No matter how powerful the missile is, it is useless if it fails to hit the target.

Facing the flying anti-tank missile, Bucciarati calmly shrank into the chain teeth, and then dragged the slider to close the opened zipper. In the next instant, the position where the zipper was originally attached returned to the hard ground again, and the missile hit the ground except for a deep depression, without any other effect.

"Get out of here quickly!"

After successfully rescuing the mother and daughter in the car, Tony turned around and saw the scene of Bucciarati using the zipper to move.

[Famousness from Tony Stark +115]

Even though he had seen the other party use this strange ability before, but once again saw the ability of the steel chain finger, Tony still had some difficulty concealing his surprise.

After all, no matter how Tony thought about the ability to open a zipper on the ground, he couldn't figure out why.

"Jarvis, focus your energy on my chest."

The situation in front of him was not a suitable time for research after all, so Tony quickly restrained his inner curiosity and returned his attention to Obadiah in front of him.

The energy in the miniature ark reactor converged in the launcher on Tony's chest, and then a white shock wave hit the opposite Iron Overlord accurately.

The powerful force of the shock wave knocked Tiebawang's heavy body flying out and smashed heavily on a car.

However, obviously, although the huge size makes Iron Overlord unable to be as flexible as Tony's armor, it also gives him a strong defensive ability. The power of the shock wave did not cause too much damage to Obadiah among Iron Overlord.

Holding the car with one hand, Tiebawang's huge metal palm left a deep mark on the front of the car.

Standing up, he lost the support of one foot, which obviously had a very important impact on Iron Overlord's movement. He grabbed the car beside him and threw it towards Tony, and then a huge amount of firepower was ejected from the soles of the Iron Overlord's soles to push Obadiah to leap in front of Tony.

Shaking and using one foot to stand firm, Iron Overlord waved his thick metal arm and smashed Tony out.

"Tony, why can't you just follow my will and die, I've been following your will for the past 30 years, and you still mess around, why, why can't you just follow me once!" The steel armored Tony kept smashing, and Obadiah's tone was full of hatred and joy: "I built the company from scratch, and no one wants to block my way!"

The angry Obadiah obviously forgot that there was another dangerous character present.

Grabbing Tony's neck with one hand and raising it, Obadiah said, "It's over, Tony."

Having said that, Obadiah waved the other arm of the Iron Overlord, and was about to smash it on Tony's head.

If this blow is solid, even with the protection of the helmet, it will still not be able to stop the Iron Overlord's powerful strength.

However, at this moment, a huge zipper on the bus behind Obadiah appeared there silently.

Inside the armor, Tony obviously saw this scene, and immediately opened his mouth to attract Obadiah's attention: "You know, Obadiah, even if you kill me, you still can't achieve your goal, Sta Gram Industries left me, and at best it was a third-rate company."

"You're still the same as always, making people hate Tony."

Facing Tony's provocative words, Obadiah sneered, and the arm that controlled the Iron Overlord was about to wave down.

The next moment, a soft drink came from behind: "Sticky Fingers!"

As Bugarati's voice sounded, a gray and blue double emerged from behind him and beat the Iron Overlord in front of him: "Ali Ali Ali Ali!"

All of Bugarati's stand-ins [StickyFingers] are not known for their strength, so even constant beating attacks can't cause any damage to Obadiah, who is in the thick armor of Iron Overlord.

All, after the initial panic, Obadiah heard the constant beating sound from the Iron Overlord, but there was no damage to the armor at all, and then laughed: "So, you can't hurt me."


Hearing Obadiah's words, the clone Bugarati smiled slightly.

In the antique store, Li Ran silently shook his head and took a moment of silence for Obadiah.

In the next second, the ability of [Sticky Fingers] was activated, and the parts that had been beaten before turned into zippers one after another, and the chains were pulled open, and the originally intact Iron Overlord was suddenly torn apart.

Reaching out his hand, Obadiyara will be exposed from the Iron Overlord, and Bugarati looked at the other party's wild laughter mixed with a shocked expression, and couldn't help asking: "Now, do you think I can hurt you? "

Turning back, he glanced at the Iron Overlord who had turned into pieces, Obadiah still couldn't believe the fact in front of him: "What are you..."

However, it was clear that Bugarati had lost his plan to continue talking with Obadiah, and threw it on the ground, he activated his ability expressionlessly: "Sticky Fingers!"

"Ali Ali Ali Ali!"

Losing the protection of Iron Obadiah is just an ordinary person at best, obviously unable to resist the heavy and swift fist of the substitute.

[Famousness from Tony Stark +355]

[Famousness from Obadiah Stan +1600]

Silently watching Obadiah, who was being beaten by invisible forces, Tony raised his eyebrows and asked Jarvis in the system. He didn't forget that the other party called his name when he appeared.

"Jarvis, how much energy is left?"

"Nineteen percent, sir."


Nodding his head, Tony immediately opened his palm and ejected a shock beam from his palm, causing him to float in mid-air.

"Sir, I think you should stay."

"Stay, I don't want to be like Obadiah."

Looking down at Obadiah, who was about to be beaten into another person, Tony was more determined to leave.

"I'm sorry, sir, although I appreciate your help, but I have more important things to do next, so..."

Looking up, looking at Tony who was suspended in midair, it was obvious that Bugarati couldn't let him go so easily, otherwise his purpose of appearing would not be fulfilled.

So, as the antique shop Li Ran's thoughts turned, the avatar [StickyFingers] immediately turned one of his arms into a rotating zipper, and flew towards Tony in mid-air.


Although there was no way to see the appearance of the stand-in, Tony clearly felt that an infinite force grabbed his foot armor, and his face changed suddenly.

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