Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 576: log three

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Meiman: Infinite Possession!

"You mean [contained object]?"

Looking back from Jack Simon's body, Banner couldn't help but said.

The Avengers are no strangers to the existence of [Container], and even most of them have personally participated in the battle with [Container].

[Contained Object] The Avengers have seen a lot of strange and unpredictable abilities.

But to speak of the power of [contained objects], they never thought about it in this regard.

After all, whether it was Containment Expert Long or [Dominic Butch], the scp Foundation members were extremely cautious and careful about the [contained object], and once the containment was successful, they would not easily let others Contact [contained objects], even as avengers who help the containment side, they have the same attitude.

In addition, the SCP Foundation containment expert [Uncle Long], who had a good relationship with the Avengers and was the first to contact him, expressed more than once in front of the Avengers that he would not easily use the [contained object] gesture.

Although, in the later contact with the scp foundation, the scp foundation has used the power of [contained object] in front of them more than once.

Even so, when the Avengers were looking for the traces of Chang Amir, they didn't think about the [container] at all.


After understanding Tony's method, Banner's eyes flashed for a while, and then he immediately shook his head.

"You should know that the scp foundation will never allow us to use the power of [container]."

"You also said that the scp foundation does not allow it, but with the current relationship between the Avengers and the scp foundation, is this permission still important?"

In this regard, Tony raised his eyebrows, but his eyes always fell on the figure smoking silently not far away.

"I think, Mr. Jack Simon, the Chaos Insurgency should not be as rigid as the scp fund."

"As you said, Mr. Tony Stark."

Facing Tony's already pointed words, Jack Simon twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a chuckle: "'Chaos Insurgency' does not have so many restrictions on the use of [contained objects], as long as it can achieve its purpose, a little extra Regulations are not a problem.”

When Jack Simon said these words, T'Challa kept his eyes on the blond man in a white suit.

T'Challa did not forget that when he escaped from the Avengers Building before, it was because of the opponent's shot that he caught him who had successfully rushed out of Ultron's siege.

"very good."

Jack Simon's answer did not exceed Tony's expectations.

Therefore, his eyes met Natasha slightly, and the two exchanged ideas briefly and quickly before turning to look at Jack Simon.

"Then it's up to you next, Mr. Jack Simon."

"Happy to serve."

Taking a deep breath, the sparks of the cigarette **** in his mouth became flickering with Jack Simon's breath.

"After all, we are collaborators."


"be honest!"

Prison, visiting room.

The hard handcuffs on his wrists made Parker Robbins move his hands unconsciously, and the rough hands of the prison police behind him pushed him forward, staggering and sitting on the chair, the pain from his shoulders made Parker Robbins look forward. Robbins couldn't help frowning, but he didn't dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction.

Because, Parker Robbins is well aware that complaining will only get him into more trouble.

"You only have five minutes."

Indifferently, he warned Parker Robbins, and the prison guard swept over him indifferently.

He turned around and sat near the entrance of the visiting room. He put his hands on his waist and stared at Parker Robbins, with an attitude that he would shoot whenever Parker Robbins showed something unusual. .

Although since his imprisonment, Parker Robbins has always shown a cooperative attitude.

But the prison has not forgotten the dozens of lives and acts of terror that Parker Robbins bore.

Hearing the warning from the prison guard behind him, the expression on Parker Robbins's face was silent for a while, then he picked up the microphone, looked at the familiar face in front of the bulletproof glass, and said, "I didn't expect that the person who would come to see me was actually It's you, John."

"I didn't expect that you would make such a big thing." On the other side of the bulletproof glass, John King looked at Parker Robbins, who had a pale expression in the visiting room, and said with the same complex expression: "Violence, murder. , bombing terrorism, I have a hard time imagining these crimes on you, Parker Robbins, I thought burglary was the greatest crime you could ever commit."

"People change, John."

Parker Robbins doesn't deny John Chrysos' list of crimes, although some of them come from the Punisher.

"So, what happened, Parker?"

Parker Robbins' remarks did not convince John King.

As an accomplice who used to steal together, he knows Parker Robbins very well, and he is not the kind of vicious guy, otherwise he would not choose a career as a thief with the lowest risk among the many crimes.

Although, this is not a very good career.

"Is it the warehouse thing, the one we met..."

Everything that happened in the warehouse flashed in his mind, and John King couldn't help lowering his voice.

"It doesn't make any sense to say this now."

Glancing at the prison guard behind him, Parker Robbins interrupted John King's words.

"Is it really because of that?"

Although the words in his mouth were interrupted, John King had already confirmed his guess.

"They said you were the Red Hood, and it seemed true."

A series of actions by Parker Robbins in Brooklyn is naturally impossible to hide from everyone's eyes, especially since he did not have too many thoughts of concealment in the process of action. Therefore, there are many rumors about the Red Hood all over Brooklyn.

"You really mastered the ability to explode?"

The various extraordinary powers of the Red Hood, among which the most widely spread is the energy ray.


Not denying John King's speculation, Parker Robbins said silently: "Until the defenders burn down the red hood that gave me strength."

"Really, that's such a pity."

No one can resist the temptation of extraordinary power, and John King certainly did.

Therefore, upon hearing Parker Robbins' answer, John King's face showed an expression of obvious regret.

"Two minutes left!"

