Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 247: Expert debut

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Meiman: Infinite Possession!

"Ned, are you free? Let's play games together through the night."

"Sorry, Peter, I've been very busy lately. Let's talk about it when I have time."

On the way out of school, in the face of Peter's invitation, the fat little Ned shook his head and shied away with flickering eyes.

The latest media reports on the evil Spider-Man made Ned a little scared. What Spider-Man has done on the news has obviously exceeded his knowledge of Spider-Man, and it is not what Peter he knew would do.

"Ah, I remembered, it's my turn to clean today, sorry Peter, you can go back alone today."

Patting himself on the head, Ned suddenly realized something and shouted, performed a clumsy performance, and hurriedly turned around and ran to the school with his schoolbag on his back.

"But didn't you also say you want to clean yesterday?"

Looking at the back of Ned leaving in a hurry, Peter opened his mouth. In fact, he was very aware of the fact that Ned was hiding from him recently. For this reason, Peter also tried his best not to defend himself, saying that he was now doing evil everywhere in Spider-Man. Not him, but apparently, Ned didn't quite believe it.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the TV coverage of the evil Spider-Man looks exactly like Spider-Man.

Recently, the evil Spider-Man has become more and more rampant, and his actions have ruined the superhero reputation that the little spider has finally accumulated, especially in the "Daily Bugle", J. Jonah Jameson For several consecutive days, he has personally reported the news about the evil Spider-Man. In the news report, his gnashing Xuancheng Spider-Man is a pest in New York City. In order to protect the safety of the city, they must bring Spider-Man to justice. reveal his true identity.

In fact, some people were influenced by J. Jonah Jameson and began to express the slogan of public superhero identity to avoid public harm.

Yesterday, some district councillors stood up to respond and publicly called for the formulation of relevant laws and regulations on superheroes.

Although this is just a not-so-famous district councillor, and the topic is not high, it can be seen to some extent from the development of the situation. With the fuse caused by the evil Spider-Man incident, the public is more concerned about the existence of superheroes. Also with the initial gratitude, worship, and gradually began to change to worry.


"Aunt Mei, I'm back."

Returning home in a depressed mood, Peter and his aunt greeted his aunt with a low voice.

"Hey Peter, is school going well today?"

"The old way, you know."

Shrugging, Peter tried not to make Aunt May worry about him.

"By the way, there is a luxury car parked..."

Diverting the subject, Peter was about to transfer Aunt May's worries from school to other places, but his eyes inadvertently swept to the familiar face with a mustache sitting on the sofa.

"Mr. Stark!"

"Hey, Parker."

Hearing Peter's name for him, Tony raised his eyebrows: "We meet again."

"Why... why, Mr. Stark, are you here..."

Looking at Tony who appeared at home, Peter obviously didn't know what to do.

"Actually, this is a process, you should have received my email, right?" Looking at Peter, who was a little flustered in front of him, Tony explained the reason he had prepared for the meeting.


"Yes, you won't forget it, will you?"

"Of course not, yes, I did apply."

Seeing Tony's gaze, especially Aunt May's gaze, Peter had to bite the bullet and admit it, even though he didn't even know what the so-called email was.

"Peter, you didn't tell me anything about the Foundation."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Aunt May said with some blame.


"Jackie Chan Foundation, taken from the meaning of an ancient Chinese proverb: "Hope your son Jackie Chan."

Leaning out of the kitchen, as the avatar of the SCP Foundation's containment specialist [Dragon], he walked out with coffee in one hand and freshly baked biscuits in the other.

[Fame from Peter Parker, the good Spider-Man +150]

[Famousness from Tony Stark +85]

"who are you?"

Looking at the avatar that suddenly appeared, not only Peter was surprised, but Tony's face also showed a stunned expression.

"I'm also one of the leaders of the foundation, and I came here specifically to investigate the applicant's family situation. Do you think so, Mr. Stark."


Although he was surprised by the appearance of the uninvited guest, the situation in front of him forced Tony to nod in response.

"Peter, you didn't tell me anything about such an important matter from the beginning to the end. If it wasn't for Mr. Long and Mr. Stark coming to the house, I wouldn't even know that you still applied for success..." Clone and Tony The guarantee made Aunt May firmly believe in the fact that Peter applied for the foundation, and at the same time showed dissatisfaction with Peter who had been hiding it from her.

"Jackie Chan Foundation." Noticing Aunt Mei's pause, the clone gave a sympathetic help.

"...a project of the Jackie Chan Foundation."

With a look of thanks to [Uncle Long], Aunt Mei continued to ask Peter.

"I just, I just wanted to surprise you Aunt May, so I thought I'd tell you later." Peter opened his mouth and explained with an embarrassed expression.

"Speaking of which, what program did I apply for?"

"In fact, I'm here to solve this problem."

"Solve the problem."

From Tony's answer, Peter obviously realized another meaning.

"This is the walnut and red date bread I made. I specially adjusted the ratio to focus on the taste of red dates."

"Really, I'll try it next time."

"It's not difficult, as long as you get the right ratio of red dates and avoid..."

"I didn't expect you to like cooking, Mr. Long."

"I'm just interested in this aspect, and I rarely see so many red dates stored in ordinary people's homes..."

"Really, I really want the taste of red dates, so I went to Chinatown to prepare some and plan to use them in cooking."

On this side, Tony and Peter are playing quizzes, and on the other side, [Dragon], who also has a mysterious origin, is chatting with Aunt May.

At home, Peter turned left to look at Tony, and turned right to look at [Uncle Long] who was chatting happily with Aunt Mei, only to feel that his head was not enough.

