Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 677: green swing


The boundless anger shrouded in Hulk's body surged and grew.

It has never been so angry, and it has never been so powerful.



These rages propelled the Hulk, making it a complete monster.

Raising his muscular arms, Hulk raised his head and let out a deafening roar.

The shock wave formed by the powerful sound wave shattered the bulletproof glass specially made by S.H.I.E.L.D. in an instant, and a large number of glass fragments reflected colorful colors under the illumination of the light.

The sharp glass shards slid across Captain Marvel's cheeks but were instantly annihilated by the photon energy wrapped in her. Carroll's eyes were fixed on the huge figure in the room, and the photon shock wave in her hand condensed into a gorgeous light.


Raise your palm, and two brilliant photon energy beams illuminate the entire base like daytime.

The beam of light fell on Hulk, blasting the Hulk's huge body fiercely, knocking it down on the wall behind him, forming a huge crack that was as dense as a spider web.

However, this attack that once knocked down Hulk in the turmoil of S.H.I.E.L.D. was not as effective as imagined at the moment.

With a loud roar, Hulk, who was hit by the beam, not only did not fall down, but looked even more angry.

The muscles on its body began to become deformed and inflated because of anger.

The originally spacious room was actually narrowed due to the change in body size.

Raising his extremely muscular legs to form two huge potholes on the ground, Hulk twisted his neck and wiped a deep ravine in the room with an angry roar and rammed towards Captain Marvel. .


A loud cracking sound.

Carol Danvers, who was hit by the Hulk's huge body, felt like he was hit by a small spaceship.

The terrifying impact force carried her body through several thick walls before stopping the trend.

Hovering over the ruins of the wall, Carol Danvers raised his hand and wiped the blood flowing from his nostrils.

Looking up at the Hulk who was wreaking havoc in the base, the fighting spirit in his heart was not only not defeated, but even more elevated.


"Jarvis, switch."

Raising his arm and transforming it into a shield to block the rubble flying in front of him, Tony in mark58 looked at the Hulk who was frantically destroying the base, took a deep breath and then gave an order to Jarvis.

Regardless of the future prophecy, the first thing he needs to think about is to calm down the Hulk, who has fallen into a rage.

"Okay, sir."

With Tony's instructions.

The steel battle suit mark58 on his body quickly changed shape, and a large number of metal structures emerged from the battle suit, which combined and deformed to form a heavy armor of more than three meters, which appeared in the SHIELD base.

Mark58 records all the armors that Tony has designed and manufactured, which naturally includes them.

"Now, calm me down, big guy."

Wrapped in the shape of mark58, Tony looked at the violent Hulk, and without hesitation, he controlled the armor on his body and rushed towards Hulk with heavy steps.


He slapped his palms, and the strong shock wave formed from the palms lifted all the fired bullets out.

Although the angry Hulk had no reason at all, the powerful beast instinct in his body made it aware of the threat coming from behind at the first time.

Turning his head, he saw Tony's sturdy metal arm smashing into its head.

Without any hesitation and dodge, facing Tony's attack, Hulk immediately raised his fist and made a head-to-head collision.

Fight metal with flesh and blood.

If, according to normal circumstances, the one who suffers will undoubtedly be the one without any equipment.

However, obviously, Hulk, whose body is full of gamma ray mutations, is no longer an ordinary flesh and blood body.

The meat fist and the metal fist collided, and the armored side was the one who suffered.

"Sir, the arm is seriously injured..."

Under the impact of the huge force, the arm made a harsh metal twisting sound.

At the same time, Jarvis also warned Tony.

"Repair damaged parts, deform arm structure, replace patterns."

In the ear, Jarvis's warning sound was urgent, but Nettoni's expression was extremely calm.

His eyes swept across the damaged part displayed by Jarvis on the helmet screen, and he made a quick order.

And with Tony's order, the body on the body also changed shape at the same time, the original thick mechanical arm became thicker, the huge hydraulic device connecting the arm appeared on the back of the armor, Tony raised the arm of the armor, the hydraulic device behind the back issued a low The roar, pushing the armored arm to produce a heavy bombardment, collided with Hulk's fist again.

It was still the harsh metallic twisting sound.

In the low sound of the hydraulic device, Tony actually relied on the deformed arm to block Hulk's fist abruptly.


Looking at the fist blocked by him in front of him, a smile appeared on Tony's face.


However, before the smile on Tony's face was fully revealed.

Opposite him, Hulk saw his blocked fist, and the anger on his face grew stronger. He raised his fist and smashed it down like a storm.

Under the fierce attack of Hulk, even if the armor was specially developed to fight against Hulk, Tony still felt the huge power from Hulk's fist, in this dense fist like a storm Under the momentum, Tony felt that his whole body was like a flat boat, shaking constantly with the attack.

And the fighting process presented outside is completely one-sided, and he was beaten under Hulk's fists and retreated.

A large number of metal parts continued to fall from above, and Jarvis's warning sound became more and more urgent in Tony's ears.

If it's just a battle with Hulk right now, maybe he really might fall under Hulk's violent attack.


But fortunately, there are other superheroes besides Tony in the base.

Wrapped in a layer of splendid photon energy, Captain Marvel Carol Danvers turned into a dazzling beam of light that knocked the Hulk in front of Tony and flew out.

"Now, do you still think the prophecy is unbelievable?"

