Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 144: Avatar upgrade

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran looked at the B-grade card synthesized in front of him.

Unable to hide the smile.

Although in the later stage of "Dragon Ball", the sense of existence of [Tianjin Rice] was infinitely weakened due to the soaring combat power, but this did not affect Li Ran's joy at the moment.

Putting on the card of [Tianjin Rice], Li Ran first tried the feeling of flying. As a unique move of [Crane Immortal Flow], air dance, even if it became a bad street ability in the later stage of "Dragon Ball", it could not be used. Erase its extraordinary significance, after all, flying has always been a human dream.

Controlling the air dance technique, he circled the antique shop somewhat unfamiliarly for a while. Li Ran looked at the crooked shelf with an embarrassed expression.

The space in the antique store is too small, and he is not very skilled in the dance of the sky, so it is inevitable that some bumps will occur.

Shaking his head, he put away his air dance technique, and then Li Ran turned his attention to another skill of [Tianjin Fan] [self-created move].

Speaking of [Tianjin Rice], apart from his conspicuous third eye, the most impressive thing is actually his wide variety of moves. It can be said that in the early stage of "Dragon Ball", the dazzling martial arts moves of [Tianjin Fan] in the world's No. 1 martial arts club are also one of the bright spots in the comics.

Memorizing the various moves of [Tianjin Rice], Li Ran immediately found a move that he cared about.

"Four fists!"

With a light drink, Li Ran's body was in a trance for a while, and then four figures exactly like him appeared in the antique shop.

Turning his head left and right, he looked at himself around him. Although he was also a clone, Li Ran could still clearly feel that the 'Four Body Fist' performed by [Tianjin Fan] and the clone technique of [Shui Mu] were two completely different. type of move. The former is to divide one's own power into four, and become the quarter before the clone.

The latter is purely Chakra's phantom, and even if there is no system card to maintain, it is completely an unworthy clone.

It's like the current 'Four Body Fist', which controls the clones to fight each other a few times. Even without the maintenance of the system card, the clones separated by the 'Four Body Fist' are quite stable. The ability of [Tianjin Fan] is weakened, but it also means that the power of the clone is stronger.

After all, even if there is only a quarter of the power left, [Tianjin Fan] is still a B-rank card.

What's more, the key lies in the clone.

Taking out the [Three Baby] card, Li Ran looked at the new avatar that was exactly the same as himself, and without hesitation, integrated the card into the avatar's body. [Tianjin Rice] One-fourth of the power is paired with [Three Babies] [King Kong's Indestructible Body] Li Ran can clearly feel that the ability of the clone is stronger.

Swinging your fist, even if you don't use too much force, can easily generate a punch in the antique shop.

Styling is an issue, though.

Looking at the clone in front of him that was exactly the same as himself, Li Ran lowered his head and glanced at the [Shui Mu] card in the card slot. To be honest, after having the new avatar ability of [Tianjin Fan], Li Ran became less and less interested in seeing the basic avatar of [Shui Mu] that had no effect.

He wanted to use two cards to control and do things with more clones, but it was obvious that the clone of 'Four Body Fist' was not compatible with the clone of Hokage's 'Clone Technique'. Under the circumstance, he used the avatar technique to make a chakra avatar, but the severe headache caused Li Ran to understand that the current four avatars to maintain the 'four body fists' were already the limit of his ability.

Shaking his head, he regrettably replaced the [Shui Mu] card that had been with him for a while in the card slot. Li Ran wanted to come and find out the [Von Krei] that had never been used since he was drawn, and put it on. Imitation of the power of the fruit, and then saw the clone integrated into the [Sanwa] card in front of him and touched his face, and immediately turned into the tall appearance of Jue Wushen.

Sure enough, in the system judgment, the clone is also himself.

Looking at the tall figure in front of him, Li Ran nodded slightly. Since he can use [Imitation Fruit], Li Ran will naturally have fewer flaws in transformation in the future. After all, the appearance of [Imitation Fruit] is different from the chakra illusion of the previous transformation, but a real face-changing skill.

Satisfied, he retracted his gaze, Li Ran looked down at the [Shui Mu] card in the system, glanced at the remaining two clones, hesitated for a while, and suddenly pointed [Shui Mu] at one of them. Clone, as his thoughts fell, the character card in the system began to flash a faint light, and after a few seconds, it turned into a white light and disappeared into the body of the clone in front of him.

Moving his hands and feet, feeling the chakra emerging in his body, the clone nodded lightly, and without hesitation activated the ability to transform in the [Three Body Technique].

Immediately afterwards, only a 'bang' was heard, and after the white fog passed, a clone formed by Chakra reappeared beside the clone.

Next is the key!

Looking at the motionless Chakra avatar in front of him, Li Ran held his breath subconsciously, and found the C-level card [Hong Qi] that he just got, and gave an instruction to the avatar, and the next moment, he saw the character card change into a white light and blend in. To the avatar of Chakra.

Did you make it?

Looking at the clone submerged by the card, before Li Ran's thoughts flashed, he heard a bang, and the Chakra clone in front of him involuntarily lost control, turning into a white smoke and disappearing.

I failed, and I really took it too much for granted.

Looking at the avatar that disappeared in front of him and the character card that returned to the system, Li Ran's face couldn't hide the disappointment.

He originally wanted to increase the number of clones in his hand by turning [Shui Mu] into a clone, and then using the Chakra clone in disguise.

But obviously, this idea failed, and the clone made by the clone seemed to be unable to maintain the power possessed by the system card.

Is it really impossible to do it?

