Although, Tony made a reminder as soon as he noticed the situation.

But it's still a bit late.

When his voice fell, Mr. Fantastic Reed's outstretched arm was directly entwined with the arm floating in Dalxi on the opposite side.

However, when two beings with the same flexibility and strength were confronted, the expression on Mr. Fantastic Reed's face changed at the first time.

He felt a powerful force coming from above Darcy's curved arm.

Although the abilities are similar, there is still a certain degree of disparity. Although Reed, who has been mutated by the radiation of space cosmic storms, is far more flexible than Darcy, who has changed his body muscles through yoga, but in terms of strength, it is just the opposite. The master of fighting, Dalxi is far superior to Mr. Fantastic Reed, who was just an ordinary person before the mutation, in terms of strength and attacking moves.

The moment the two of them entangled their arms, Darcy stirred his mouth, forming a fiery flame that wrapped around his arms.


There was a painful wailing from his mouth. Although Reed, who had mutated his body, could ignore most physical attacks, his resistance to attacks such as flames was still not high. Even though the skin of the mutated body is already very tough to a certain extent, it still produces a severe burning sensation under the high temperature of Darcy's flame.

At the same time, with the burning of the flames, Reed found that the elasticity of his body, especially the arm under attack, began to weaken.

"high temperature."

Noticing this situation, Reed gritted his teeth and said something. At the same time, he pulled out his other arm with difficulty and grabbed the shield in mid-air. The enormous force from the shield pulled Reed's arm back a long distance, but eventually stopped his castration.

"team leader!"

Grabbing the shield, without any hesitation, Reed threw it where Steve was.


Turning over, Steve caught the shield thrown by Mr. Fantastic, took a breath, and rushed directly to the position of A Xing on the other side.

Send the shield to Captain America, and the situation on Reed's side is getting worse.

After obtaining the ability, Mr. Fantastic often conducts research on his ability, and comes to the conclusion that his body flexibility is not static, and his thoughts are easily affected by temperature, that is to say, whether it is high temperature or low temperature, it can affect his ability. Ability to affect or even attenuate.


Hearing the sound of pain from his friend, the expression on the Stone Man Ben's face suddenly turned aside. He looked at Dalxi floating in the air and the arms that were wrapped in flames and wrapped in flames. Without any hesitation, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. He threw the piano at hand in the direction of Darcy.


Under Ben's huge force, the entire piano was smashed into the so-called position of Dalsi like a cannonball.

Looking at the flying piano, the expression on Dalxi's face did not change in any way. He puffed out his cheeks, and a hot flame emerged from his mouth again, and instantly fell on the piano.

Under the fierce high temperature, the huge and heavy piano was surrounded by raging flames without falling on Dalxi.

The flame spewing out of Dalxi's mouth was not an ordinary fire, but the power of Agni, the **** of fire, so its implied power was even stronger, and it formed a terrifying flame almost as soon as it was stained with the piano.


Seeing that, the piano thrown by the stone man was about to turn into coke under the flames in Dalxi's mouth.

With a loud crash, the piano wrapped in flames in front of Dalxi shattered, and then a golden figure entangled in flames flew out instantly, ruthlessly caught off guard. His fist smashed into him.

In a sudden situation, he was hit by the attack of the figure carrying a huge impact force, and even Darcy couldn't make an evasive action at the first time.

An exaggerated scale appeared on the thin body. Dalxi, who was floating in mid-air, loosened the arms wrapped around him and Reed, and the whole body flew out like a cannonball, landing on the wall and smashing a deep mark.

"Looks like I'm here just in time."

He controlled the flames on his body to fall, revealing Johnny's decadent face, watching the scorched black scene of the entire floor being burned by the flames, he couldn't bear: "If I hadn't known the scene of the guy breathing fire just now, I would still I thought all this was done by me."

As an existence that also uses flames as his ability, Johnny is not very interested in Dalxihe, whose abilities are similar to his own.

The arrival of the Fantastic Four trio succeeded in giving the Avengers a chance to breathe.

Especially the appearance of Human Torch Johnny, his ability to control himself instantly swept away the flames that filled the entire floor.

Losing the threat of the flames, the Avengers who were originally separated once again have a clear position.

"Very dramatic development..."

Flip the body and do a jumping somersault to avoid Axing's Tathagata Palm, and avoid Steve's attack.

Dio turned his body upside down, his feet firmly planted in the middle of the floor, and turned his scarlet eyes to look at the crowd gathered again in front of him.

"The Avengers plus the Fantastic Four and Penglai's helpers seem to be quite a headache indeed."

"After waking up after a long time, I didn't expect you, Steve, to still gather a large number of helpers by your side, just like in the past..."

"However, it doesn't matter. No matter how hard you work, the final victory still belongs to Jiuyou."

With his feet on the floor, Dior crossed his arms and walked a few steps freely, grinning his mouth and showing a meaningful smile on his face: "Also, do you really think that as Jiuyou's One member, is Mr. Dalce's strength only a little bit?"


Hearing Dio's words, the faces of the Avengers suddenly changed.

They looked in the direction that Dalxi had been knocked off by Johnny before, and immediately saw that Dalxi, who had fallen to the ground, had his feet on the ground and his entire body stood up so slowly without any support.

Standing up, Dalxi closed his palms again and looked at the Avengers in front of him. The sad expression on his thin face deepened a bit.

"Everything in the world is like a dream bubble, why are you still struggling in this miserable world, since you are so obsessed and still addicted to this dream world, then only rely on me to get rid of you as soon as possible, please worldly suffering..."