Suspended in the base, Captain Marvel looked at the scarred man and asked Tony in it.

"It's not uncommon for the Hulk to get out of control."

The control made a harsh metal friction sound and stood up slowly, and a large number of mechanical structures on the armor began to automatically deform and repair. After a few seconds, the originally broken steel armor was restored to its original state, and Tony said what he said.

"If that's the case, then it should be guarded all the more."

Captain Marvel didn't expect to convince Tony with his own words.

In fact, compared with language, she prefers to persuade the other party through powerful force.

Looking back from above Tony, Carol Danvers' eyes fell on Hulk not far away.

Pushing away the stone on his body, Hulk turned his dark green eyes towards Captain Marvel and let out a roar of rage.

Stepping on a huge pothole under his feet, he leaped to Carol Danvers with a bang.

"Let me see your power, Hulk."

Captain Marvel's long golden hair was blown by the fierce wind formed by Hulk's impact, but he faced the fierce Hulk in front of him.

The expression on Captain Marvel's face was always calm.

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The splendid photon energy on her body flickered and wrapped her into a sparkling figure. Carol Danvers raised her arm, and she had a head-to-head collision with the Hulk without dodging and avoiding it.

If only by body type to compare.

Hulk's huge body naturally crushed Captain Marvel completely.

However, no matter how you look at it, this fight is like a man's arm acting as a car.

Captain Marvel's lucky body met Hulk's arm that was comparable to his own reminder, showing a tendency to be evenly matched.

Moreover, this kind of evenness began to change slightly with the emission of photon energy from Captain Marvel.


He opened his mouth and let out an angry roar. He felt the power from Carol Danvers getting stronger and stronger. Hulk's face became distorted. This way to knock the opponent back.

However, he encountered such a brutal attack as Hulk.

Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, countered in a more direct way than the Hulk.

The photon energy surging on her body made Captain Marvel dazzling like a star, and her power at the moment was still raised to a terrifying level under the blessing of photons.

In this state, Carol Danvers once took down the Kree warships.

Hulk's huge body was pushed back little by little under the power of Captain Marvel, forming a long ravine on the ground.

"Isn't it okay? Hulk, who has risen to this level, is still not the opponent of Captain Marvel."

In the antique shop, watching the battle between Captain Marvel and Hulk, Li Ran's expression was not much surprised.

Although, through Charles' mind control of the Hulk in Banner, he made it fall into an angry mood.

However, even Hulk in a state of rage is still unable to compete with Captain Marvel in combat effectiveness.

After all, no matter how powerful the Hulk is, he is just a beast driven by violent emotions.

Captain Marvel is a real superhero who travels through the universe.

"However, this is not the result I want."

Seeing that, Hulk was forced back bit by bit under the suppression of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers.

Inside the base, Charles, who was in a wheelchair, 'helped' in a timely manner.

He raised his finger on his forehead, and with the invisible power fluctuations, held the Hulk in front of Captain Marvel.

"It's now!"

At the same time, he opened his mouth and said with a difficult expression.

"Hurry up and control Hulk, I can feel it, Hulk's inner anger is constantly growing, I can't hold it for too long..."


"It's my great turn to perform again."

On the surface, Charles seems to be making the Hulk continue to rampage through his own abilities.

But in fact, through the contact of spiritual power, it has entered Hulk's body.

"Is it really Hulk's thinking world? It's really simple and rude."

Turning into his familiar triangular body, he supported the top hat on his head, and glanced at Banner, who was sleeping unresponsively in the Hulk's conscious world.

At the same time, I noticed the Hulk who was constantly roaring and destroying in the space.

Even in the space of consciousness, Hulk is destroying and venting his inner violent emotions all the time.

"Since you like destruction so much, let me help you."

Looking at the furious Hulk, spread out his hands, and the whole body was transformed into a three-dimensional pyramid shape from the original one-sided.

Immediately afterwards, the thinking world in which Hulk was located began to change.

In the process of destruction, it was imprisoned by a spaceship, and the Hulk made a frantic attack in the spaceship, but the spaceship seemed to be indestructible and could not see how to damage it. Through the glass of the spaceship, Hulk saw Doctor Strange. To Tony, a member of Captain America's Avengers, a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.

They stood outside the ship, watching the Hulk-carrying spaceship leave Earth.

In the thinking space, the palm swings back and forth, and the cosmic starry sky in the entire space changes accordingly.


Inside the spacecraft, Hulk didn't know how long it flew, and finally the spacecraft landed on an unknown planet due to wrong navigation during one flight.

Disembarked from the Hulk came to this primitive planet, where gladiator fighting prevailed, but was occupied by corrupt and brutal rulers.

On this planet, Hulk was attacked and eventually captured as a gladiator of the Primal Empire.

Afterwards, after a series of battles, the Hulk understood his own situation and that of the gladiator, and finally he launched an uprising, overthrew the ruler of the planet, and became the new king. During the uprising, Hulk met and fell in love with a Phantom Man named Kaiila, married each other, and even Kaiila was pregnant with Hulk's child, however, just as everything seemed happy.

"Now, the joyous plot is over."

Thinking about the world, where Hulk couldn't see, his eyes blinked, and his palms made an open movement.

Immediately afterwards, the spacecraft that brought Hulk to the original planet suddenly exploded...

The shock and flames of the explosion engulfed not only tens of thousands of people on the planet, but Kaiela as well.

"Do not……"

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