Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 123: Hand will be destroyed

"Jin Bing, have you forgotten our original agreement?"

Hands meet, Mrs. Gao looked at Jin Bing in front of her with an ugly expression.

After the events in Chinatown, the power of the hand was almost devastated, and only one of the five fingers remained.

Now, unable to rely on the power of the iron fist to regain the ability of immortality, Mrs. Gao can only hide in the Hell's Kitchen and rely on the remaining power of the Hand Union to survive.

"No one can stay safe after betraying me, Mrs. Gao."

Silently watching Mrs. Gao in front of him, Jin Bing's tone was neither sad nor happy, as if he was telling a fact that should have been so.

"When you decide to stand on the opposite side of me, our cooperation is over." Said, Jin Bian took a step and moved his huge body to reveal a tall man in armor standing behind him. "Relax, Gao Madam, I will not send you to prison, because there is a more suitable place waiting for you than prison."

After speaking, Jin Bing turned his head, looked at Jue Wushen behind him, lowered the arrogant head of the underworld emperor, "Hopefully, Jiuyou can abide by our original agreement."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Nodding lightly, Jue Wushen crossed the golden and tall body in front of him and looked at Madam Gao who looked like a great enemy and the ninjas in the hand union.

It's been a long time to meet again. Unfortunately, it's not destined to be a pleasant meeting.

"who are you"

Mrs. Gao stared at the man who appeared in front of her. She could sense the terrifying power contained under the opponent's armor. This feeling reminded her subconsciously of the time when Huoyun Evil God was still alive.

"I heard that you have seen the Evil God of Fire Cloud before."

Facing Madam Gao's question, Jue Wushen did not answer, but asked directly.

"You know the Evil God of Fire Cloud" is absolutely godless, which made Madam Gao's expression change, and she couldn't help but blurt out.

"Of course I do." Seeing Madam Gao's surprised face, Jue Wushen grinned, "His Tathagata has been trained well, but unfortunately, it's not very useful, and it won't break my indestructible body."

Li Ran has already picked the words so clearly. If Mrs. Gao couldn't understand it, she would have lived for hundreds of years in vain.

The trembling footsteps holding the crutches subconsciously retreated, and Mrs. Gao almost lost her voice and shouted, "You are the mysterious being who injured the Evil God of Fire Cloud back then."

From the legend of Mrs. Gao 350

"It's okay, it's not too stupid."

Nodding, Jue Wushen looked at Madam Gao, whose expression changed dramatically, and said lightly.

"Why, why do you exist to help Kim and do things"

Mrs. Gao's expression was a little desperate. The evil **** of fire cloud left a deep shadow on her. However, such a terrifying existence was also defeated by the tall man in armor in front of her. Thinking of this, Mrs. Gao felt in her heart. He couldn't bear the slightest thought of resisting, and shouted hysterically.

"When did I say that I was doing things for Jinbian?" He opened his mouth, corrected Mrs. Gao's question, and looked back at Jinbing who was standing silently behind him. "In fact, on the contrary, it was Jinbing who was doing things for Jiuyou does things."


Realizing that there was absolutely no name mentioned in the myth, Mrs. Gao shouted as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw, "I am also willing to join Jiuyou and do things for you."

"I'm sorry, Jiuyou doesn't take confiscated waste."

With a sneer, Jue Wushen categorically rejected Mrs. Gao's request.

"If that's the case, then even if I fight my life, I will drag you to death." Having lost all hope, Mrs. Gao returned to her previous calm attitude. She leaned on her crutches, her tone was firm and resentful. said.

Following her order, the many ninjas in the hand group behind them rushed like locusts towards the absolute gods in front of them. As the ninjas that the hand group has cultivated since childhood, there is no life and death in their eyes, and everything is ordered first. priority.

Facing the surging ninja in front of him, the complexion under the helmet of Jue Wushen did not change in the slightest. He raised his palm and applied force suddenly, and the ninja who had rushed forward was knocked out with blood. Immediately afterwards, he ignored the sharp blades that were close at hand, and in the course of his actions, the nearby swords collapsed into pieces of scrap metal.

The attack of the hand union ninja, even Jue Wushen's bright light armor could not be broken, not to mention the indestructible body under the armor.

As one of the seven Hulu seven brothers, although Sanwa has always shown the image of being invulnerable, it does not mean that he has no other means of attack. In the original book, Sanwa fought with the little demon, relying on his strong body to bend the fork and straighten the fork, which shows that his strength is not small.

In this way, after a one-to-many unequal battle, all the hand-joined ninjas that were densely packed in front of them all fell to the ground, raised their hands and smashed the last ninja in their hands onto the ground.

Jue Wushen raised his head and looked at Mrs. Gao, who was standing motionless in front of her without escaping, "If you have any other means, use them all."

Hearing Jue Wushen's words, Mrs. Gao lowered her head silently, she was able to move the only remaining immortality in her body.

Up to now, immortality has no meaning.

Concentrating these strengths in the crutches in her hand, Mrs. Gao's already wrinkled face became more and more old, she shouted loudly, and attacked Jue Wushen straightly.

If you Jue Wushen can completely avoid Madam Gao's last blow of condensing her life. However, in order to show a higher force, Li Ran did not manipulate the avatar to avoid it, but directly met her face to face. Live this stick.

The attack of the crutches carrying Mrs. Gao's remaining immortality power accurately fell in the gap that the armor of no gods could not protect. In contrast to the vulnerable Danny, Mrs. Gao, who had lived for centuries, in terms of combat Obviously more experienced, she deliberately avoided the hard part of the armor, and chose the neck of Jue Wushen, which was only protected by a small amount of armor, as the target of the attack.


However, when the crutches hit Jue Wushen's neck, what came out was a voice that made Madam Gao extremely desperate.

From Mrs. Gao's legend degree 1500

300 Legend from Jinbian

"I have dealt with the hand and Mrs. Gao who betrayed you according to the original agreement."

Silently retracting his palm, Jue Wushen turned his head to look at Jin Bingdao behind him.

"And the defenders."

Looking at Madam Gao's fallen corpse, Jin Bian replied indifferently.

"Jin Bing, you are very smart."

Jue Wushen raised his head slightly, revealing the face hidden by the armor, "I hope you are smart enough to know what you are doing."


The hand holding the cane clenched subconsciously, and Jin Nian replied with an expressionless expression.

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