins.

The pained expression on Luke Cage's face was distorted by the scorching heat of the energy rays with each step back, but he endured the pain to buy time for the rest of the Defenders.

After a long tacit understanding, Matt and Jessica Jones will naturally not watch the opportunity that Luke Cage fought for them to be lost.

Without any hesitation, Matt clenched the guide stick in his hand, and at the same time, the ripples were transmitted from his feet, causing the muscles of his legs wrapped by the uniform to swell a little in an instant.

As I said before, Ripple Qigong is a very magical power.

Matt may not have been learning Ripple for a long time, but with his super-sensory ability, he may be the most suitable existence for this ability.

Especially with the help of Joseph Joestar's deliberate guidance and the help of the ripple power in his body, the ripple power that Matt has now has almost reached the limit that humans can exercise.

Using the amplification effect of this ripple, Matt not only strengthened his already powerful sensory ability to be able to see through Parker Robbins' invisibility, but also used the power of the ripple to strengthen his body in battle. Adjust the breath to guide the power of the ripples to all parts of the body to achieve the effect of amplification.

It's a pity that Parker Robbins in front of him is not a vampire, and the strongest power of Ripple cannot work on him.

Of course, although the ability of this ripple amplification is magical, it requires constant training after all.

In addition, the strongest characteristic of ripples, the restraint of vampires, cannot be shown because Parker Robbins is not a vampire.

Therefore, in the current battle, the role of the ripples is only to help Matt gain some superhuman powers.

His legs slammed on the ground, and with the help of the ripples, Matt turned into a red afterimage and charged towards Parker Robbins.

The spreading ripples in his body transformed everything around him into a three-dimensional figure and presented it in Matt's mind. With the help of this figure, the blind lawyer rushed to Parker Robbins without the slightest pause.

"Hey, the guy in the red hood..."

At the same time, on the other side, Jessica Jones came to the wreckage of a car, tore off a piece of the car door and waved it a few times in her hand, looking at Parker Robbins without hesitation and made a provocative action.

"Wearing a bizarre hood like a bitch, do you think you are Little Red Riding Hood, or do you wear a hat to hide yourself from being ugly and disgusting, to hide your face from..."

Don't look at Jessica Jones' petite appearance, but in fact, as a private detective seeking a living in Hell's Kitchen, she deals with people of all kinds every day, even if the original Jessica Jones was a kind girl, she has long been influenced by it. A grumpy guy full of foul-mouthed words.

A series of skilled provocations made Ned, who turned into a pig, stunned.

Even if Parker Robbins knew that all this was Jessica Jones' provocation, he felt unbearable, especially when the other party greeted his mother kindly, Parker Robinston could no longer suppress his inner anger. , ignoring Luke Cage, who was blocking the rays in front of him, and shouted at Jessica Jones, who was still chattering.

"You, **** it!"

Although today's Parker Robbins' ambitions continue to skyrocket under the power of the Red Hood, he has not forgotten his mentally ill mother.

Therefore, although Jessica Jones's trash talk is just a habitual greeting, but it hits a certain point in Parker Robbins's heart.

Or even Jessica Jones herself didn't think that her habitual interference could play such an unimaginable role.

Seeing that Parker Robbins lost his measure because of Jessica Jones' words, Matt immediately seized this opportunity, and the guide stick in his hand jabbed forward suddenly, and at the same time, the ripple power that had been in his body also followed. This action of his fell on Parker Robbins along with the specially made guide stick in his hand.

"Ripple run away!"

Because the vampire hunter Joseph Joestar, who taught Ripple, sacrificed too suddenly, Matt only learned the simple moves of Ripple's power from the other party's teaching.

However, this does not prevent Matt from continuing to study the ripple force.

Through continuous research on the ripples, Matt finally found a way to transmit the power of the ripples to other places. Although the power of the ripples has been significantly weakened after transmission, but with Matt's stick technique, his combat power has undoubtedly increased. Significant improvement.

"It was just me being careless just now. Even bullets can't hurt me. Do you think this stick in your hand can..."

Matt's obvious movement was naturally impossible to hide from Parker Robbins' eyes.

However, in the confidence of the Red Hood's defense, Parker Robbins simply didn't bother to dodge Matt's attack.

As he said, Frank's bullets couldn't cause him the slightest damage, and the guide stick in Matt's hand alone, Parker Robbins didn't take it to heart at all.

Even Parker Robbins can already imagine the stunned expression after Daredevil found that his attack did not cause him any harm.


However, there are people who are surprised, but it is not the Matt that Parker Robbins thinks, but himself.