Frowning, after thinking about it, Li Ran turned his eyes to the card of the system, and inadvertently glanced at the striking bronze luster on the [Hong Qi] card, and an inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

Maybe it's because the power of the character card characters is too strong, and the chakra avatar transformed from the avatar can't bear it.

Thinking of this possibility, Li Ran immediately found the [D-level card - Senior Brother (1/2)], which had only one chance of being used in the system, and integrated it into the new Chakra body.

After a change that made him nervous for a while, in the end, the Chakra clone maintained the power of the D-class card and did not remove it as before.

It worked!

Looking up, looking at the arrogant look in front of him, as if he was going to say to himself in the next second: "I'm not targeting you, I mean that everyone here is happy~", Li Ran's mood But very excited.


"Ivan Vanke, the attack you encountered in Monaco, a revenge from your father, he is the son of Anton Vanke, who had a tragic energy struggle with your father, but unfortunately he Failed, expelled by your father, threw him in Siberia when the Russians found him useless, spent the rest of his miserable 20 years in alcoholism and cynicism, Ivan Vanke thinks everything is your father's fault , because the attack unfolded..."

"Your situation is worse than I expected, Tony."

New York, Cliff Villa, Nick Fury looked at Tony Stark with a pale face in front of him, ended the introduction about the Monaco accident, and turned to talk.

Although he already knew from Natasha's mouth that the other party's physical condition was quite bad, but when he actually saw it, he couldn't help frowning.

"I know."

Controlling the steel armor and pouring himself a sip of red wine, Tony did not deny his current poor physical condition: "If no effective solution is found, in ten days or less, I will die from palladium metal poisoning, or even die of palladium metal poisoning. I've looked into the way of death from palladium poisoning, and it's much more painful than I thought."

"So, have you found an effective solution, Tony."

Silently looking at Tony Stark in front of him, Nick Fury opened his mouth and was planning to use this opportunity to draw closer to S.H.I.E.L.D. and return the precious legacy left by his father to his hands.

But I heard that Tony Stark on the opposite side said: "I have found it."

Nick Fury: "..."

At that moment, the expression on Nick Fury's face became slightly untraceable and stiffened. He had already prepared a large number of rhetoric in his heart, but obviously Tony's words made all his preparations in vain. .

Looking up at Natasha on the opposite side, I saw that Black Widow also frowned and shook her head a little blankly.

"What did you find, Tony."

Although he was quite surprised by the unexpected result, Nick Fury kept his usual expression on the surface and asked.

"Penglai, you should be familiar with this name, Miss Agent of SHIELD."

Looking back at Natasha who was standing behind him, Tony turned back to Nick Fury and said, "I need all the information about Penglai within SHIELD."

"This is top secret, Tony, it is impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to tell you this information." Shaking his head, Nick Fury fulfilled his duty of confidentiality as director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Okay, I already knew you would say that." Shrugging, Tony wasn't too surprised by Nick Fury's answer. He raised his hand to drink the last sip of red wine in the glass, and then lifted it up. With his hand in the air, Jarvis projected the information about Penglai from within S.H.I.E.L.D.

"To be honest, the network defense system within your S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to be updated."

"Do you know what you're doing, Mr. Tony Stark." Looking up at the information in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database that was marked as top secret by Tony, Nick Fury's face was quite It's not good-looking: "If I want, I can directly arrest you for espionage."

"Of course you do that," Tony curled his lips in disdain for Nick Fury's threat: "I don't have a few days to live anyway, even if you SHIELD arrest me, I won't. What a huge effect."

"I want to live." Turning his head and looking at Nick Fury's only intact eye, Tony put away his cynical expression and said with a desperate expression on his face: "And Penglai may be my only one. Chance, so tell me Nick Fury where he is."

Although most of the information about Penglai in S.H.I.E.L.D., and even a small part of information about Jiuyou has been cracked and found, the most important content about Ye Wen and Guixianren, S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to have adopted a more rigorous method. It is blocked, even Tony can't crack it in half a hour.

Unfortunately, right now, what he lacks the most is time.

Looking at Tony's hopeful eyes, Nick Fury forced himself to turn his head and continued to reply in an indifferent tone: "Sorry, I can't break the rules."

"Hell's Kitchen, Chinatown, that's where you're looking."

Nick Fury's grim When Tony's face, which had been expected to return, could not help but dim, but then the voice from behind made him turn his head involuntarily.

Looking at Natasha standing behind him, he opened his mouth and finally turned into a silent nod.

The next second, I saw Tony open his palms, catch the shock wave ejected from his palms, and soar into the sky.

"You broke the rules of secrecy, Agent Natasha."

Looking up at the figure of Tony leaving, Nick Fury said to Natasha who was beside him without looking back.

"You didn't stop me, Chief."

In the face of Nick Fury's challenge, Natasha didn't have any panic expression on her face, she still maintained her steady posture, and replied lightly.

Natasha knew very well that Nick Fury was not as ruthless as he seemed.

Especially in Tony's father, who was once a member and one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"That's because I didn't hear anything just now. In fact, all the information was obtained by Tony Stark by hacking into the S.H.I.E.L.D. system." The box that was prepared but not handed over was handed to Natasha: "Although our Mr. Iron Man has found another solution, in order to avoid accidents, it is necessary to prepare an alternative for him. , so Agent Natasha..."

"I understand." Reaching out and taking the box in Nick Fury's hand, Natasha nodded slightly.

"Perhaps, Tony is right." Watching the back of Natasha leaving, Nick Fury turned his gaze back to the SHIELD's confidential documents about Penglai on the virtual screen in front of him, and the only intact eye flickered: "The firewall system inside S.H.I.E.L.D. should be upgraded."

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