Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 309: Transform form

Latest URL: "You can fly?!"

He raised his brows and looked at Jin Bing who flew in front of him.

The huge body of the other party made him recall the scene when he faced the Obadiah Iron Overlord.

Not only are they similar in shape, but even their hairstyles are surprisingly consistent. Of course, what is more consistent is that neither of them is a good person.

"I've said it long ago, Tony Stark."

Controlling his huge body and stopping in front of Tony, Jin looked at Tony, who was wrapped in a steel battle suit, with red light flashing in his eyes: "Don't compare me to those mass-produced 'pacifists', "While speaking, Jin raised his arm, and the pitch-black muzzle stretched out from his palm, aiming at the Iron Man in front of him: "Now, experience the true power of the 'pacifist'."


As Jin Bing's voice fell, from the muzzle in his palm, a dazzling yellow laser shot out instantly, bursting with hot energy and hitting Tony on the opposite side.


He raised his arm to make a blue-colored cluster cannon and turned it into a protective shield in front of him. The power generated by the laser in Jin and palm made Tony, who had nowhere to borrow in mid-air, move back a few meters out of thin air.

Looking down, looking at the collapsed protective shield on the arm and the charred armor shell, Tony's expression suddenly became a bit dignified.

In order to increase the defense of the new suit, he deliberately chose vibranium, the hardest metal known on the earth as a component of the important parts of the suit. It's not that Tony didn't want to make all of them into suits. Manufacturing is after all a compact mechanical vehicle, and some of its parts must be fully folded and flexible. If the vibration metal is used as the main body, although it is impeccable in terms of defense, it will obviously be in terms of flexibility and portability. become greatly discounted.

Such a result was naturally not what Tony wanted.

Moreover, as a rare metal resource, the acquisition of vibration gold is not just something that can be obtained with money.

At present, most of the vibranium on the market that Tony knows comes from a small African country called the country Wakanda.

Wakanda has enacted laws that stipulate the use of vibranium as a strategic resource, and only a small amount of vibranium is sold to the outside world.

Therefore, apart from the part of the vibration gold that can be obtained on the market, it is not that easy even if Tony wants to obtain a large amount of vibration gold.

Although it is impossible to completely use vibrating gold to create a pair of steel battle suits, the outer shell of this battle suit on Tony also chooses a sturdy and lightweight aerospace metal. In theory, even in an extremely high temperature explosion environment, it can last time for activities.

But I don't want to, now, just taking a laser ray from Jin Bing, there will be damage.

"Sir, the destructive power generated by the opponent's laser has exceeded the defensive limit of the Mark43 shell. That is to say, the power of the laser can fully destroy the suit and hurt you."

"I've seen that about that."

In the ear, Jarvis's analysis obviously corroborates this.

"Since you can't defend, you can only take the initiative to attack."

The previous two simple collisions have shown that, as Jin Bing said, the power obtained from his transformation and the so-called 'pacifist' robots below are completely two orders of magnitude.

If Tony is as lighthearted as before, the end of the previous remote control suit may be his next end.

Therefore, concentrating, Tony looked at Jin Ning, who was controlling a huge body in the air in front of him, and said solemnly: "His destructive power is amazing, but I believe that such a transformation is not without weaknesses, especially if you want to control such a huge body. It is absolutely impossible for the opponent to move too fast."

Since this time, Tony has made a lot of steel armor to pave the way for the next plan.

So think clearly, the heavier the robot, the more restrictions there are on the speed of flight and action.

After all, speed and weight are, in and of themselves, an antagonistic relationship.

Sometimes, in order to be able to move faster, Tony must also limit the weight of the armor to a certain extent.

This is one of the reasons why Tony didn't use vibrating gold to create a full-body battle armor, and also why he re-developed armored vehicles like the 'Anti-Nine Serenity Armor' on the basis of the battle clothes.

Blazing flames spewed out from the palm of his hand and from his feet, and under the strong driving force, Tony flew behind Jin Ning like a red lightning in an instant.

Sensing the trajectory of Tony's movement, Jin Bian instinctively turned his head and opened his mouth to condense the laser to defend.

However, by the time he turned his head to the back, Tony had already re-circled and flew to the opposite side of Jinbing under Jarvis' reminder.

Looking at Jin Ning, whose head was still on his back, the light inside the new arc reactor on Tony's chest was shining brightly.

"Next, it's time for me to let you **** power."


The blue and white huge shock wave beam was launched from Tony's chest, and almost all of them fell on Jin Ning's body.


The violent impact was already under the weight of the huge body, and the gold in mid-air smashed to the ground like a huge meteorite, and the ground shattered in an instant to form a dense spider pattern that spread, and the splashed gravel was even more so. Like scattered cannonballs flying everywhere.


Ignoring that the flying rubble still fell on his head, Luke Cage reached out and patted the small rubble on his head, then looked at the huge pothole that Jinhe smashed and said, "It's always It feels like we're not in the same battle with them."

In fact, Luke Cage was aware of this when he fought side by side with A Xing before.

Compared to the other members of the Defenders, Ah Xing's combat power is obviously far beyond their level.

A lot of times, before it's too late, Ah Xing has already dealt with the 'pacifist' on the opposite side.

In fact, this is why when assigning tasks before, Steve directly arranged for Axing to act alone.

The positioning of Ah Xing who performed "Tathagata's Palm" in the Defenders League is similar to the Hulk or Sol in the Avengers, a proper high-end combat power.

"Actually, it's not your illusion."