The guide stick fell on the red hood, and at first it was easily blocked as Parker Robbins expected, but as Matt drank, Parker Robbins felt his body Above the red hood of , a special force continued to oscillate and spread.

Only then did Parker Robbins notice that at one end of the guide stick in Matt's hand, an iron ball was inlaid at the top, constantly spinning wildly, and the special power he felt was coming from the iron ball. .

"Ripple, keep hitting!"

Waving the guide stick in his hand frantically, the ripple power in Matt's body was continuously transmitted to the guide stick and then fell on Parker Robbins' red hood through the iron ball embedded at the top.

At first, the impact of the ripples was very inconspicuous, but the continuous ripples like ripples on the river eventually formed a huge wave that swept Parker Robbins.

In the end, he broke through the protection of the red hood on Parker Robbins and knocked his entire figure into the air.


Perceiving Parker Robbins' flying body, Matt breathed a sigh of relief, and supported the guide stick on the ground for a little breath.

The process of using the ripples to attack just now looked smooth, but in fact it brought a lot of burden to Matt's physical strength. After all, the power of the ripples is amazing, in the final analysis, it is also a kind of use of breathing, through special Breathing method extracts power from blood cells.

In itself, it is very difficult to change the breathing learning ripple, and the power of the ripple is transmitted to the guide stick in the hand.

If it wasn't for Matt's previous sacrifice of Joseph Joestar's sacrifice, the power of the ripples was largely improved, and the power of the super senses he mastered was also extremely effective in the use of ripples, otherwise it may not be possible to learn from it. Find a way to combine it with your own stick.

Even so, Matt used a trick to modify his guide stick and added special iron **** on both ends to do it.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Under Matt's blow, Parker Robbins' thin body rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

As a result of the rolling relationship, the face on Parker Robbins's head that was originally covered by the red hood appeared, and there were also several obvious bloodstains scratches due to friction.

Enduring the pain of the ripple impact, Parker Robbins stood up with his fingers twisted and clutched on the ground.

This is the second time he's been hit by Daredevil, and if the previous one was a loose relationship because of his invisibility, this time there's no excuse.

The pain of the ripples attached to the wound was stronger than Parker Robbins imagined, as if the flesh and blood in the wound were constantly being pulled and rotated by an invisible force.

Grinning his teeth, he managed to endure the pain, Parker Robbins initially let out a low gasp, and glanced at the defenders in front of him with resentful eyes.

"I didn't want to use this trick, you forced me, defender!"

With a low and hoarse figure in his mouth, Parker Robbins raised his palm and launched a [weird light wave] at his body under the surprised gaze of the defenders.

That's right, Parker Robbins's ability not only can transform others into supernatural monsters, but it can also transform Parker Robbins.

It's just that Parker Robbins was instinctively disgusted by this change after seeing the creatures transformed by him using the [Wacky Light Wave], but now facing the defenders, he had to do it.

The tacit cooperation of the defenders has already made him understand that the teamwork of several superheroes alone may not be able to be defeated by himself who is not grotesque.


With the continuous emergence of [Wacky Light Waves], Parker Robbins' thin body under the red hood also began to skyrocket rapidly. A lot of brown and black fur began to appear on his head, and the teeth in his mouth also began to become sharp. At the same time, heads began to appear on Parker Robbins' shoulders, chest and even thighs.

In just a few seconds, Parker Robbins changed from a figure in a red hood to a monster more than three meters tall, with eight bear heads, six hands and six feet.

That's right, Parker Robbins used the power of [Wacky Lightwave] to transform himself into the bull bear he'd seen in the warehouse before.

"It seems that I should be thankful that I just turned into a pig, not the deformed creature in front of me."

The appearance of the bull bear, which is composed of multiple bear bodies, does look very impactful.

Ned looked at the three-meter-high bull bear and took another look at his and felt a trace of happiness for no reason.

"If you can, I hope you can become the other party, at least provide some combat power."

Of course, unlike Ned's luck, Jessica Jones couldn't help but curled her lips when faced with a bull bear who could feel the danger at a glance.

This huge monster, even just standing there, can make people feel dangerous.

Not to mention, Jessica Jones doesn't think that Parker Robbins made himself this way just to be scary, those eight big heads, each one looking fierce, those sharp teeth, look It looks like hard steel can be easily bitten through the hole.

"Did I miss something?"

In front of the defenders, just as the bull bear transformed by Parker Robbins opened his eight mouths and roared.

From midair, a red and blue figure fell lightly and interjected.

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