"Next, can you give us a little time to talk, about the Foundation, we may need to talk to Parker alone."

Glancing at the avatar with a strange origin, Tony deliberately emphasized the word "us" and said to Aunt May, who didn't know it.


Aunt May readily accepted this.

In fact, she was very happy that Peter was selected by the Foundation.


Walking into Peter's room, Tony looked at the unknown [Dragon] in front of him, reached out to lock the door, and then spit out the walnut and red date bread in his mouth: "Walnut and red date bread, how on earth did you come up with this kind of thing? of."

Spitting out the food in his mouth and feeling the taste of red dates in his mouth, Tony looked at the clone in front of him with a solemn expression and asked, "Okay, now tell you, who are you and why are you here?"

"Who am I, didn't I just say it, I'm from the Foundation." Facing Tony, the clone replied calmly.

"Stop pretending, we all know that the so-called foundation is just an excuse."

Frowning, Tony replied without hesitation.

The Foundation or something, it was just an excuse he used to find Peter.

"No, the foundation certainly exists, but it's not called the Jackie Chan Foundation..."

On the opposite side, the clone's reply made Tony's expression puzzled, but soon he thought of another possibility, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious: "Could it be you?"

"That's right, I'm from the SCP Foundation Containment Specialist - [Dragon]."

[Famous from Tony Stark +245]

[Fabledness from Peter Parker, the good Spider-Man +155]

"The scp foundation."

The clone's answer reminded Tony of the previous battle with Davy Jones and the main containment: "So, this matter is related to the so-called containment?"


In response, the clone nodded and answered without any hesitation.

"The scp foundation? Containment?"

On this side, Tony and the clone point to each other, and on the other side, Peter, the protagonist of the incident, asked blankly: "Mr. Stark, what exactly are the Foundation and the containment you are talking about? "

"If nothing is wrong, the containment is the main cause of your child's current problems."

Looking at Peter, who was dazed in front of him, the other's name was very useful to Tony, especially after hearing the name of the rude and evil Spider-Man before.

While talking, Tony took out his mobile phone and called up the previous image of the evil Spider-Man, especially the surveillance image of the two Spider-Man appearing in two different places at the same time that Natasha passed to him not long ago: "Yes Tell me child, what is all this about, and why, suddenly a **** who is exactly like you but has a bad personality?"

Looking at the picture in Tony's hands, Peter was silent for a while, then shook his head and recalled: "Actually, I don't know what happened, Mr. Stark, I only vaguely remember that at first I really I hunted down a guy named Kaitou Kid, and he said he wanted to give me a present, and then he became what he is now."

"Phantom Thief Kid?!"

[Famous from Tony Stark +200]

Hearing the name from Peter's mouth, Tony couldn't help but blurt it out. Tony was naturally very impressed with this name. He still remembered the provocation of the thief at the beginning, but after the incident in Afghanistan, Tony's focus began to gradually increase. Deviating from the career of superheroes, coupled with more and more frequent Avengers actions, he gradually forgot about this strange thief who had briefly fought with him.

Here, Tony was surprised because the name of the phantom thief appeared from Peter's mouth, and the clone on the other side also cooperated and shouted in unison.

"Why, does your foundation also know about the phantom thief Kidd?"

Noticing the avatar's reaction, Tony asked quite politely.

"This is a dangerous guy. He has appeared at the site of the containment many times, and grabbed the containment before the Foundation. At present, according to the Foundation's speculation, there are no less than dozens of containment items on Kidd's body. Even the members of the tactical team dedicated to fighting the containment do not have the confidence to subdue it.”

The remarks of the clone reminded Tony of the yellow ape who had appeared on the Upper New York Bay [Flying Dutchman] before, and the name Bucciarati that he had mentioned in the newsletter. If his memory is not wrong, when he was fighting with Obadiah Iron Overlord, Bugarati appeared and mentioned something about the phantom thief.

It seems that at that time, Bugarati should be carrying out containment work for the Foundation.

"Unfortunately, I didn't expect that the thief Kidd would be involved. It seems that the containment work will become troublesome this time."

While holding his hair and making a distressed expression, [Uncle Long] turned his head and asked Peter: "By the way, boy, do you remember what kind of containment the phantom thief used to turn you into what you are now? Is it?"

Although, as the initiator of everything, Li Ran has a clear grasp of the entire process. However, in order to show his identity as a containment expert of the scp Foundation, he still had to make inquiries while pretending to be confused.


"It's also a kind of weird item. As long as you see or come into contact with anything you find strange, you can say it."

"If it's strange." Faced with the question of the clone, Peter made a thoughtful expression and thought: "Kid the thief seems to have threw a stone-like object to me, and it split in half as soon as it got into my hand. Then my body became two me."

"A stone-like item?"

The clues Peter gave were very so that Tony, who heard it, couldn't help but continue to ask: "What kind of stone does it look like, child, do you remember?"

"It seems to be an octagonal stone with a strange pattern printed on one side." Peter's contact with the [Tiger Charm] was quite short, and almost the moment he caught it, it turned into two under the effect of the charm. , so I didn't see the appearance of the spell at all, and could only rely on vague memory to describe it.

"Octagonal stone? Strange pattern printed on one side!"

At this time, it was time for the avatar to perform. I saw him making a murmuring expression while listening to Peter's description of the analog quantity, and then he suddenly changed his face and blurted out: "Unlucky, unlucky. , Unlucky, wouldn't it be so unlucky to let me encounter a spell-type containment!"


Noticing the bait thrown by the clone [Uncle Long], Tony thought of taking a bite to save face and took advantage of the situation to ask.

"Can you tell me what this is?"

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