Cooperating with a dark green steel battle suit beside him, he removed the arm of a 'pacifist' robot, Jessica raised the huge metal arm in one hand, raised her eyebrows and said, "You stand there instead of there. Lamenting this, it is better to focus a little more on fighting these 'pacifists'."

With the cooperation of the defenders and Steve, the entire battle with the 'pacifist' robot gradually showed a one-sided trend.

A large number of 'pacifists' fell under the combined attack of Tony's Steel Armored Corps and the defenders. Judging from the current situation, holding on for a while may solve these problems that have been a headache for the defenders for a period of time. Robot army.

"It seems that I am still stronger."

With his palm down, he controlled himself to slowly levitate to the sky above the huge pothole that Jin and smashed.

Tony looked down at Jin Ping in the pothole, raised his eyebrows and said mockingly, "It seems that you are not much different from those mass-produced 'pacifists'."

Although he unceremoniously displayed his poisonous tongue, under the helmet, Tony's face did not show the slightest slack.

He knew very well that although the Mark43's wave beam was powerful, it was not enough to solve the gold tie with one shot.

Especially when the other party is a special mutant that is different from the general 'pacifist' robot.

Sure enough, Tony's voice just fell.

Several dazzling yellow laser rays shot out from the pothole.

Controlling the steel suit room to avoid these lasers, even if he had already been vigilant and prepared in advance, in the face of this sudden attack, Tony in the steel suit was subconsciously sweating.

Extending his arms to get up from the huge crater, Jin and controlled his head to return to the frontal position.

Because of the violent impact, the face on Jin Bing's face was shattered, and what was revealed under the peeling human mask was a machine face full of mechanical details.

The silver-white mechanical gears under the mask turned, and Jin Bian moved his red-emitting mechanical eyeballs, and said in a more mechanical voice that was destroyed by the battle: "Tony Stark, the reason why you dare to say such a thing is because You don't even know the power of the 'pacifist' specially transformed by the doctor. In the eyes of others and even in the past, Tony Stark who made the steel suit may be recognized as a genius, but all of this is in my eyes After coming into contact with the Doctor, it completely changed. Compared with the wisdom of the Doctor, Tony Stark, your so-called genius is just a self-righteous existence. Toys that can be made easily.”

"Tony Stark, feel the Doctor's masterpiece, the true power of the 'pacifist'."

As Jin Bing's voice fell, his body began to change shape in coordination, and a large number of granulation buds began to wriggle from his body and arms. At the same time, flesh and blood reappeared on Jin Bing's face, covering his exposed mechanical structure at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning back to his previous human face again.

"Biochemical robot?"

In front of him, flesh and blood combined with the shape of machinery.

Let Tony instantly recall Ivan Vanke and the army of biochemical robots he made.

However, it is also the combination of the body and the machine, and the situation of Jin Bing is obviously a little more special.

[Dr. Vega Punk] As a genius doctor in "One Piece", he is known as a scientist who has surpassed human wisdom for 500 years. It is a very special character card in itself. As a research-type B-level character card, [Dr. Vega Punk] is not worth mentioning in comparison with other B-level cards in terms of combat power.

Even if you are fighting, putting the [Dr. Vega Punk] card in the C-rank character card may not be able to win.

However, the skill [Research] it possesses has fully filled the lack of combat effectiveness of this character card. If you have to compare, the situation of the card [Dr. Vega Punk] is actually similar to the situation of [Xie Lu], except that the ability of one card is [Research] and the other one is on the [Superior Level] Point teacher] above.

Through the technology in the [Robocop Design Drawings] obtained before, Li Ran used the powerful [Research] ability of [Dr. Vega Punk], and abruptly researched the results from the gold with only one head left, Combined with the powerful self-healing power of vampires, the second form of the 'pacifist' Jin and was transformed, the vampire men.

In this form, Jin Bian also has the amazing speed and self-healing ability of a vampire under the premise of having the powerful destructive power of a 'pacifist'.

"I feel it, the breath of a vampire."

At the moment Jinbian transformed his form, Matt's ripples were induced, and he felt the evil power belonging to vampires again from Jinbian's body. And compared with the original, the power of Jin Bing in the ripples has obviously become a bit stronger. This kind of power is the kind that Matt, who is a ripple practitioner, has no confidence to defeat.

In fact, the impact on the heart of Steve and the defenders who saw the changes in Jin and Steve was obviously greater than that of Matt who used the ripples to feel.

"Sure enough, the body of a vampire is more suitable for me."

He twitched the corner of his mouth to reveal a stiff smile, and in the state of the biochemical robot, Jin Bing's original expressionless appearance was also lifted. He twisted his to feel the flexibility that this body does not have at all in the state of 'pacifist', and the smile on his face obviously spread a little.

He opened his mouth, revealing the sharp teeth in his mouth that also turned into vampires. Jin looked up at Tony, who was still above him, and his eyes that were still mechanical flashed red again. When he opened his palm, his sharp fingers instantly turned into sharp ones. 's metal fingertips: "This time, I want to see whether it is your speed or my speed."

Saying that, the flame jets covered in flesh and blood reappeared from Jinbian's calf. At the same time, Jinbian slightly bent his knees, and the muscles covering the mechanical legs instantly generated powerful force.


The power of the vampire combined with the impetus of the flame jet made Jin Bian burst into an astonishing speed, and instantly threw himself in front of Tony in mid-air with agility that was completely opposite to the huge size.

"Give me, go..."

Looking at Tony who couldn't even react in front of him, Jin Bing opened the corner of his mouth and made a hideous expression. The next moment, he waved his palm with sharp metal fingertips and grabbed it fiercely towards Tony.

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