Following Dalxi's words, a large number of flames began to entangle from his body. These flames were like long snakes surrounding his skinny body, endlessly.

"Bei Huan, I'm not afraid of you guy."

Looking at the flames wrapped around Darcy, the other Avengers may also be wary.

However, Johnny stepped forward directly. He raised his hands, and a scorching high temperature in the body immediately emerged on the surface of the body, forming a raging fire. Surrounded by these raging fires, the entire body of the Torch formed a golden high-temperature figure.

Controlling the flames of his body, without any hesitation, Johnny rushed over to the position where Darcy was standing.

"I'm in a very bad mood during this time, so you fell into the knife's edge."

Controlling the flames on his body formed a powerful driving force. Johnny's figure left a long flame mark on the floor of the floor, and he rushed to Darcy in an instant, raising his fist wrapped in flames. He smashed down on the skinny figure in front of him.


Raising his palm, he easily grabbed Johnny's waving fist, ignoring the Human Torch fist and the burning flame in his hand, Darcy looked up at Johnny's golden face wrapped in flames, and said in a compassionate tone. : "I can feel the huge pain in your body, this pain is mixed with remorse, sadness and anger..."

In the previous sentence, Dalxi's tone was full of compassion, and in the next moment, an indifferent and heartless words followed from his mouth.

"However, all of this will pass, because you will soon be completely free from this world of misery, the source of all sorrow and pain, this world."

Following Dalxi's voice, the flames wrapped around him also wrapped around Johnny in front of him.

"It's useless, my ability is..."

In the face of these flames that wrapped around his body, Johnny didn't care about the expression on his face at first, but soon he found something wrong.

Since he awakened his ability, the flames have done no harm to him, and even in Mr. Fantastic Reed's experimental test, he did not feel any discomfort when he was exposed to hundreds of thousands of high temperatures, however. At this moment, under the wrapping of the flames on Darcy's body, Johnny once again felt a scorching hot feeling burned by the flames.

"How is it possible, this flame, why?!"

Feeling the scorching heat outside his body, Johnny's originally confident expression was shaken.

"The flame power I cast comes from the great Vulcan Agni, the flame that belongs to the gods, and its power far exceeds the flame on you."

As a B-rank character card, the ability of [Darxi] is not outstanding, the only special thing is the ability of the strange yoga flame he masters. According to the introduction of the system, the flame power on Dalxi comes from Agni, the **** of fire. Li Ran found through experiments that this is a very special flame power, although this flame itself is not prominent in the "Street Fighter" series. But in fact, it is indeed a very domineering and dangerous force.

Li Ran even suspected that it was because of the power that [Dalxi] possessed from Agni, the **** of fire, that he was systematically rated as a character in the B-level character card.

In fact, it was just as Li Ran had guessed.

Under the flame power of Darcy, Johnny, who was also controlling the flame, obviously felt a huge pressure.

"Far more than my flame!"

However, although the strength of his body was suppressed by Dalxi, when he heard his description, the reckless side of Johnny's character was immediately aroused.

Feeling the hotter and hotter from his body, Johnny no longer hesitated, and began to control the flames in his body to keep burning: "Don't think that you can beat me by relying on that little flame on your body, in fact , I haven't even tried my best yet."

"Johnny, calm down!"

Noticing Johnny's unusual behavior and the rapidly heating flames on his body, Dalxi, who was fighting with him, had not done anything yet, and the expression on Reed's face, who was standing in the Avengers, had a bad change first. He grabbed his burnt arm from the fight with Darcy before, and hurriedly shouted to the Avengers beside him: "Quick, we must stop Johnny from continuing to heat up, he can't control the temperature of his body to rise and fall freely, If he is allowed to continue to burn, it is very likely that a supernova explosion of 500,000 degrees Celsius will be formed. At that time, not only the weirdness in front of the Indian monk, but also the entire Avengers Building and even us are very likely to explode in this explosion. turned into ashes."

"If he does produce an explosion of more than half a million or more, there is no possibility that we will even be reduced to ashes."

Hearing Reed's description, the expressions on the faces of the Avengers suddenly changed.

The situation in front of them was beyond everyone's belief. They did not expect that the fatal threat was not from Dior's side, but from their own side.

"Listen to what you mean, you need to stop that guy who keeps burning like a torch."

Although he knew little about the situation described by Reed, Sol also sensed the danger emerging from Johnny, and waving Thor's hammer in his hand, he was about to make a move to stop it.

But didn't wait for Sol to react. Opposite Johnny, Darcy, who felt the threat, reacted quickly.

Turning his head, Darcy's neck continued to elongate like a giraffe, and finally formed a violent headbutt and slammed into Johnny in front of him.

【Yoga Hammer】

Under the flame wrapping on his body, Johnny ignored many attack threats, and even bullets could not penetrate his body. The flame melted into molten iron at the moment of contact. However, in the face of Darcy's seemingly ordinary but powerful headbutt, the high temperature flames on Johnny's body could not play a defensive role at all, because the opponent was not afraid of the flames on his body at all.

Therefore, the moment the attack fell, Johnny lost his consciousness as soon as his head dropped.

This is because he himself is a mutant, and his physical resistance is far beyond that of ordinary people. If ordinary people are hit by such a blow, even if they don't die, they will suffer severe concussion damage.

With the disappearance of consciousness, the flame on Johnny's body immediately went out as if it had lost the medium.

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