Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 311: Doctor's debut

Latest URL: "No, you still have weaknesses."

Here, Tony is shocked by the level of technology shown by Kim and beyond his knowledge.

On the other side, Matt, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up, transmitting the power of the ripples in his body to his feet, stepping heavily, and the next second his figure rushed in front of Jin Bing. He waved his arm and used himself as a medium, and the power of controlling the ripples burst into Jin Nian's huge body in an instant.

"As long as you are still using the power of vampires, the ripples are your weakness!"

As Matt's fist with ripple power hit his body, the vampire power in Jin Bing's body suddenly erupted violently like water in a frying pan.

The originally regenerated flesh and blood peeled off again, and turned into large chunks of coke that fell from Jin Bing's body. After a while, his originally recovered face once again turned into the miserable appearance before, even the eyes that had been regenerated. Dissolved again and turned to ashes.

"Damn, Daredevil, I should have killed you long ago!"

Jin Ning, who was transformed into a 'pacifist' robot, felt pain, but he could clearly feel that under the damage of Matt's ripple power, the ability of the side belonging to the biochemical vampire was rapidly declining. Almost in the blink of an eye, the damage Jin Nian received was almost more than the damage caused by Tony using the anti-[Holy Lord] armor before.

Turning his head, Jin Pei looked at Matt in front of him with his only remaining mechanical eyes, and the red light in his eyes was particularly dazzling.

With his mechanical mouth open, a large amount of coked flesh and blood fell from Jin Bing's face with the opening of his chin. Along with the electronic noise coming from his body, Jin Bian stretched out his arms that only had a metal skeleton. , and straightly grabbed Matt, who was constantly attacking in front of him.

The moment Jinpian moved his arm to attack, Matt's super senses had already noticed the opponent's attack.

However, the speed of Jin and attack was obviously more than twice as fast as Matt expected.

Even if he loses the power of vampires, Jin is not without the power to fight back. As a 'pacifist', the power of transforming robots far exceeds Matt's reaction.

Although the ripple power allows Matt to easily damage Jin and the use of vampire power, and cause serious damage to him. However, the effect of Jin Bing's transformation power that belongs to the 'pacifist' is obviously greatly reduced, or there is no harm at all.

To put it simply, the ripple power belongs to a very serious supernatural power.

For vampires, the damage that ripples can cause is almost as much as missiles, or even any other extraordinary power, and it can even be said to be even worse.

However, for other existences, the damage that ripples can cause shows a downward trend.

Joseph Joestar, or Li Ran, who taught Matt the power of ripples, knew this feature of ripples clearly from the very beginning.

This situation is a congenital defect of ripple, no, it should be said to be a characteristic.

Unless the physique of those who cultivate ripples can reach the ultimate creature like [Kaz], or even if the power of ripples is cultivated to the extreme, at most, they will only sunburn the body of ordinary people.

Seeing, Jin and huge metal claws are about to fall on Matt's body.

If this is true, even Matt, who is Daredevil, can survive or not.

After all, even if he has two extraordinary powers, super senses and ripple power, Matt is actually just an ordinary person in essence.

In terms of physical strength, not to mention the invulnerable Luke Cage, even Jessica is a little stronger than him.


In the nick of time, Steve inserted his shield into it, raising his shield to worry about Jin's heavy attack.

Jinbian's sharp metal claws slid across Steve's shield, scraping out a lot of sparks, but it didn't cause even the slightest damage to the shield.

Although the Jin and the body who were transformed into a 'pacifist' were tough, there was a significant difference between the weapon made of special vibration gold on the side of Steve's hand.


"Captain, dodge!"

Seeing that Steve successfully rescued Matt from Jin Bing's hands, under the steel suit wrapped in layers, Tony's face showed a hint of relief, but in the next moment he regained his serious look again. Without hesitation, he reminded the heroic rescue of Captain America.

As Avengers teammates who have acted many times, Steve and Tony cooperate directly and tacitly.

The moment he heard the reminder, without any hesitation, Steve turned around with a direct shield and threw Matt behind him to the ground.

Just the next second after the two fell, the blue energy of the anti-[Holy Master] armor condensed again, and the thick cluster gun was launched, rubbing Steve's back and falling on Jin Ning's body. .

"Sir, the anti-[Holy Lord] armor energy is less than 20%."

Launching two powerful big moves in a row is obviously a huge consumption even for the anti-[Holy Lord] armor with abundant energy.

Inside the armor, Tony listened to Jarvis' reminder, but his eyes were fixed on the end of the launch of the cluster gun.

"Cough cough~"

"Tony, maybe next time you launch such an attack, you can remind yourself a little earlier."

Although he avoided the damage of the cluster cannon, he felt the power of this attack at such a close distance, and even Steve was somewhat afraid. If his reaction was so slow just now, maybe Jin Bing was not the only one who was hit by this cluster cannon now.

"You still have a shield, Captain."

In the face of Steve's complaints, Tony replied.

"And, I believe you should be able to escape."

Although the power of the cluster gun is huge, the vibranium shield in the hands of Captain America is not vegetarian.

Tony once studied Steve's shield under the name of a mission, and concluded that unless special means are used to change the internal molecular structure in the shield, even if Hulk faces this shield for 24 hours Constant hammering, there is no way to damage even a trace of it.

To put it simply, as far as Tony's current technology level is concerned, it is still impossible to develop an attack that can destroy Steve's shield.

"I'm also glad I escaped."

He talked back and forth with Tony.

But in fact, both Tony and Steve's attention has always been on Jin Ning, who was hit by the cluster gun.