Just when John King wanted to keep asking Parker Robbins where he got the Red Hood.

In the visiting room, the prison guard spoke again and reminded indifferently.

" she okay?"

The expression on Parker Robbins's face hesitated when he heard the prison warning, but he still asked John King.

"not too good."

Although Parker Robbins' words were vague, John King immediately understood what he was asking.

Shaking his head, John King said.

"After hearing the news that you were in prison, she has been very sad, and she even went to the hospital early because she was too emotional... giving birth in advance."


Hearing that his pregnant girlfriend caused premature birth because of his own reasons, even Parker Robbins, who had been trying to suppress his desire to go, couldn't help but get excited.

"sit down!"

However, soon Parker Robbins sat back in his chair again under the warning of the prison guard behind him.

However, the expression on his face was still trembling as he asked.


Parker Robbins' expression was a little hesitant. He wanted to speak but was worried that the answer given by John King would be difficult for him to accept.

"Don't worry too much, mother and son are safe."

In this regard, John King did not have much appetite.

"Really, that's really, really nice."

Hearing the result told by John King, Parker Robbins' eyes flashed, excited that his girlfriend and his child were safe, but he thought of the possibility that he might never see the child again, his expression changed. It was extremely complicated, regretful, regretful.

"You have one minute left."

Behind him, the prison guard's reminder sounded again.

Faced with the little time left, the complex look in Parker Robbins' eyes began to subside. He looked up at John King's face on the other side of the bulletproof glass, and a faint eye symbol flashed across his forehead.

"I hope you can bring me something here."


"A journal."


"I must be crazy to agree to Parker's request."

Late at night, in Brooklyn, a street that is poor and even has a bit of a rustic flavor.

John King shook his head, passed through the area occupied by many Mexican immigrants, and finally stopped in front of an old-looking apartment, murmuring on his face.

Although, the mouth kept complaining.

But John King's footsteps kept walking into the apartment.

Walking through the corridors of the old apartment, the screams of all kinds of noisy quarrels in the poor soundproofing of the old apartment constantly stimulated John King's ears.

"This place sucks."

Silently complaining about the poor environment of the apartment, John King had come to the door of the room where Parker Robbins lived before he knew it.

Because the owner of the house, Parker Robbins, has been in prison, and his girlfriend is a real hospital, no one has opened the door for John King. Of course, Parker Robbins in prison can't give him the room key. hands.

Fortunately, none of this stumped John King.

He took out two iron wires from his pocket, and skillfully opened the locked door of the room.

John King habitually turned his head to observe the surrounding situation, and then walked into the dark apartment room.


Raising his hand and pressing the switch, the lights in the room made John King squinted subconsciously.

Glancing across the messy environment in the room, it can be seen that the previous owner of the house left very hastily. Of course, John King, who had done it before, naturally understood the reason for this haste.

"Cabinet, closet..."

Looking back from the messy arrangement of the room, John King recalled what Parker Robbins had said in the prison visiting room before, and his eyes quickly scanned everything in the room.

"I found it, this should be the cabinet."

Soon, a cabinet was found in an inconspicuous corner of the living room of the room. John King stepped to the cabinet and stopped, then took a deep breath and carefully opened the cabinet, and immediately found that Parker Robbins Box hidden inside.

"If Parker is right."

Reaching out his hand to take out the box, John King opened his mouth and blew the thin layer of dust that fell on the box, coughed, then quickly held his breath, stretched out his palm, which he did not know when it became trembling, and opened it box.

I saw that in the box, a log with a large number 3 on the cover was placed inside.

"This is the journal."

Looking at the log 3 in the box, John King's breathing involuntarily became short.

He thought about Parker Robbins' power to become the Red Hood, and why Parker Robbins cared so much about this journal, he had to let himself bring it to him.

As various thoughts emerged in my mind, the whole person's emotions became a little excited.

"Perhaps, the red hoods are all fake. Parker Robbins' power is obtained from this journal! That's why Parker Robbins asked me to help him bring this journal to him..."

The more I think about it, the more I think that's what Parker Robbins is for.

John King looked down at Diary 3 in the box, swallowed involuntarily, and greed kept appearing in his eyes.

"Since Parker Robbins can get the extraordinary power from the journal to become the Red Hood, so can I, as long as I can gain the power, I am the new Red Hood."

Reaching out to touch the cover of the diary, the scene of Parker Robbins in prison flashed across John King's mind.

But soon, John King shook his head and swept away the scene.

"As long as I get the power of the Red Hood, Parker Robbins in prison is not a I can wait until I get the power to save him directly instead of giving him the log."

After convincing himself silently in his heart, John King opened the log in front of him without hesitation.

"Hahahaha, another unlucky guy..."

"I admire your greedy appearance, but unfortunately, it's just a little bit short. If you could get the log earlier, maybe the candidates would be different. It's a pity that you are slower than Parker Robbins."

"Well, I was joking, in fact you didn't have a chance in the first place."


The moment John King opened the diary, the bright lights in the house suddenly began to flicker. Under the flickering lights, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the house with the windows closed and the pages of the diary were constantly turned.

In John King's field of vision, he saw a triangular-shaped pyramid-shaped figure in the flipped pages making coherent movements through flipping page by page, as if making fun of himself and making fun of himself. expression.

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