Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 153: inside the cell


S.H.I.E.L.D. learned the whereabouts of the Turtle Immortal from Natasha's mouth, and Nick Fury raised his eyebrows to confirm again: "You are sure that the other party said so."


At the scene, Natasha looked at Ivan Vanke, who was still being escorted away by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents without any resistance, and nodded lightly and replied in a low voice. After resolving the riot caused by Ivan Vanke, the Turtle Immortal suddenly appeared as if he was not interested in the things in front of him, stretched his waist and stayed back to sleep, and left directly from the party scene.


Although the Turtle Immortal's actions were somewhat unexpected, Nick Fury didn't show too much surprise after reminiscing that he had traveled the world without warning before. After restraining his thoughts, he immediately said to Natasha, who was still at the scene of the riot: "The matter of Penglai will wait for you to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. and then make a more detailed report. Now, hand over the box to Tony, I think he You'll need what's in there."


: 10735

In the antique shop, he found a reason to let Immortal Turtle leave. Li Ran gathered enough fame again on the data panel in front of him. Without much hesitation, he immediately exchanged one.

The news of Agent Phil's trip to New Mexico reminded him that time was running out for the first battle in New York.


[Note 2: What is greater than a hero?

... a dead hero. 】



Seeing the card drawn from the treasure chest, Li Ran subconsciously raised his eyebrows. Although he had dug the stone ghost face before, he didn't expect that he would actually draw this character card.

Looking at the introduction given in the system, although the incarnation has obvious weaknesses and is afraid of sunlight and ripples, but as a villain, its own strength is also quite terrifying, but it is obvious that Li Ran is drawn in front of him. It is obviously the first vampire state in the comics, and its most powerful power, the avatar world, is not controlled.

Although he was surprised by the appearance of this card, in fact, he was more concerned about the items in the props than Dior Li Ran.

Silently watching the introduction, a simple idea in Li Ran's mind gradually began to take shape.



New York, a heavily guarded prison, Ivan Vanke, with heavy chains on his hands and feet, is banging on the prison door and shouting angrily. Because of his previous actions, S.H.I.E.L.D. detained him in a more heavily guarded prison, and is expected to transfer him to a special prison, the Raft Prison, set up by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Tony Stark, I must kill you!"

Being alone in an airtight cell, Ivan Vanke can already meet the tragic ending that he will encounter next, but the more he does, the stronger his hatred for Tony Stark.

"As long as I can go out, I'll definitely let you know what it's like to live rather than die."

Crazy in the cell like a mad dog, Ivan Vanke used his actual actions to show what is called the so-called incompetent rage.

"It seems that you have a deep hatred for Tony Stark?"

At this moment, a voice as cold as metal sounded from inside the prison.

The voice resounding in the heavily guarded prison made Ivan Vanke subconsciously stop the movements of his hands, turned his head to look around the narrow space of the prison cell, but could not find the owner of the voice.

However, in the next second.

Ivan Vanke saw that from the hole in the ventilation window of the prison, a large amount of silver-white metal liquid poured in, and then, under his shocked gaze, it converged and transformed into a stern man in a white uniform.

"Who are you?"

With an undisguised look of shock on his face, Ivan Vanke grinned and asked in his blunt English.

"The liquid metal robot t-1000, from Umbrella."

"Liquid metal robot t-1000? Umbrella company!"

It is precisely because he understands that Ivan Vanke is even more surprised by the existence of a self-proclaimed liquid metal robot in front of him. The existence in front of him is obviously a more advanced robot production technology that surpasses his current knowledge level.

"Dr. Chen is very interested in what you have done before, and wants you to do something for him."

Ignoring the expression on Ivan Vanke's rough face in front of him, he continued to speak expressionlessly.

"Who is Dr. Chen?"

Interrupting, Ivan Vanke asked with a frown.

"Dr. Chen is the chief researcher of Umbrella Company, responsible for all important experimental research in Umbrella. The liquid metal robot t-1000 was developed based on Dr. Chen's creativity."

's explanation gave Ivan Vanke a certain degree of understanding of Dr. Chen. This is a more genius existence than himself or even Tony Stark.

With understanding in his heart, Ivan Vanke was even more puzzled: "Since Dr. Chen is so amazing in your mouth, why are you still looking for me?"

To this, he continued to answer without joy or sorrow: "Because Dr. Chen doesn't want to waste too much time on this matter, he has more important things to do."


After listening to the answer, Ivan Vanke was silent for a few seconds, looked up at the narrow cell in front of him, and then grinned and replied, "Okay, I promise you, but first you have to take me out of the prison."

"Of course." He nodded and replied without hesitation.

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