After a few seconds, the smoke cleared.

What was revealed was Jin Bing's almost disintegrating body.


Seeing this scene, Tony finally let go of his heart.

It seems that this time, Jin Bing's super regenerative ability belonging to vampires did not appear again.

"Looks like your approach really worked."

Taking his eyes back from the huge hole in Jin Bing's chest, Tony couldn't help but say something to Matt who was beside him.

"Ripple power is originally a power that specializes in restraining vampires."

With the help of the super senses amplified by the ripples, he felt the vampire power that almost disappeared on Jin Bing's body, and Matt replied in a deep voice.

"Is it finally over?"

Together with Luke Cage, he unloaded the head of the last 'pacifist' robot. Frank gasped heavily, looked down at the wound on his body that was bleeding again due to frequent fighting, and swept over Jin weakly. Concurrently.

"This **** fight, I don't want to do it again."

As an ordinary person participating in the battle with the 'pacifist', even a determined and well-trained punisher would feel somewhat exhausted, not only physically but also mentally.

"Danny, we finally avenged you."

I don't know how many 'pacifist' laser rays have been received, Luke Cage's invulnerable body is covered with dense scars, and the serious ones can see the bright red flesh under the skin. With the support of Jessica, he staggered to his feet, looked at Jin Ning lying on the ground, his fists clenched and loosened, and said silently in his heart: "I hope you can rest in peace after knowing this news. "

nourish, nourish—

Hell's Kitchen, a battlefield full of mechanical wreckage.

Just when both the Avengers and the Defenders thought the battle was finally over.

On the ground, Jin Bian's extinguished eyes suddenly flickered, and a faint red light lit up again.

" think... the doctor is just... a... a little... ready?"

From the broken machinery, there was a golden and intermittent electronic sound.

With the faint and noisy electronic sound of Jinbian, a large amount of silver-white metal liquid emerged from the wreckage of a large number of 'pacifist' robots on the ground. A silver humanoid metallic liquid.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Frank...】

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

"Nanobot technology?!"

Looking at the strange human figure in front of them, Steve and the others were shocked by the way and appearance of their appearance, but Tony was shocked by the scientific research technology implied by the appearance of the other party.

"To be precise, it should be a liquid nano-metal robot."

Faced with Tony's murmured guess, the silver humanoid metal responded indifferently with its mouth open and closed, and then the liquid metal on its body began to run in the eyes of Tony and the others, transforming into Stevie. The appearance of his husband, and then one by one, he changed into the appearance of Tony and the defenders.

"The liquid metal robot T-1000 is a special type of robot specially developed by me. Every drop of liquid metal in the T-1000 is its CPU. These CPUs can work in a decentralized manner, and also have the ability to self-assemble and cooperate with each other. It can be said that the T-1000 can be regarded as its "thinking" process whether it is deformed, moved or combated."

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Daredevil...]


"Me? You're the doctor in Jin Bing's mouth!"

The scene of the liquid metal robot transforming into the appearance of Steve and others while imitating their voice introduction made the faces of several superheroes change greatly. While shocked, Tony keenly noticed the other party's description from the other party's introduction.

"No, I'm just a second hand left by the Doctor."

After showing the powerful deformation ability of the liquid metal robot, it turned back to the silver-white metal appearance. Facing Tony's question, the robot answered without any cover, and at the same time twisted the part of its suspected neck and swept 360 degrees. Everything around finally stopped on Jin Ning, who was standing aside.

"It looks like the plan has failed."

"Also, since I have already been activated, it naturally means that there is a problem with the plan."


Hearing the self-talking words of the liquid metal robot, Steve restrained his shock and asked solemnly, "Tell me, what is the purpose of bringing these 'pacifists' to New York with Dior already? what?"

"You are Steve."

Turning the blurred face of the liquid metal robot to Steve, the silver-white face floated for a while and then transformed into a strange and handsome pale face in a flash.


[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

Seeing the changed face of the liquid metal robot, the expression on Steve's face changed subconsciously.

Successfully used Steve's impression of Dior to gain a reputation. On the surface, Li Ran continued to control the liquid metal robot to play the role of a ruthless robot: "The plan is to find the reincarnation of Penglai Immortal."

"The reincarnation of Immortal Penglai?"

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]


"...With the death of the immortal turtle, the seal of Penglai is destined to have problems, and in order to avoid this, they will have to look for the reincarnation of the previous generation of immortals, so Jiuyou arranged for the doctor and Dior to come to New York, ahead of schedule. Kill the immortal's reincarnation."

The news revealed by the liquid metal machine is a blockbuster for both Steve Tony of the Avengers and the Defenders.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. also knows the news about the reincarnation of the immortals, but out of confidentiality, it has not been disclosed to other members of the Among them, Captain America Steve is naturally included. .

"It turns out that Ah Xing's purpose in coming to New York is to find the reincarnation of the immortal in Penglai."

At the same time, with the words of the liquid metal machine, Jessica finally knew that A Xing had been covering up her purpose of returning to New York.

"If the so-called immortal reincarnation belongs to Jiuyou's plan, why did you reveal it so openly?"

Everyone was shocked by the news of the immortal and the reincarnation, but Frank began to frown, and the expression on his face became solemn.

"Of course it's because..."

Hearing Frank's reminder, everyone again reacted and realized that things were not simple.

In addition to facing the Punisher, there seems to be a vague expression of a suspected smile on the blurred metal face of the liquid metal machine: "According to the doctor's arrangement, those of you who sabotaged his plan are doomed from the beginning. won't survive."

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