
Hearing the words from Vision's mouth, Tony was still a little puzzled.

However, he soon understood what the other party meant when it was too late.

Rikers Island Prison, as the voice of Vision fell, the crowd that had gathered quietly raised their heads in unison.

They turned their necks and looked at Tony and the others with weird and frantic expressions on their faces.


As a member of the Avengers, Tony believes that no matter what kind of scene he faces, he can be calm.

However, in front of the hundreds of people who looked at each other with weird expressions and frantic eyes, even Tony couldn't help but take a breath under the pressure of this weird silence.

There was a low cry that controlled the palm of the steel suit, and Tony was even ready to shoot.

However, the expected scene where everyone rushed forward did not happen.

After swept over Tony and the others in silence, they turned their heads one by one in the crowd, and put their eyes back to their eyes again.

"Triangle, follow my call, block the mind, guard against secrets, follow my order, destroy the barrier..."

Looking straight ahead, a prisoner in the crowd dressed up with tattoos all over his neck and face opened his mouth, and then around him, more and more prisoners behind him also opened their mouths and prayed.

The incantation continued to spread through the crowd like a virus. In the end, under Tony's attention, both the prisoners and the guards chanted the mysterious incantation in unison, and started walking towards a certain direction in Rikers Island Prison. .

In Rikers Island Prison, the movement of so many people is not a normal thing.

Contacting the information obtained by Vision through the Mind Stone, Tony's eyes flashed in Mark51.

"Have to keep up with these people."

However, after a little hesitation, Tony decided to keep up with the moving crowd.

After all, the Avengers arguably have no information on what happened at Rikers Island Prison.

Although Vision obtained some information forcibly through his own abilities, the broken information could not help Tony figure out what happened in Rikers Island Prison during the time he lost contact, and what caused all the changes in front of him. Where is the anomaly hidden in the prison?

In Mark51, during the time Tony was thinking, Vision's originally weak body also recovered a little.

After all, people and people's physiques cannot be generalized, especially when it comes to an extraordinary person like Vision.

His body itself is different from ordinary people. It has been mutated in the radiation of space cosmic storms. Later, through the experiments of Tony and others, the already strong physical quality has been further improved by a large amount.

Shaking his head, although the constant tingling sensation on his forehead reminded Vision, the side effects of overusing the power of the mind gem have not dissipated, and even those fine cracks in the gem-encrusted part of his forehead are still clearly visible. , even for the vision with a powerful self-healing ability, these cracks cannot be recovered in a short time.

However, apart from the inability to use the power of the Mind Stone, the other abilities of Vision are no longer affected.

Turning his head and looking at the silently moving crowd in front of him with his orange eyes, Vision recalled what he had just obtained with the Mind Stone, and pieced together: "Mr. Stark, the people in Rikers Island Prison are going A mysterious summoning ritual that summons life from another dimension to the reality..."

"Another dimension?"

Faced with the information revealed in Vision's mouth, Tony's expression suddenly changed in Mark51.

"Is it a place like the Asgardian Palace where Thor is?"

"Or an existence like the [Extraterritorial Demon] mentioned by Penglai?"

The existence of different dimensions is very unfamiliar even to the Avengers.

The only ones they have come into contact with that can be related to the dimension are Sol and the [Extraterritorial Demon] in the seal of Penglai.

Of course, no matter which one it is, it proves the horror and danger of life in other dimensions.

Needless to say, Thor, as a member of the Avengers, is on the side of humanity.

However, it cannot be ignored that, as the Thor in the records of earth mythology, Thor has shown a powerful force far beyond human imagination.

If Thor, who landed on the earth at the beginning, did not act as a friendly side to humans, but was malicious like Loki, the harm he could cause is almost unimaginable.

Not to mention the [Outer Territory Demon] [Shou He] who ran out of the seal of Penglai, if it wasn't for [Turtle Immortal] sacrificing his life to seal [Shou He] into Master Ye's body. Today, the whole of New York may well be covered by yellow sand.

The reason for mentioning so much is to illustrate the danger of other-dimensional creatures.

"If that's the case, then we can't let these people go."

"Whether the purpose of their ritual is to summon creatures from other dimensions, or something else, we can't make this ritual go smoothly."

Although, it is not clear what the other-dimensional objects summoned by the rituals in Rikers Island Prison are, but Tony has made plans to stop them.

"Friday, scan it and change the suit mode."

His eyes swept across the slowly moving crowd praying in front of him, and Tony immediately opened his mouth and gave instructions to the subsystem in Mark51 that he named Friday.

"Okay, Mr. Stark."

Following Tony's order, an infrared ray quickly scanned the figure passing by from the opposite side of Mark51's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Tony's Mark51 nano-suit also began to transform into an orange-yellow prison uniform in the creeping motion.

With the prison uniform transformed from the nano battle suit, Tony easily blended into the moving crowd.

On the other side, Vision also controlled the body to become a faint phantom, and Ultron deformed his mechanical body to fold the original tall body to about half of a normal person, and also hid in the crowd.

Under normal circumstances, this series of actions by Tony and others.

It was long overdue to arouse the reaction of the crowd in front of them. After all, no matter how well they hide, they are still incompatible with the prisoners around them.

Therefore, after Tony mixed into the crowd, he was actually a little uneasy, worried that he would soon be exposed by the people on the side.

However, after moving with the crowd for a while, Tony understood what the vision intrusion was all about.

These people seem to be able to walk and speak normally.

But in fact, their thinking has been controlled for a long time, and everything they do now is just an action under the control of their thinking, and there is no sense of their own at all.

