It seems that I took it for granted.

The popularity given by Frank was less than Li Ran expected.

This made Li Ran realize that even if they are the same superheroes, the legends that different heroes can bring are not the same. There may be differences in the influence of the hero's own social status, but Li Ran thinks it has more to do with the superhero's own character.

After all, the contrast is with Tony, who has not yet encountered setbacks and transformed into the real Iron Man.

Frank, the "punisher" who was a retired captain in the U.S. military and suffered drastic changes, is no longer easily shaken by his character or experience.

The word "heart ashes" may not be accurate, but it can be used to describe Frank's inner world to some extent.

A person who is full of revenge thoughts and has even forgotten his life and death a long time ago would not easily have too many psychological fluctuations, and naturally he would not be able to bring too much fame to Li Ran.

Simply, the failure of a plan did not dampen Li Ran's confidence too much.

What's more, compared to the early days of the previous system, when he had only one or two legendary and tragic results, even if the benefits of this meeting with Frank were not as good as expected, at least it was much better than in the past.

Be normal, don't be too ambitious, after all, big dogs like Tony Stark are only a few.

After comforting himself a little, Li Ran immediately turned his attention to the next target.

In hand, the third edition of the future famous 'Bug Black' Bugle Daily, is reporting a novelty about Manhattan's Harlem, reporting that several gang members claim to have seen the end of the black edition The other party is invulnerable to swords and guns, and at the same time does not wear clothes.


Manhattan, Harlem.

The famous slum in New York is also the largest black gathering area in the United States. In recent years, with the inflow of Mexican Latino immigrants, the internal contradictions in Harlem have been exacerbated. At the same time, racial conflicts, gang scuffles, drugs, drugs, Crime and poverty continue to plague the area.

"Hey, the yellow-skinned dwarf in front, this is not a place for you to come!"

Near the Harlem River, a few wandering blacks noticed a figure in a red undershirt passing by at the intersection on the opposite side, and immediately sneered.

The figure stopped, looked at the idle black people gathered in twos and threes not far away, and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

"It's not you, are there other yellow-skinned shorties here?" Facing the question, a thin black man grinned and showed his huge gap between his teeth, made a discriminatory gesture provocatively, and laughed back. road.


In this regard, the black companions around him all cooperated and laughed.

"It's fine." Seeing this, the figure shrugged, then shook his head and walked towards them.

"What, do you want to have an in-depth communication with us?" Looking at the figures that were constantly approaching in front of them, instead of showing any signs of worry, the black people became more and more arrogant.

"Hey, little dwarf, if you don't want to get hurt, just get out of here." Among the black people, a bald head with a naked upper body and a body of black light and shiny muscles stood up to block the figure's path: "Otherwise, next, But it can't be over in a few words."

"Please, Martin, don't spoil the fun, things are just starting to get interesting, we haven't had enough yet~"

"That's right, Martin, can't you just stop doing this all the time?"

Seeing this scene, several people standing behind the black bald-headed Martin suddenly sighed in disappointment.

"Don't waste time, we'll go to the Rattlesnakes later..."

Turning his head and explaining to his accomplice behind him, it wasn't because of his good intentions to stop him, he just didn't want to waste time.

"So, boy, you're lucky..."

Turning back, Martin looked at the figure that was only nowhere near his chest. He opened his mouth and before he could say anything, he felt a huge force hit his chest, and his whole body flew straight up.



The whole situation, Martin, who is the client, may not have reacted yet, but standing behind him, a few black accomplices can clearly see the development of the whole thing.

They clearly saw that the yellow-skinned dwarf who was standing opposite Martin and was ridiculed by several people just lifted his foot slightly. Martin, who weighed more than two hundred pounds, flew like a fluffy balloon.


With the sound of a heavy landing, the remaining black people seemed to have come to their senses. They turned to look at Martin, who fell to the ground and vomited blood. They quickly took out a knife and a pistol from their pockets and aimed them at the man in the red shirt in front of them.

Facing the threat in front of him, the man's face did not change at all.



Immediately afterwards, after a brief shooting followed by the sound of fists and feet, several black people who had an arrogant attitude seemed to fall to the ground.

Only the skinny black man who was provocative before stood there, watching all the wailing companions who were lying down around him, swallowed his saliva and threatened: "Don't come here... We are the men of the rattlesnake, you Go ask, there is no one in the whole of Harlem who dares not give face to the rattlesnake..."

"Did you bring any money with you?" The man in the red shirt suddenly asked after interrupting the other party's threat.

"Yes, yes!"

Although he didn't know why the other party suddenly asked this question, he nodded quickly and took out the money from his pocket.

"Only twenty-five dollars."

Handing the remaining cash on his body into the hands of the man in the red shirt, watching the other party openly put it into his pocket, the black man couldn't help but blurt out, "Does this count as a robbery?" In the past, it was always them Relying on the name of the rattlesnake to rob others, it was the first time someone dared to rob them and beat them so badly.

"Forget it," he nodded and admitted without hesitation. The man in the red shirt glanced at the few people lying around, and then at the thin black man in front of him: "Remember, don't insult anyone casually in the future."

After educating a few people casually, the man in the red shirt turned around and left in his previous direction.

As the man left, Martin, who was lying on the ground, struggled to get up,

"Martin, are you okay?" Noticing the movement behind him, the thin black man quickly turned around and struggled to help Martin on the ground.

"Call and tell the rattlesnake that we were attacked."

Reluctantly stood up from the ground, Martin felt the sharp pain in his chest, looked at the direction the man was leaving, gritted his teeth and said to his accomplice who was supporting him.

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