Mixed in the moving crowd, Tony muttered vaguely the incantation he heard from a prisoner beside him. His eyes swept across the figure that seemed to be carved out of a mold, walking neatly and repeating the incantation in his mouth. Gradually a chill continued to emerge from his heart.


"Triangle, follow my call, block the mind, secret... um, stop..."

Rikers Island Prison.

Tony lowered his head and hid his figure in the moving crowd.

In this way, he didn't know how long he walked. The prisoner who had been walking in front of him stopped, and at the same time he stopped praying. Tony, who was silently vigilant, stopped immediately, turning his eyes to glance at him. around.

Judging from the surrounding environment layout and some scattered equipment, the place where the crowd stayed at this time seems to be the square of the original Rikers Island Prison, which is the only place where prisoners could move in prison life in the past.

Of course, this is the past.

Today, Tony's eyes swept across the complex spells depicted on the ground, the figures with strange and frenetic expressions around the densely held candles, and at the forefront of the crowd, the high platform where the prison guards used to stand guard to supervise the free movement of prisoners. Apparently it became an oddly shaped altar.

On the altar, a figure in a red hood turned his back to himself, waving his arms and doing various exaggerated movements.

"It seems that this red hood should be the leader of the entire ceremony in Rikers Island Prison?"

The difference between the red hood and the appearance of Rikers Island prison immediately gave Tony a judgment.

"So, does it mean that as long as the red hood is stopped, this strange ritual can be interrupted?"

Hidden in the crowd, Tony's eyes fell on the body of the red hood, and his eyes began to flicker.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do this."

However, before Tony could put his inner thoughts into action, a familiar voice sounded in his ear.

"Jack Simon!"

Hearing this voice, Tony turned his head and saw that Jack Simon, who had disappeared from Rikers Island Prison, came behind him at some point.

"Hurry up and bow your head, Tony."

Looking at this mysterious collaborator, Tony didn't have time to ask questions.

I saw Jack Simon opening his mouth on the opposite side and reminding himself with his mouth shape.

Noticing the corner of Jack Simon's mouth, although Tony stopped his words, he subconsciously lowered his head according to Jack Simon's reminder.

The moment Tony lowered his head, the red-hooded Parker Robbins, who was standing on the altar with his back to the crowd, turned his body, his eyes swept across the densely packed prisoners in front of him, and wrinkled. He raised his brows, but withdrew his gaze and gestured to the prisoners holding candles on both sides.

After receiving instructions from Parker Robbins, the prisoners immediately raised the candles in their hands. Under the light of the flickering fire, the strange and frenetic expressions on the prisoners' faces became even more terrifying.

They waved the candles in their hands, and at the same time began to pray loudly: "Triangle, follow my call, block the mind, keep it secret, follow my order, destroy the barrier..."

"Triangle, follow my call, block the mind, guard against secrets, follow my order, destroy the barrier..."

"Triangle, follow my call, the mind is blocked..."

Along with their prayers, beside Tony, the prisoners who had calmed down also spoke again and read in unison.

In the sound of prayer, the spell that seemed to be a joke to Tony began to become strange and inexplicable.

A deep unease began to emerge from his heart.

"Why did you stop me?"

Suppressing his inner unease, Tony tried his best to control himself not to look at the prisoner beside him who kept chanting spells silently, and said to Jack Simon behind him.

"You can also see that the red hood on the altar seems to be the key player in the whole ceremony."

"I just don't want to see you die."

Facing Tony's questioning, Jack Simon replied with a solemn expression.

"You should have already seen that Rikers Island Prison is undergoing a strange ceremony. I originally affected Rikers Island Prison because of a certain abnormality, but it is obviously not that simple. If I am not wrong, If so, there should be a will from another dimension controlling all of this. The red hood on the altar is just a puppet chosen by it. It can choose one puppet or the second one. So , even if you stop the other party, you can't stop the ritual, but you will expose yourself to danger."

"According to what you said, don't we just watch the ceremony complete!"

Of course Jack Simon's words have some truth, but the constant prayers in his ears and the increasingly obvious unease in his heart made Tony lower his voice and ask.

"of course not."

Shaking his head lightly, he raised his head and glanced around, especially the red hood on the altar.

Jack Simon said silently: "Since it is a ritual, there must be loopholes, especially this ritual of summoning creatures from other dimensions to land. Although it is impossible to determine which dimension of creatures are trying to land in the real world, but using Reich The ritual of the Si Dao prison with more than tens of thousands of people represents this different dimension of life, and it cannot easily come to our world, which means that the real world has great resistance to the ritual dimension life, so it is It is necessary to use the entire prison to carry out the ceremony, thereby offsetting the blocking of the real world~www.readwn.com~ Of course, the people in Rikers Island Prison are just the medium, and the lives of different dimensions want to come to reality The world, in addition to the medium, also needs an introduction, just like an anomaly must be attached to an object or a human being to show its influence. If dimensional life wants to come, it needs not only ritual but also guidance or guidance. signposts to prevent it from falling into the wrong dimensional world."

"So, the most important thing is to find the road sign that guides the arrival of different dimensions, and destroy it to prevent the other party from coming to our world. As for the road sign, I already have a clue. The guidance used by Rikers Island Prison to summon the other dimension seems to be It's a day..."

In the crowd, just when Jack Simon was about to tell Tony the key to the ceremony.


Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded in Rikers Island Prison.

"Tony, where are you!"

Along with the explosion, a familiar voice also came.

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